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HER Number:440


Pipe Hall Hotel. Public house, later hotel, now nightclub. Circa 1810. Stuccoed brick with ashlar dressings; parapeted roof and brick stacks. Double-depth plan. 2 storeys; 4-window range.

Monument Type(s):

  • HOUSE (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
  • PUBLIC HOUSE (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
Local Authority:Wolverhampton
Grid Reference:SO 9506 9638
Map:Show location on Streetmap
Designation:Listed Building (II) 1280402: TOP CATS NIGHT SPOT


Regency. Later alterations. Engraved stucco; 2 storeys; 4 sash windows with channelled lintels. Central bay has sunk round-headed panel, the windows in architraves; plain pilasters at sides, with moulded caps. Former Roman Doric doorcase now replaced by modern brick porch. (1)

Shown on OS map as Pipe Hall Hotel. Public house, later hotel, now nightclub. Circa 1810. Stuccoed brick with ashlar dressings; parapeted roof and brick stacks. Double-depth plan. 2 storeys; 4-window range. Truncated coped gable and parapeted returns; angle pilasters. Window has rusticated wedge lintels over 12-pane sashes, but ground floor windows are boarded; central 1st floor windows flank niche with open pediment, all in elliptical-headed recess; entrance has late C20 porch. Returns similar. INTERIOR not inspected but may retain features of interest. (2)

'Sir Richard Pype was Lord Mayor of London in 20 Elizabeth, from whom is descended Samuel Pype, now owner of a capital messuage &c in this town...This old mansion is still, or was lately, visible in the remains of a half- timbered house, situated at the extremity of the town towards Wolverhampton.' regular series of the name begins at Bilston in 20 Richard II (C14). Lords of manor of Bradley. Details of Pipe family descent. (3)

Identified as one of 15 customary tenements of Bilston which in 1699 was occupied by Samuel Pipe, called Hume's Tenement. Described by Lawley as a half-timbered house situate in Hall Fold, near the Angel Inn, from whence the place derived its name. Present Pipe Hall was built in last century (C18) by last of Pipe family resident here. (4)

Known by older residents as the Pipe Hall, nearby is Pipe's Meadow. The locally known 'Orchard' was prob part of the family property. There is a tablet in the Carousel Inn near the Post Office in Hall St commemorating Sir Richard Pipe, this hotel bldg being 'Pipe Hall'. (5)

'Pipe Hall' marked on detailed map of 1850. (6)

A map of Bilston from 1832 does not show Pipe Hall although it shows other major buildings in Bilston such as churches and indicates a terrace of properties lining the area to the north of the site. (7)

A building is shown in this area on Timmin's map fo 1839 (8) and on the Tithe Map of 1845 (9).

<1> DoE, 1977, Untitled Source (DoE Statutory List). SBL5691.

<2> Dept. of the Environment, 1992, List of buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest - Wolverhampton (DoE Statutory List). SBL6926.

<3> Shaw, Stebbing, 1801, The History and Antiquities of Staffordshire, 2 (Bibliographic reference). SBL5321.

<4> Lawley G T, 1893, History of Bilston (Bibliographic reference). SBL5137.

<5> Cope Tom, Bilston Enamels of the 18th century, 10 (Bibliographic reference). SBL5064.

<6> Marten H, 1850, Bilston Improvement Act 1850: detail plan of the town (Map). SBL6979.

<7> Howl Associates, 2012, Pipe Hall, Bilston: Combined design and access and heritage impact assessment (Bibliographic reference). SBL7574.

<8> Timmis R, 1839, Plan of Township of Bilston (Map). SBL6101.

<9> 1845, Bilston Tithe Map (Map). SBL6882.

Sources and Further Reading

[1]SBL5691 - DoE Statutory List: DoE. 1977.
[2]SBL6926 - DoE Statutory List: Dept. of the Environment. 1992. List of buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest - Wolverhampton. Black Country SMR.
[3]SBL5321 - Bibliographic reference: Shaw, Stebbing. 1801. The History and Antiquities of Staffordshire. Vol 2, Part 1. 2.
[4]SBL5137 - Bibliographic reference: Lawley G T. 1893. History of Bilston.
[5]SBL5064 - Bibliographic reference: Cope Tom. Bilston Enamels of the 18th century. 10.
[6]SBL6979 - Map: Marten H. 1850. Bilston Improvement Act 1850: detail plan of the town.
[7]SBL7574 - Bibliographic reference: Howl Associates. 2012. Pipe Hall, Bilston: Combined design and access and heritage impact assessment.
[8]SBL6101 - Map: Timmis R. 1839. Plan of Township of Bilston.
[9]SBL6882 - Map: 1845. Bilston Tithe Map. 1:4752 (6 chains: 1 inch).