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HER Number:30535
Name:BOSWARTHEN - Medieval cross


A cross standing at the roadside between Madron and Boswarthen.

Grid Reference:SW 4450 3253
Parish:Madron, Penwith, Cornwall
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Protected Status

  • Listed Building (II) 70422: CROSS AT SW 445325 NEAR ST MADERN'S WELL
  • Scheduled Monument CO334: Stone cross

Other References/Statuses

  • OS No. (OS Quarter-sheet and OS No.): SW43SW 75
  • Primary Record No. (1985-2009): 30535
  • SHINE Candidate (Yes)
  • SMR No. (OS Quarter-sheet and SMR No.): SW43SW 164

Monument Type(s):

  • CROSS (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)

Full description

The Tithe Map of 1840 shows the field-name 'Cross Downs' at Boswarthen (b1). Langdon describes a cross standing in situ at the roadside between Madron and Boswarthen, 1.0m high, width of head 0.6m, width of shaft 0.35m and diameter of base 1.1m. The cross has been broken across the shaft. The head is beaded and the front has an equal armed cross, the lower shaft of which narrows and is carried to the bottom of the stone. The back has a similar cross but with expanded limbs (b2). The cross is shown on the OS map of 1908 (b3) and is described by the MOW in 1950 when it was scheduled, as being set in a big stone base flush with the ground (h1, b4). The OS in 1960 surveyed the cross at 1:2500 (h2, p1), and it is shown on the OS map of 1963 (b6). It is recorded by Baird in 1960 (b5) and listed as extant by Russell in 1971 (b7). Sheppard in 1982 notes a raised cross on each face (h4, b10). The cross is marked on the OS map of 1981 (b9).

Site history:
1: 1950. UNKNOWN / MOW
2: 1960. QUINNELL, NV / OS
3: 1980. SHEPPARD, PA / DOE
4: 1982. SHEPPARD, PA / DOE

<1> Tithe Award, 1840-1, Madron, FIELD NO 775, CROSS DOWNS (Cartographic materials). SCO4812.

<2> Langdon, AG, 1896, Old Cornish Crosses, 115-116 (Bibliographic reference). SCO3820.

<3> Ordnance Survey, 1900s, 2nd Edition 6 Inch Map (Cartographic materials). SCO4051.

<4> MOW, 1950, AM 7 (Unedited Source). SCO7467.

<5> Baird, Major RD, & Lady White, 1961, Cornish Crosses, 592-593 (Unpublished document). SCO2767.

<6> Ordnance Survey, 1970s, 1:10,000 OS Map (Cartographic materials). SCO4045.

<7> Russell, V, 1971, West Penwith Survey, 87 (Bibliographic reference). SCO4314.

<8> Sheppard, PA (for DOE), 19--, Scheduled Monument Description (Bibliographic reference). SCO5181.

<9> Ordnance Survey, 1970s, 1:10,000 OS Map (Cartographic materials). SCO4045.

<10> Sheppard, PA (for DOE), 19--, Scheduled Monument Description (Bibliographic reference). SCO5181.

<11> Langdon, A, 1997, Stone Crosses in West Penwith, 49, NO 73 (Bibliographic reference). SCO3819.

Sources / Further Reading

[1]SCO4812 - Cartographic materials: Tithe Award. 1840-1. Madron. FIELD NO 775, CROSS DOWNS.
[2]SCO3820 - Bibliographic reference: Langdon, AG. 1896. Old Cornish Crosses. 115-116.
[3]SCO4051 - Cartographic materials: Ordnance Survey. 1900s. 2nd Edition 6 Inch Map.
[4]SCO7467 - Unedited Source: MOW. 1950. AM 7.
[5]SCO2767 - Unpublished document: Baird, Major RD, & Lady White. 1961. Cornish Crosses. MS At RIC. 592-593.
[6]SCO4045 - Cartographic materials: Ordnance Survey. 1970s. 1:10,000 OS Map.
[7]SCO4314 - Bibliographic reference: Russell, V. 1971. West Penwith Survey. 87.
[8]SCO5181 - Bibliographic reference: Sheppard, PA (for DOE). 19--. Scheduled Monument Description. HBMC / English Heritage.
[9]SCO4045 - Cartographic materials: Ordnance Survey. 1970s. 1:10,000 OS Map.
[10]SCO5181 - Bibliographic reference: Sheppard, PA (for DOE). 19--. Scheduled Monument Description. HBMC / English Heritage.
[11]SCO3819 - Bibliographic reference: Langdon, A. 1997. Stone Crosses in West Penwith. 49, NO 73.

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events: none recorded

Related records: none recorded