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CHER Number:MCB29799
Type of record:Monument
Name:Iron Age to Roman enclosures, Buckworth

Summary - not yet available

Grid Reference:TL 151 757
Parish:Buckworth, Huntingdonshire, Cambridgeshire

Monument Type(s):

Protected Status:

  • SHINE: Iron Age to Roman enclosures, Buckworth

Full description

1. An Iron Age/Roman rectangular enclosure is visible as a cropmark on air photographs, at TL 1518 7577. The feature shows evidence of having been recut. The enclosure measures approximately 78m in width and has an entrance centrally located on the northeastern side.

2. The Iron Age and/or Roman rectangular enclosure described above is also recorded as cropmarks on EH Reconnaissance aerial photographs taken in July 2011. It probably indicates the site of settlement. It may be part of a complex of enclosures to the west,

<1> English Heritage, NMR 20913/21 10-JUL-2009 (Aerial Photograph). SCB65950.

<2> English Heritage, NMR 27150_030 11-JULY-2011 (Aerial Photograph). SCB65951.

<2> English Heritage, NMR 27150_034-043 11-JULY-2011 (Aerial Photograph). SCB65949.

Sources and further reading

<1>Aerial Photograph: English Heritage. NMR 20913/21 10-JUL-2009.
<2>Aerial Photograph: English Heritage. NMR 27150_034-043 11-JULY-2011.
<2>Aerial Photograph: English Heritage. NMR 27150_030 11-JULY-2011.