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HER Number:MDV119300
Name:Archaeological Features, Land at Buckland Brewer


Geophysical survey undertaken on land at Buckland Brewer identified a number of anomalies, which have the potential for the recovery of archaeological remains. These anomalies are thought to represent pits and linear features. The later evaluation established that the anomalies related to former field boundaries drainage ditches and the subrectangular feature.


Grid Reference:SS 420 209
Map Sheet:SS42SW
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishBuckland Brewer
Ecclesiastical ParishBUCKLAND BREWER

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses: none recorded

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • FIELD BOUNDARY (XV to XIX - 1401 AD to 1842 AD (Between))

Full description

Edwards, Z. + Simpson, H., 2016, Buckland Brewer, Devon Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment (Report - Assessment). SDV360468.

Possible trackway cropmark, south-east of St Mary and St Benedict's.

In addition, the Devon HER and other work as part of this assessment has identified two additional non-designated cultural heritage features present within the proposed development site. These consist of cropmarks of possible archaeological features, including a subrectangular enclosure in the north-east of the site, and a trackway of uncertain location (although possibly through the centre of the site). Both of these features currently remain undated.

Sworn, S, 2016, Land at Southwood Meadow, Buckland Brewer: Evaluation (Report - Evaluation). SDV360275.

An archaeological evaluation was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology in August 2016 at Southwood Meadow, Buckland Brewer, Devon. A total of ten trenches was excavated. The evaluation recorded four ditches, possibly associated with a late medieval/post-medieval field system.

The evaluation recorded a small number of features, all of which were located in the north-western part of the site. There was a variable correspondence between the evaluation results, the anomalies detected by the previous geophysical survey (AB
Heritage 2016b) and the cropmarks.

The parallel linear ditches recorded in TR1 and TR3 were in the broad location of linear cropmarks and geophysical anomalies, but the match was not exact. Similarly, ditch 503 (TR5) was on the same alignment as parallel linear cropmarks, but did not
correspond exactly in location with either of them and had not been detected by the geophysical survey. Ditch 403 (TR4) showed neither as cropmarks nor a geophysical anomaly. Conversely, the geophysical anomalies sampled by the north-western end of TR1, TR6 and TR10 were found to have been caused by variations in the natural substrate.

There were no features or natural variation corresponding to the linear cropmarks sampled by TR8. This supports the geophysical survey results in this area and indicates perhaps that any features in this part of the site have been lost to ploughing since the cropmarks were recorded.

It is possible that the ditches recorded in TR1, TR3, TR4 and TR5 represent former field system boundaries and/or drainage ditches. The dating of these ditches is uncertain: while one of the parallel ditches in TR1/TR3 produced a single sherd of medieval pottery, the other produced a single sherd of mid-16th–18th century pottery and the ditches in TR4 and TR5 were undated. It is known, however, that the fields around Buckland Brewer were probably first enclosed during the later medieval period (AB Heritage 2016a). Furthermore, the earliest available map of the site (the 1842 Tithe Map of Buckland Brewer, reproduced in AB Heritage 2016a, Plate 1) shows the site boundaries as they are today, with no internal divisions. It is therefore likely that the field system ditches recorded by the evaluation were established in the later medieval period and went out of use prior to 1842, which fits
with the pottery recovered from the TR1/TR3 ditches.

Map object based on report.

Bonvoisin, P., 2017, Land at Buckland Brewer, Devon: Geophysical Survey (Report - Geophysical Survey). SDV360212.

A Geophysical Survey (Magnetometer Survey) was undertaken covering a site of proposed development on land at Buckland Brewer, Devon.

Several positive linear features and areas of possible archaeological origin have been identified within the site. These consist of positive linears which may represent possible ditches or banks, and positive areas / features, which are more likely to represent possible pits. Some of these features such as the pits may be assocIated with the sub-rectangular feature (MDV113884).

Three bulk soil samples were taken, from deposits 107 (fill of ditch 106, TR1), 112 (fill of ditch 111, TR1) and 505 (fill of ditch 503, TR5). All three samples will be processed and analysed. The results of this analysis will be included in an updated version of this

Sources / Further Reading

SDV360212Report - Geophysical Survey: Bonvoisin, P.. 2017. Land at Buckland Brewer, Devon: Geophysical Survey. AB Heritage. 10733. Digital. [Mapped feature: #78577 ]
SDV360275Report - Evaluation: Sworn, S. 2016. Land at Southwood Meadow, Buckland Brewer: Evaluation. Cotswold Archaeology. 16484. Digital.
SDV360468Report - Assessment: Edwards, Z. + Simpson, H.. 2016. Buckland Brewer, Devon Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment. AB Heritage Limited. 10728. Digital.

Associated Monuments: none recorded

Associated Finds

  • FDV6544 - SHERD (XII to XV - 1101 AD to 1500 AD)

Associated Events

  • EDV7276 - Geophysical Survey: Land at Buckland Brewer (Ref: 10733)
  • EDV7305 - Evaluation: Land at Southwood Meadow, Buckland Brewer (Ref: 16484)
  • EDV7428 - Desk-Based Assessment: Buckland Brewer, Devon Archaeological (Ref: 10728)

Date Last Edited:Jul 5 2021 12:56PM