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HER Number: | MDV103778 |
Name: | Roman Military Complex at North Tawton |
the Roman military complex around The Barton on the east bank of the River Taw is one of the most important sites in the Roman occupation of the south-west in the period AD50-75. The complex includes temproary camps, a large fort and a smaller base, the latter still standing as an earthwork. There are also a number of prehistoric features in the general area.
Grid Reference: | SS 661 002 |
Map Sheet: | SS60SE |
Admin Area | Devon |
Civil Parish | North Tawton |
Civil Parish | South Tawton |
District | West Devon |
Ecclesiastical Parish | NORTH TAWTON |
Ecclesiastical Parish | SAMPFORD COURTENAY |
Ecclesiastical Parish | SOUTH TAWTON |
Protected Status
Other References/Statuses
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- MILITARY SITE (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) + Sci.Date
Full description
Rivet, A. L. F. + Smith, C., 1979, The Place-Names of Roman Britain, 205, 254, 424-425 (Monograph). SDV274733.
The name Nemeto Statio is recorded in the British section of the Ravenna Cosmography, circa 700AD. It is identified as the fort at North Tawton. Nymet and Nemet place names survive in the area, from the Celtic word for sacred grove.
Griffith, F. M., 1983, Roman camp at The Barton (Site Visit). SDV274705.
Most of the western side of this camp has been removed or covered (since its discovery in 1975) by the construction of a series of very large barns or warehouses behind the barton. Foundation pits for one of these inspected but no dating evidence found. All hedges in the area of the camp have been removed and it is under a grass crop. Nothing visible.
Posford Duvivier Environment, 2001, North Tawton Flood Defence Scheme. Environmental Appraisal, 19 (Report - Assessment). SDV356540.
Cropmark and earthwork evidence of an important Roman military complex which includes two marching camps, two forts, a Roman road and many associated features. The site demonstrates the high archaeological potential of the area.
Todd, M., 2002, Roman Pottery from North Tawton (Un-published). SDV354818.
the Roman military complex at North Tawton is one of the most important sites in the Roman occupation of the south-west in the period AD50-75. The complex includes temproary camps, a large fort and a smaller base, the latter still standing as an earthwork.
Six pottery sherds were recovered by the writer from a shallow gully cut into the natural subsoil during examination of the water courses and field ditches following heavy rain and flooding in the autum of 2001. They comprised a bodysherd from an amphora probably of Spanish origin, tow sherds from a flagon probably dated to the first century AD, the rim of a jar in a dark grey, possibly Devon fabric and two sherds of first century Gaulish samian ware. [Exact locatation of gully unknown].
Passmore, A. J., 2003, Archaeological Recording During Gas Main Realignment South of Newland Mill, North Tawton (Report - Survey). SDV219497.
Passmore, A. J., 2005, A Roman Enclosure and Probable Roman Trackway at Newland Mill, North Tawton, 33-41 (Article in Serial). SDV344618.
Exeter Archaeology, 2005, Archaeological Recording on the Site of a Storm Water Storage Pond, The Barton, North Tawton, Devon (Report - Watching Brief). SDV337563.
GSB Prospection, 2006, Roman Marching Camp, North Tawton (Report - Geophysical Survey). SDV338954.
Gillard, M., 2009, The Barton, North Tawton, Devon: Results of Archaeological Excavations (Report - Excavation). SDV347928.
Excavation in advance of development comprising a warehouse extension and associated services and access road to the north of the existing commercial buildings showed that the archaeological remains on site had been truncated by ploughing. Nevertheless a number of pits and ditches were uncovered which radiocarbon dating and pottery suggest are early Roman in date. In particular the excavation confirmed the continuation of the western boundary ditch (ditch 164) of the Roman marching camp to the north. Radiocarbon dating is compatible with early Roman military occupation. The excavation also supports the possibility of a further military feature to the north-west (ditch 132) as suggested from aerial photographic evidence. A pair of cooking pits (120 and 220) were uncovered 65 metres to the west of ditch 164. The ceramic evidence from pit 120 is suggestive of an early, pre AD69 date. The radiocarbon dating of charcoal from 220 accords with this. The pits may have been related to but outside the marching camp or, alternatively, within an annexe or another camp of which ditch 132 was the northern boundary. A line of pits in the north-east of the excavated area lies within the known marching camp and are comparable to a line of pits excavated during previous investigations to the south. Plough damage and the lack of artefactual evidence from the pits renders conclusions regarding the function of the pits difficult. However, two sherds of Roman tile within the ploughsoil are suggestive of a structure on the site or nearby. Charcoal samples retrieved from Roman features contained a high percentage of wood that appeared to come from coppiced or managed woodland which has implications for the relationship between the Roman military, the landscape and its inhabitants during the early Roman period.
Gillard, M., 2009, The Barton, North Tawton, Devon: Results of Archaeological Excavations (Report - Excavation). SDV347928.
English Heritage, 2010, Air Photo Mapping (Aerial Photograph). SDV356702.
Stocker, S., 2010, Field Walk Report (Report - Survey). SDV348293.
Site visit 7th February 2010. Earthworks visible on ground coinciding with the location of the small fortlets within the larger double-ditched enclosure. Local ground conditions indicate that the forts were sited on higher and drier ground.
Stocker, S., 2010, Reconnaissance Field Walk, de Bathe Barton Farm (Report - Survey). SDV348292.
Site visit 28th December 2009. Low earthworks visible aligning on the east side of the fort located on the south side of the railway.
Robinson, S., 2010, The Barton, North Tawton, Devon. Results of an archaeological trench evaluation (Report - Evaluation). SDV365434.
An archaeological trench evaluation was undertaken within the scheduled area in support of a planning application for a new agricultural building, close to the railway.
The investigations comprised three trenches, 1.6m wide, totalling 40m in length. No archaeological features or artefacts were recorded in Trench 1 or 2. In Trench 3, only modern disturbance associated with the adjacent railway viaduct was encountered. No evidence for Romano British activity was found.
English Heritage, 2011, Heritage at Risk Register 2011: South West, 118 (Report - non-specific). SDV355280.
Roman forts, marching camps and associated monuments, North Tawton. Generally satisfactory but with significant localised problems. Declining. Principal vulnerability arable ploughing.
English Heritage, 2013, National Heritage List for England (National Heritage List for England). SDV350785.
Roman forts, marching camps and associated monuments. The monument includes a complex of large Roman military enclosures together with a series of smaller enclosures and ring-ditches in fields around The Barton on the east bank of the River Taw. The military enclosures have been identified as two forts and two marching camps. One fort, immediately south of the Okehampton-Crediton railway line, survives as low earthworks, the second is in cultivated fields north of the line and is visible as cropmarks. The marching camps, which lie further north apparently enclosing The Barton, are also visible as cropmarks. The southernmost fort is limited by a low bank 0.4m high and 10m wide enclosing an area of about 2ha. To the south and east traces of a bank are visible. To the west is an extension or annexe of about 1ha. Immediately north of the fort, aerial photography has revealed a Roman roadway running east-west. The extent of the northernmost fort has been determined by aerial photography and survey. It appears to comprise at least two constructional phases and may reach 8-10ha in area, confirming its identity as a vexillation fortress. Three of the ring ditches lie to the north of The Barton, the fourth lies further south, at the north western angle of the northernmost fort. Unusually, three of the four have double concentric ditches, the fourth has a single ditch. They are identified as prehistoric funerary features, although, in view of their proximity to the military complex and their unusual double layout, they may be Roman military works. Additional cropmarks between the northernmost fort and The Barton are identified as prehistoric enclosures and land boundaries.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV219497 | Report - Survey: Passmore, A. J.. 2003. Archaeological Recording During Gas Main Realignment South of Newland Mill, North Tawton. Exeter Archaeology Report. 03.25. A4 Stapled + Digital. |
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SDV274705 | Site Visit: Griffith, F. M.. 1983. Roman camp at The Barton. Slide. |
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SDV274733 | Monograph: Rivet, A. L. F. + Smith, C.. 1979. The Place-Names of Roman Britain. The Place-Names of Roman Britain. Unknown. 205, 254, 424-425. |
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SDV337563 | Report - Watching Brief: Exeter Archaeology. 2005. Archaeological Recording on the Site of a Storm Water Storage Pond, The Barton, North Tawton, Devon. Exeter Archaeology Report. 4956. A4 Stapled + Digital. |
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SDV338954 | Report - Geophysical Survey: GSB Prospection. 2006. Roman Marching Camp, North Tawton. GSB Prospection Report. A4 Stapled + Digital. |
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SDV344618 | Article in Serial: Passmore, A. J.. 2005. A Roman Enclosure and Probable Roman Trackway at Newland Mill, North Tawton. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 63. Paperback Volume. 33-41. |
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SDV347928 | Report - Excavation: Gillard, M.. 2009. The Barton, North Tawton, Devon: Results of Archaeological Excavations. Southwest Archaeology Report. 093005. A4 Comb Bound + Digital. |
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SDV348292 | Report - Survey: Stocker, S.. 2010. Reconnaissance Field Walk, de Bathe Barton Farm. Digital. |
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SDV348293 | Report - Survey: Stocker, S.. 2010. Field Walk Report. Digital. |
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SDV350785 | National Heritage List for England: English Heritage. 2013. National Heritage List for England. Historic Houses Register. Digital. [Mapped feature: #63273 ] |
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SDV354818 | Un-published: Todd, M.. 2002. Roman Pottery from North Tawton. A4 Single Sheet + Digital. |
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SDV355280 | Report - non-specific: English Heritage. 2011. Heritage at Risk Register 2011: South West. english Heritage. Digital. 118. |
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SDV356540 | Report - Assessment: Posford Duvivier Environment. 2001. North Tawton Flood Defence Scheme. Environmental Appraisal. Posford Duvivier Environment Report. H6086/01/EE1. A4 Stapled + Digital. 19. |
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SDV356702 | Aerial Photograph: English Heritage. 2010. Air Photo Mapping. National Mapping Programme. Digital. |
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SDV365434 | Report - Evaluation: Robinson, S.. 2010. The Barton, North Tawton, Devon. Results of an archaeological trench evaluation. AC Archaeology. ACD186/2/0. A4 stapled + Digital. |
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Associated Monuments
MDV55835 | Parent of: Building within the North Tawton Roman military complex (Monument) |
MDV104059 | Parent of: Cooking Pits to north of The Barton, North Tawton (Monument) |
MDV121146 | Parent of: Cropmark ditches, northeast of The Barton, North Tawton (Monument) |
MDV121124 | Parent of: Cropmark pit at The Barton, North Tawton (Monument) |
MDV121137 | Parent of: Cropmark pit, southeast of Newland Cross, North Tawton (Monument) |
MDV104694 | Parent of: Earthwork within the Roman Military Complex at North Tawton (Monument) |
MDV121106 | Parent of: Earthworks adjacent to North Tawton Roman Fort (Monument) |
MDV12035 | Parent of: FINDSPOT in the Parish of North Tawton (Find Spot) |
MDV6843 | Parent of: FINDSPOT in the Parish of North Tawton (Find Spot) |
MDV104064 | Parent of: Line of Pits in Roman Marching Camp to north of The Barton, North Tawton. (Monument) |
MDV21137 | Parent of: Nemeto Statio, North Tawton (Monument) |
MDV6841 | Parent of: North Tawton Roman Fort I (Monument) |
MDV29193 | Parent of: North Tawton Roman Fort II (Monument) |
MDV121139 | Parent of: Possible enclosure, south of The Barton, North Tawton (Monument) |
MDV121122 | Parent of: Possible field boundary at The Barton, North Tawton (Monument) |
MDV104017 | Parent of: Roman Fortress at North Tawton (Monument) |
MDV4525 | Parent of: Roman Marching Camp north of The Barton, North Tawton I (Monument) |
MDV70556 | Parent of: Roman Marching Camp North of The Barton, North Tawton II (Monument) |
MDV121136 | Parent of: Roman military feature or field boundary, southwest of de Bathe Farm, North Tawton (Monument) |
MDV71119 | Parent of: The Barton, Pits (Monument) |
MDV70560 | Related to: ARTEFACT SCATTER in the Parish of North Tawton (Monument) |
MDV1049 | Related to: Bathe Pool, North Tawton (Monument) |
MDV123338 | Related to: Crossing Point of Taw River, North Tawton (Monument) |
MDV55836 | Related to: ENCLOSURE in the Parish of North Tawton (Monument) |
MDV121244 | Related to: Enclosure, north of Newland Mill House, North Tawton (Monument) |
MDV66162 | Related to: FINDSPOT in the Parish of North Tawton (Find Spot) |
MDV73058 | Related to: Flint Flake found at The Barton, North Tawton (Find Spot) |
MDV29192 | Related to: Ring Ditch to south of The Barton, North Tawton (Monument) |
MDV14517 | Related to: Ring Ditches North of The Barton, North Tawton (Monument) |
MDV107141 | Related to: Roman Road from North Tawton Roman Fortress to Okehampton (Monument) |
MDV6863 | Related to: Roman Road to East of North Tawton Fort (Monument) |
MDV104053 | Related to: Roman Road to south of The Barton, North Tawton (Monument) |
MDV122647 | Related to: Roman Road west of North Tawton Roman Fortress (Monument) |
MDV67181 | Related to: TRACKWAY in the Parish of North Tawton (Monument) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events
- EDV4129 - Archaeological Recording on the Site of a Storm Water Storage Pond, The Barton, North Tawton, Devon
- EDV4269 - Geophysical Survey at The Barton, North Tawton
- EDV4711 - Archaeological Recording During Gas Pipeline Realignment
- EDV5378 - Excavations at The Barton, North Tawton (Ref: 093005)
- EDV5670 - Reconnaissance Field Survey at de Bathe Barton Farm, North Tawton
- EDV5671 - Field Survey South of Newland Mill
- EDV8908 - Archaeological trench evaluation at The Barton, North Tawton
Date Last Edited: | Apr 20 2023 5:59PM |
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