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CHER Number:MCB29801
Type of record:Monument
Name:Iron Age to Roman enclosures, Buckworth

Summary - not yet available

Grid Reference:TL 150 753
Parish:Buckworth, Huntingdonshire, Cambridgeshire

Monument Type(s):

Protected Status:

  • SHINE: Iron Age to Roman enclosures, Buckworth

Full description

1.Parts of possible Iron Age and/or Roman ditched enclosures are recorded as cropmarks on EH Reconnaissance aerial photographs taken in July 2011. A possible rectilinear enclosure measures about 25 metres by 25 metres but is not wholly visible. There is part of a curvilinear enclosure just to the north. They are centred at TL 1501 7517

2. Features appear to include a series of small rectilinear enclosures close to the field boundary extending northeast for at least 250m with larger enclosures present as cropmarks to the north. A possible ring ditch is visible c NGR 5150 2752

<1> English Heritage, NMR 27150_043-044 11-JULY-2011 (Aerial Photograph). SCB65952.

<2> Historic England, 2022, Historic England Aerial Photograph Explorer (Website). SCB74356.

Sources and further reading

<1>Aerial Photograph: English Heritage. NMR 27150_043-044 11-JULY-2011.
<2>Website: Historic England. 2022. Historic England Aerial Photograph Explorer. https://historicengland.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=2626ed0c37484d96b8954dd33187084e.