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HER Number:26555.10
Name:TEHIDY - Medieval house, Medieval manor


Tehidy Chest Hospital is marked as the 'Site of a Manor House' on recent map editions; it was owned by the Bassett family continuously from the C12 to the C20.

Grid Reference:SW 6470 4340
Parish:Illogan, Kerrier, Cornwall
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Protected Status: None recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • National Monuments Record: SW 64 SW 11
  • National Record of the Historic Environment to Historic Environment Records data transfer
  • National Record of the Historic Environment: 426206
  • OS No. (OS Quarter-sheet and OS No.): SW64SW 11
  • Primary Record No. (1985-2009): 26555.10
  • SHINE Candidate (Yes)
  • SMR No. (OS Quarter-sheet and SMR No.): SW64SW 11

Monument Type(s):

Full description

Tehidy Chest Hospital is marked as the 'Site of a Manor House' on recent map editions. Henderson recorded that it was owned by the Bassett family continuously from the C12 to the C20. Henderson says that in 1330, William Basset had licence to crenellate his mansion of Tehidy (b2). The listing documents record that the house was sacked in 1493 and was rebuilt (b1). The remains of the medieval house were demolished between 1736-40 to make way for a Georgian house, the present Hospital building.

The house was severely damaged by fire in 1919, being partly rebuilt in 1922. Digitised multi-period features of house using Second Edition OS mapping for pre-fire construction, and Modern OS mapping and Listing polygon for the post-fire extensions (b4).

MINISTRY OF TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING, 1949, LIST 941, 11 A, 9 (Unedited Source). SCO7429.

Henderson, C, 1955-60, Ecclesiastical Antiquities of the 109 parishes of West Cornwall & Ecclesiastical History of the 4 Western Hundreds, (NS) VOL 1, 2, 225 (Article in Journal). SCO3499.

Thomas, AC, 1967, Christian Antiquities of Camborne, 16 (Bibliographic reference). SCO4601.

Smelt, M., 2006, 101 Cornish Lives (Booklet). SCO27660.

Sources / Further Reading

[b1]SCO7429 - Unedited Source: MINISTRY OF TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING. 1949. LIST 941. 11 A, 9.
[b2]SCO3499 - Article in Journal: Henderson, C. 1955-60. Ecclesiastical Antiquities of the 109 parishes of West Cornwall & Ecclesiastical History of the 4 Western Hundreds. JRIC (NS) Vol 2 (part 3 & 4) Vol 3 (part2 &4). (NS) VOL 1, 2, 225.
[b3]SCO4601 - Bibliographic reference: Thomas, AC. 1967. Christian Antiquities of Camborne. 16.
[b4]SCO27660 - Booklet: Smelt, M.. 2006. 101 Cornish Lives.

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • ECO3533 - Tehidy Country Park, Illogan: Assessment, 2011

Related records

26555Part of: TEHIDY - Early Medieval settlement, Medieval manor, Medieval settlement (Monument)