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HER Number:81
Name:BINHAMY - Medieval fortified house


The remains of a moated manor house, traditionally ascribed to Sir Ranulph Blanchminster, who died in 1338.

Grid Reference:SS 2192 0575
Parish:Bude Stratton, North Cornwall, Cornwall
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Protected Status

  • Scheduled Monument CO847: Binhamy moat 500yds (460m) W of Binhamy Farm

Other References/Statuses

  • Heritage at Risk (National)
  • National Mapping Programme (Morph No.): 2010.38.1
  • OS No. (OS Quarter-sheet and OS No.): SS20NW 10
  • Primary Record No. (1985-2009): 81
  • SMR No. (OS Quarter-sheet and SMR No.): SS20NW 7

Monument Type(s):

Full description

Binhamy is first recorded in 1335, when the name is spelt "Biename" (b10), a corruption of 'bien-aime' ( French for well-loved). The site comprises the remains of a moated manor house traditionally ascribed to Sir Ranulph Blanchminster, who died in 1338. In 1438, William of Worcester notes "Binhamy Castle of Sir J Colshill, Knight, standing" , but c1600 Norden annotated his map of Stratton Hundred, "Bynnamy, house ruined ". The moat is currently (2003) in fairly good condition, being 2.2m deep, with a small fragmentary inner bank up to 3m wide and 0.3m high. The moat is crossed by two causeways, that on the southern side appears to be modern but the northern one seems to be original. Banks of upcast surround the moat on three sides; to the east they are 8.0m wide and 0.4m high; on the south and west they have been re-utilized as field banks. The interior of the site, 60m N-S by 50m E-W "is a confusion of amorphous mounds, hollows and some fragmentary walling". The site, once an orchard, is now thickly overgrown with scrub and brambles.
Metal finds from the vicinity (101) suggest that this site may have Roman origins (b3, b8).
The site is visible on air photographs, and was plotted as part of the NMP.

Site history:
1: 1977. OS

JAT, JAT FILM 3 13 (Aerial Photograph). SCO21343.

JAT, JAT FILM 3 14 (Aerial Photograph). SCO21334.

JAT, JAT FILM 3 15 (Aerial Photograph). SCO21341.

South West Archaeology Ltd, 2017, Binhamy Moated Site (Report). SCO28392.

South West Archaeology Ltd, 2017, Binhamy Moated Site (Report). SCO28393.

South West Archaeology Ltd, 2017, Binhamy Moated Site (Report). SCO28394.

South West Archaeology Ltd, 2017, Camping Site Lanveans, Cleavelands, Bude (Report). SCO28395.

JAT, 1---, C'WALL FILM3,14,15 (Photographic Record). SCO9286.

<1> Gilbert, CS, 1820, An Historical and Topographical Survey of the County of Cornwall, 546 (Bibliographic reference). SCO3360.

<2> Henderson, C, 1925, The Cornish Church Guide, 182 (Bibliographic reference). SCO3512.

OS, 1989, 89/380/024-5 (Photographic Record). SCO18025.

<3> Polsue, J (Editor), 1867-72, Lake's Parochial History of Cornwall, VOL 4, 195 (Bibliographic reference). SCO4139.

<4> Hitchins, F & Drew, S (Eds), 1824, The History of Cornwall, VOL 2, 625 (Bibliographic reference). SCO3595.

<5> Page, W (Editor), 1906, Victoria History of the County of Cornwall, VOL I, 470 (Bibliographic reference). SCO4068.

<6> Lysons, D & S, 1814, Magna Britannia, VOL 3, CORNWALL, 296 (Bibliographic reference). SCO3885.

<7> UNKNOWN, 1852, UNKNOWN TITLE, 20 (Unedited Source). SCO6078.

<8> Hitchins, F & Drew, S (Eds), 1824, The History of Cornwall, VOL 1, 375 (Bibliographic reference). SCO3595.

<9> Pounds, N, 1937, The Medieval Castle in Cornwall, NO 104, 31 (Article in Serial). SCO4152.

<10> Gover, JEB, 1948, Place-Names of Cornwall, 27 (Bibliographic reference). SCO3402.


<12> Harvey, JH (Ed), 1969, Itineraries of William Worcestre, 21 (Bibliographic reference). SCO3467.

Sources / Further Reading

---SCO21334 - Aerial Photograph: JAT. JAT FILM 3 14. SS 2190 0580.
---SCO21341 - Aerial Photograph: JAT. JAT FILM 3 15. SS 2190 0580.
---SCO21343 - Aerial Photograph: JAT. JAT FILM 3 13. SS 2190 0580.
---SCO28392 - Report: South West Archaeology Ltd. 2017. Binhamy Moated Site. Devon and Cornwall.
---SCO28393 - Report: South West Archaeology Ltd. 2017. Binhamy Moated Site. Devon and Cornwall.
---SCO28394 - Report: South West Archaeology Ltd. 2017. Binhamy Moated Site. Devon and Cornwall.
---SCO28395 - Report: South West Archaeology Ltd. 2017. Camping Site Lanveans, Cleavelands, Bude. Devon and Cornwall.
[1]SCO3360 - Bibliographic reference: Gilbert, CS. 1820. An Historical and Topographical Survey of the County of Cornwall. 546.
[p1]SCO9286 - Photographic Record: JAT. 1---. C'WALL FILM3,14,15.
[p2]SCO18025 - Photographic Record: OS. 1989. 89/380/024-5. AB.
[2]SCO3512 - Bibliographic reference: Henderson, C. 1925. The Cornish Church Guide. 182.
[3]SCO4139 - Bibliographic reference: Polsue, J (Editor). 1867-72. Lake's Parochial History of Cornwall. VOL 4, 195.
[4]SCO3595 - Bibliographic reference: Hitchins, F & Drew, S (Eds). 1824. The History of Cornwall. VOL 2, 625.
[5]SCO4068 - Bibliographic reference: Page, W (Editor). 1906. Victoria History of the County of Cornwall. VOL I, 470.
[6]SCO3885 - Bibliographic reference: Lysons, D & S. 1814. Magna Britannia. VOL 3, CORNWALL, 296.
[7]SCO6078 - Unedited Source: UNKNOWN. 1852. UNKNOWN TITLE. RRIC. 20.
[8]SCO3595 - Bibliographic reference: Hitchins, F & Drew, S (Eds). 1824. The History of Cornwall. VOL 1, 375.
[9]SCO4152 - Article in Serial: Pounds, N. 1937. The Medieval Castle in Cornwall. Annual report of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society. 104. NO 104, 31.
[10]SCO3402 - Bibliographic reference: Gover, JEB. 1948. Place-Names of Cornwall. 27.
[12]SCO3467 - Bibliographic reference: Harvey, JH (Ed). 1969. Itineraries of William Worcestre. 21.

Associated Finds

  • FCO3719 - COIN (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • FCO2770 - MEDAL (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)

Associated Events

  • ECO4996 - Binhamy Moated Site (Ref: 160421)
  • ECO4995 - Binhamy Moated Site (Ref: 161215)
  • ECO4998 - Camping Site Lanveans, Cleavelands, Bude

Related records: none recorded