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Central Bedfordshire, Bedfordshire Borough Council and Luton Borough Council logo

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Name:MOAT, The Creakers
HER No.:818
Type of Record:Monument


Curvilinear enclosure recorded round the western side of Creakers Farm, the whole complex set within an outer rectangular enclosure

Grid Reference:TL 106 530
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Full Description

A curvilinear enclosure recorded round the western side of Creakers Farm, the whole complex set within an outer rectangular enclosure. Much of the earthwork remains had been levelled by the mid 1970s. The outer enclosure may have been a medieval defensive work but the purpose of the inner earthworks is unclear. A manor on the site was recorded in 1428 as held by Stephen Crevequer, which is the derivation of the modern name - Crevequer/"Creaker". The present house is 18th century. Roman pottery has been found nearby (HER11292).

The Creakers, is not outstanding. The exterior is of stucco over timber framing. The occupier has found foundations on the SW side of the house of a former extension. The 'V' shaped earthwork shown on the OS 25" to the W of the house has been largely destroyed, leaving only a length of external bank, c 1.5m high, from TL 10535308 to TL 1051 5304. The dry ditch, formerly c 2.3m deep, was filled in c 1974. The contiguous ponds and banks shown to the S and E of the work were destroyed before c 1972. Their erratic shape is not in sympathy with the main work, and their purpose is obscure.

Protected Status: None recorded

Monument Type(s):

  • BUILDING (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • MANOR HOUSE (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • MOAT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)

Associated Finds: None recorded

Associated Events: None recorded