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HER Number:30696
Name:BOSIGRAN - Iron Age settlement, Romano British settlement


A courtyard house settlement within a contemporary radial field system to the west of Bosigran.

Grid Reference:SW 4226 3708
Parish:Zennor, Penwith, Cornwall
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Protected Status: None recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • Cornwall SURVEY NAME (temporary): NT 94457 - 94461
  • National Mapping Programme (Morph No.): 290.23
  • OS No. (OS Quarter-sheet and OS No.): SW43NW 8
  • Primary Record No. (1985-2009): 30696
  • SMR No. (OS Quarter-sheet and SMR No.): SW43NW 61

Monument Type(s):

Full description

A courtyard house settlement is sited to the west of Bosigran on almost level land, within a contemporary radial field system, at 106m above sea level. The settlement consists of four quite widely separated courtyard houses and an alleged round house. The settlement is recorded in 1937 by Hirst, who describes two courtyard houses, two hut circles and hut circle fragments, field terraces and possible fortifications (b3). The settlement is marked on the OS map of 1963 (b4) and was surveyed at 1:2500 by the OS in 1961 (h1); it was revisited in 1975 and was recorded as unchanged (h2). Russell in 1971 lists the extant remains of courtyard houses, hut circles and hut fragments, and an associated field system (b5). The settlement is described by Pool and Weatherhill in 1979 (b6) and in Weatherhill's survey in 1982 (b7), and appears on NMR air photos of 1979 (p1) and CAU air photos of 1988 (p2). Three of the four courtyard houses were planned at 1:200 by CCRA and the NT in 1982 (h4, b8-b10)) and they were also surveyed at 1:1250 within their field system. It was suggested by Herring in 1987 that the wide spacing between these houses may suggest that others once existed (h5, b11). The settlement was plotted by the NMP in 1997.

Site history:
1: 1961. PITCHER, GH / OS
2: 1975. QUINNELL, NV / OS
4: 1982. NDJ ET AL / CCRA, NT
5: 1986. HERRING, PC / CAU

<1> Hirst, FC, 19--, Archaeological Notes on West Penwith (Unpublished document). SCO3593.

NMR, 1979, SW4237/7/470-472 (Photographic Record). SCO16583.

<2> UNKNOWN, 1937, UNKNOWN TITLE, APPENDIX (Article in Journal). SCO7286.

CAU, 1988, F15/117-121 (Photographic Record). SCO17159.

<3> Hirst, FC, 1937, Courtyard House Sites in West Cornwall, 84N, 97 (Bibliographic reference). SCO3594.

<4> Ordnance Survey, 1970s, 1:10,000 OS Map (Cartographic materials). SCO4045.

<5> Russell, V, 1971, West Penwith Survey, 54 (Bibliographic reference). SCO4314.

<6> Pool, PAS & Weatherhill, C, 1979, A Report to the National Trust: Iron Age Sites at Bosigran (Bibliographic reference). SCO5141.

<7> Weatherhill, C, 1982, Courtyard Houses of West Penwith. A Survey, 22-24 (Bibliographic reference). SCO5029.

<8> Cornwall Archaeological Unit, Field Drawing (GRE), GRE 212, 26, 30 (Cartographic materials). SCO5089.

<9> Cornwall Archaeological Unit, 198-, Drawing Archive, Hanging (GRH), GRH 683, SW 4236 NW, 4236SW; 68249-11 (Cartographic materials). SCO5088.

<10> CAU, 1984, Field Survey Context Card, 253 (Bibliographic reference). SCO5175.

<11> Herring, PC, 1987, Bosigran, Zennor, 102-108 (Bibliographic reference). SCO3569.

Sources / Further Reading

[p1]SCO16583 - Photographic Record: NMR. 1979. SW4237/7/470-472. ABP.
[1]SCO3593 - Unpublished document: Hirst, FC. 19--. Archaeological Notes on West Penwith. MS At Wayside Museum, Zennor.
[p2]SCO17159 - Photographic Record: CAU. 1988. F15/117-121. ABP.
[2]SCO7286 - Article in Journal: UNKNOWN. 1937. UNKNOWN TITLE. Proceedings of the West Cornwall Field Club. APPENDIX.
[3]SCO3594 - Bibliographic reference: Hirst, FC. 1937. Courtyard House Sites in West Cornwall. Journal British Archaeological Association. 84N, 97.
[4]SCO4045 - Cartographic materials: Ordnance Survey. 1970s. 1:10,000 OS Map.
[5]SCO4314 - Bibliographic reference: Russell, V. 1971. West Penwith Survey. 54.
[6]SCO5141 - Bibliographic reference: Pool, PAS & Weatherhill, C. 1979. A Report to the National Trust: Iron Age Sites at Bosigran.
[7]SCO5029 - Bibliographic reference: Weatherhill, C. 1982. Courtyard Houses of West Penwith. A Survey. MS At CAU. 22-24.
[8]SCO5089 - Cartographic materials: Cornwall Archaeological Unit. Field Drawing (GRE). GRE 212, 26, 30.
[9]SCO5088 - Cartographic materials: Cornwall Archaeological Unit. 198-. Drawing Archive, Hanging (GRH). GRH 683, SW 4236 NW, 4236SW; 68249-11.
[10]SCO5175 - Bibliographic reference: CAU. 1984. Field Survey Context Card. At CAU. 253.
[11]SCO3569 - Bibliographic reference: Herring, PC. 1987. Bosigran, Zennor. Copy At CAU. 102-108.

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • ECO6105 - Ancient Penwith Site Assessment Form
  • ECO6165 - Ancient Penwith: an archaeological assessment of sites in West Penwith for the PLP (Ref: 2016R069)

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