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HER Number:738.10
Name:SMALLHILL - Bronze Age barrow


The site of a ditched bell barrow excavated by Dudley in 1960.

Grid Reference:SX 1763 9412
Parish:Otterham, North Cornwall, Cornwall
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Protected Status: None recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • OS No. (OS Quarter-sheet and OS No.): SX19SE 4
  • Primary Record No. (1985-2009): 738.10
  • SMR No. (OS Quarter-sheet and SMR No.): SX19SE 2

Monument Type(s):

  • BARROW (Bronze Age - 2500 BC to 801 BC)

Full description

This ditched bell barrow was excavated in 1960 by Dorothy Dudley, in advance of road widening. Basically, it consisted of a single internment in a central pit, covered by a complex mound. The internment had been robbed; the pit it had been in was cut through an old ground surface. Over it was a mound of alternate layers of yellow sand and small stones, encircled by a ring of stake holes. A floor of flat stones surrounded the mound. Over the mound a large cairn of local stone had been built covered in turn by layers of grass sods, coarse soil and turves, retained by a fence with widely spaced posts. The top most layer consisted of subsoil from the ditch plus more stone (b1). Finds included fragments of cremated bone, charcoal and a piece of flint (in association with the central mound), 3 whetstones, a cupped pebble, and 27 worked flints (b1). Pollen analysis of material from the barrow suggested a pattern of decreasing woodland cover during the Bronze Age, hazel becoming the dominant woodland tree. No evidence was found for cultivation in the vicinity (b2, b3). There are now no remains of the barrow. When visited by the OS, its site was occupied by waste ground. Originally Scheduled (no 580), this barrow has since been de-scheduled.

Site history:
2: 1976. OS

Dimbleby, GW, 1963, Pollen Analysis from Two Cornish Barrows (JRIC, NS, Vol IV, 1963) (Article in Serial). SCO708.

<1> DUDLEY, D, 1961, UNKNOWN TITLE, (NS) VOL 4, 62-80 (Unedited Source). SCO7815.

<2> Caseldine, CJ, 1980, Environmental Change in Cornwall During the Last 13000 Years, 11 (Article in Journal). SCO3054.

Sources / Further Reading

---SCO708 - Article in Serial: Dimbleby, GW. 1963. Pollen Analysis from Two Cornish Barrows (JRIC, NS, Vol IV, 1963).
[1]SCO7815 - Unedited Source: DUDLEY, D. 1961. UNKNOWN TITLE. JRIC. (NS) VOL 4, 62-80.
[2]SCO3054 - Article in Journal: Caseldine, CJ. 1980. Environmental Change in Cornwall During the Last 13000 Years. Cornish Archaeology. 19. 2-16. 11.

Associated Finds

  • FCO664 - CUPPED PEBBLE (Bronze Age - 2500 BC to 801 BC)
  • FCO4009 - HUMAN REMAINS (Bronze Age - 2500 BC to 801 BC)
  • FCO4007 - PLANT REMAINS (Bronze Age - 2500 BC to 801 BC)
  • FCO662 - UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT (Bronze Age - 2500 BC to 801 BC)
  • FCO663 - UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT (Bronze Age - 2500 BC to 801 BC)
  • FCO4008 - WHETSTONE (Bronze Age - 2500 BC to 801 BC)
  • FCO8568 - FLAKE (Early Bronze Age to Middle Bronze Age - 2200 BC to 1501 BC)
  • FCO8570 - WHETSTONE (Early Bronze Age to Middle Bronze Age - 2200 BC to 1501 BC)
  • FCO8569 - WORKED OBJECT (Early Bronze Age to Middle Bronze Age - 2200 BC to 1501 BC)

Associated Events

  • ECO1315 - Otterham Barrow
  • ECO1316 - Otterham and Wilsey Barrow

Related records

738Part of: SMALLHILL - Bronze Age barrow cemetery (Monument)