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HER Number:33247.08
Name:BOSIGRAN - Post Medieval reservoir


A small sub-rectangular pond in the south east corner of the field immediately west of the stamping mill was probably used for storing water for use on the dressing floors (33247.04).

Grid Reference:SW 4298 3713
Parish:Zennor, Penwith, Cornwall
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Protected Status: None recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • Cornwall SURVEY NAME (temporary): NT 94498, CCRA 271
  • Primary Record No. (1985-2009): 33247.08

Monument Type(s):

  • RESERVOIR (19th Century - 1801 AD to 1900 AD)

Full description

A small sub-rectangular pond in the south east corner of the field immediately west of the stamping mill (33247) is recorded 1st Edition 1:2500 OS map of 1876 (b2) and was probably used for storing water for use on the dressing floors (33247.04). It was planned at 1:1250 by CCRA/NT in 1982 (h1, b3-5) and was visited by Herring in 1986 (h2, b6). The pond is 12.0m by 8.0m, 0.8m deep. It was fed by a culvert from a drainage system based on the church way (33250) immediately to the south (b6).

Site history:
1: 1982. NDJ ET AL / CCRA, NT
2: 1986. HERRING, PC / CAU

<1> Spargo, T, 1865, The Mines of Cornwall (Bibliographic reference). SCO4470.

<2> Noall, C, 1982, St Ives Mining District, 107 (Bibliographic reference). SCO3994.

<3> Cornwall Archaeological Unit, Field Drawing (GRE), GRE 2118 (Cartographic materials). SCO5089.

<4> Cornwall Archaeological Unit, 198-, Drawing Archive, Hanging (GRH), GRH 683, SW 4237 SE (Cartographic materials). SCO5088.

<5> CAU, 1984, Field Survey Context Card, 271 (Bibliographic reference). SCO5175.

<7> Herring, PC, 1987, Bosigran, Zennor, 146 (Bibliographic reference). SCO3569.

Sources / Further Reading

[1]SCO4470 - Bibliographic reference: Spargo, T. 1865. The Mines of Cornwall.
[2]SCO3994 - Bibliographic reference: Noall, C. 1982. St Ives Mining District. 107.
[3]SCO5089 - Cartographic materials: Cornwall Archaeological Unit. Field Drawing (GRE). GRE 2118.
[4]SCO5088 - Cartographic materials: Cornwall Archaeological Unit. 198-. Drawing Archive, Hanging (GRH). GRH 683, SW 4237 SE.
[5]SCO5175 - Bibliographic reference: CAU. 1984. Field Survey Context Card. At CAU. 271.
[7]SCO3569 - Bibliographic reference: Herring, PC. 1987. Bosigran, Zennor. Copy At CAU. 146.

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events: none recorded

Related records

33247Part of: BOSIGRAN - Undated stamping mill (Monument)