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HER Number:MDV103575
Name:Post-Medieval Garden, 61-65 Fore Street, Totnes


A considerable depth of soil built up in the vicarage garden in the post-medieval period which produced a most interesting and unusual range of local and imported pottery.


Grid Reference:SX 803 604
Map Sheet:SX86SW
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishTotnes
DistrictSouth Hams
Ecclesiastical ParishTOTNES

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses: none recorded

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • FINDSPOT (Early Medieval to Post Medieval - 1066 AD to 1750 AD)
  • GARDEN (XVI to Post Medieval - 1501 AD to 1750 AD)

Full description

Ordnance Survey, 1855-1895, First Edition 1:500 Town Map (Cartographic). SDV338879.

Map object also based on this source.

Davison, A. and Henderson, C.G., 1985, Excavations at Fore Street, Totnes, 1984-85, 62 (Article in Monograph). SDV340327.

In the 16th century a boundary wall with stone footings was built along the eastern side of the vicarage plot. This was subsequently rebuilt or repaired on a number of occasions before its demolition this century (19th). A considerable depth of soil built up in the vicarage garden in the post-medieval period which produced a most interesting and unusual range of local and imported pottery. Map object also based on this source.

Finds from 61-65 Fore Street, Totnes underlie the importance of Totnes' trading links. Coins and tokens from France and Germany were recovered, and other objects found include brass keys, buckles and pins, lead weights, and worked bone handles. A considerable depth of soil built up in the vicarage garden in the post-medieval period which produced a most interesting and unusual range of local and imported pottery. Map object also based on this source.

Ordnance Survey, 2013, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV350786.

Pink, F., 2014, Devon Extensive Urban Survey Project. Rapid Assessment of Archaeological Interventions (Report - non-specific). SDV357343.

An excavation was undertaken at 61-65 Fore Street, Totnes by the Exeter Museums Archaeological Field Unit in 1985.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV338879Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 1855-1895. First Edition 1:500 Town Map. First Edition 1:500 Town Map. Map (Digital).
SDV340327Article in Monograph: Davison, A. and Henderson, C.G.. 1985. Excavations at Fore Street, Totnes, 1984-85. Exeter Archaeology 1984/5. A4 Stapled + Digital. 62.
SDV350786Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2013. MasterMap. Ordnance Survey Digital Mapping. Digital. [Mapped feature: #63081 ]
SDV357343Report - non-specific: Pink, F.. 2014. Devon Extensive Urban Survey Project. Rapid Assessment of Archaeological Interventions. AC Archaeology Report. ACD473/1/1. Digital.

Associated Monuments

MDV103574Related to: Medieval Vicarage, 61-65 Fore Street, Totnes (Monument)

Associated Finds

  • FDV5286 -
  • FDV5287 -
  • FDV5285 - POT (Early Medieval to Post Medieval - 1066 AD to 1750 AD)

Associated Events

  • EDV6636 - Excavation, 61-65 Fore Street, Totnes

Date Last Edited:Dec 13 2024 4:17PM