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HER Number: | MDV11998 |
Name: | Stafford Barton |
Stafford Barton built in the 16th century with later additions and alterations.
Grid Reference: | SS 584 114 |
Map Sheet: | SS51SE |
Admin Area | Devon |
Civil Parish | Dolton |
District | Torridge |
Ecclesiastical Parish | DOLTON |
Protected Status
Other References/Statuses
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SS51SE/20
- Old Listed Building Ref (II*)
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- MANOR HOUSE (XVI to XXI - 1501 AD to 2009 AD (Between))
Full description
Ordnance Survey, 1954, Untitled Source (Personal Comment). SDV22.
The north front of Stafford Barton was rebuilt from old material after collapse some years ago.
Unknown, 1956, Untitled Source, 469 (Article in Serial). SDV338851.
Description of 17th century plasterwork.
French, K. + French, C., 1957, Devonshire Plasterwork, 129-136 (Article in Serial). SDV4676.
Stafford Barton contains ceilings with enriched ribs of period two (1600-1650) and overmantel with biblical scenes. The ceiling was extended in 1911 and there is an interesting modern work. Other details: Plate 15a.
Department of Environment, 1959, Torrington RD Provisional List, 4 (List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest). SDV118.
Originally a Domesday manor and home of Stafford family 1589-1890. House is mid 16th century or earlier with two storey porch with moulded Tudor archway. Screen on right hand side of hall was brought from Loosedon Barton, Winkleigh. Castellated wing added in 1920, contains many earlier brought from other houses. These include an early 17th century plaster ceiling from 7 Cross Street, Barnstaple, and an early 17th century overmantle.
Timms, S. C., 1978, Untitled Source (Personal Comment). SDV338852.
Visited 6/2/1978. Considerable internal alterations have been carried out by present owner. No access to interior possible. Other details: Photos Film 261.
Unknown, 1978 - 1984, Development Control Consultations (Un-published). SDV346372.
Other details: Photos.
Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division, 1982, SS51SE 7 (Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card). SDV340090.
West wing and much of rear of house were added by Mr Luxmore between 1910 and 1956. Court contains many architectural relics from other houses. Other details: Photos.
Department of Environment, 1988, Dolton, 35 (List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest). SDV598.
Stafford Barton. House, formerly small manor house. Circa mid 16th century, probably with earlier origins, altered and probably extended in 17th century, with further additions and alterations in 19th century and circa 1920. Stone rubble walls, small coursed dressed stone blocks to porch, wall to its left and inner face of left-hand wing. Projecting rubble lateral stack at front with offsets, small 20th century projecting front lateral stack to right of porch and another 20th century rubble stack axial to rear right-hand wing, otherwise 4 brick stacks. Plan: complex development of plan, complicated by 20th century alterations and addition. The basic form of 3 rooms and through-passage can just be discerned although the lower end to the right may have comprised 2 rooms. Hall heated by front lateral stack, small inner room beyond, 2 storey porch at front of passage. Wing projecting to front of inner room has similar stonework so may be contemporary or part of an early 17th century remodelling which probably included the insertion of the hall stack although no direct evidence survives for an open hall. In the 19th century 2 rear wings were added one behind the passage and one behind the lower end, beyond the inner room an outbuilding addition was also made. The house was further extended in circa 1920 with a wing at the front which extended at the right end to another large wing at the rear, in both of these wings and the remainder of the house numerous old features were incorporated and reused many from other old buildings in the area and replica features such as windows, doorways and beams inserted. Exterior: 2 storeys. Asymmetrical and very irregular front of which the old part of the house forms the central 5 window portion with a wing at its left-hand end and 2 storey gabled porch at centre. To left of porch is early 20th century 3-light wooden mullion window on first floor, below it is contemporary moulded wooden mullion which does, however, retain its old cill so it is presumably a replica of a 17th century ovolo moulded wooden mullion window on the first floor of which the cill at least is original, below it is Tudor arched stone doorway with 1/2-roll moulding. The wide internal wooden doorway to the house is carved with a trailing foliage motif and is reputed to have come from Loosedon Barton, Winkleigh, before its demolition. Windows to the right of the porch are early 20th century 2- and 4-light wooden mullions. Early 20th century wing projects to the front and right and is castellated apart from a small gable at the front which has ball finial to coping stones and a single cinquefoiled light on first floor - this may be a heavily restored earlier wing or may simply re-use earlier fabric. Windows to wing otherwise 20th century 1- and 2-light wooden mullions. At left-hand end of house is lower 19th century outbuilding extension with 2 storey addition to original house behind it. Rear elevation of original part of house (to right) has 20th century wooden mullions, that to the rear of the hall is 4-light and transomed. Small pointed arch moulded stone doorway to its left, low down in wall is probably re-used. Dressed stone quoins extending half way up the wall towards the right-hand end of this range indicate the extent of the original house. To the left 3 gabled wings project, the end 20th century one is much larger and crenellated at the sides. At its end on the first floor it re-uses a 17th century 5-light wooden oriel mullion window on curved brackets. Small re-used medieval window with 2 pointed lights above it. On ground floor is probably 20th century 7-light wooden mullion window. 20th century conservatory, the front of central 19th century wing, that to its right has large 2 storey window bay on its end wall. Interior: is a mixture of features, new and old - many of the latter re-used either from other houses or other positions, all however, are of a good quality. The lower partition of the screens passage is made up of a circa late 16th century panelled screen with ovolo-moulded muntins and rails, chamfered on the reverse side, which comes from Loosedon Barton, Winkleigh. The hall fireplace has chamfered granite jambs and wooden lintel which has been cut into. Herringbone pattern to stones at rear of fireplace. The ceiling beams to the hall are very plain, suggesting that there might have formerly been a plaster ceiling there. Over the former passage are foliage carved cross beams and joists which are probably early 20th century. The rear passage doorway has an ovolo moulded doorframe with decorative stops of which the lintel and right-hand jamb have been renewed. The room to the left of the hall has an early 17th century peaked head doorframe and 2 hollow step-stopped cross beams. The room to the lower side of the hall has a fireplace with plaster overmantle dated 1640 depicting various figures including soldiers. Adjoining the fireplace is a 17th century moulded wooden doorframe and a good quality contemporary panelled door. The 20th century rear wing contains the most impressive period feature a very large and elaborate early 17th century plaster ceiling and frieze taken from No.7 Cross Street, Barnstaple. There is a simple 17th century plaster overmantle to the fireplace with strapwork and heraldic devices. On the first floor are sections of reused 16th and 17th century panelling. Stafford Barton is mentioned in the Domesday Book and recorded as having a chapel in 1415. It was owned by the Irish family Kelaway from the 12th century who changed their name to Stafford in the late 15th or early 16th century and it remained in their ownership until 1890 when the family died out. The house was acquired in the early 20th century by C.F.C. Luxmoore the famous explorer and he built the modern wing incorporating features from other houses such as Eggesform House. The house retains considerable historic interest and its features given evidence of the high status it retained into the 20th century although it has become somewhat difficult to discern its original form. Other details: LBS Number: 90849.
Cherry, B. + Pevsner, N., 1989, The Buildings of England: Devon, 338 (Monograph). SDV325629.
Ellis, D. A., 1992, Dowland Past and Present, 48 (Pamphlet). SDV344172.
The Stafford Barton Estate included lands in Dowland which were sold when the estate was broken up in 1965.
Taylor, A., 2007, Aller Road, Dolton: An Archaeological Evaluation, 2 (Report - Evaluation). SDV340085.
Thorp, J. + Horton, D., 2008, Stafford Barton, Dolton, Devon, 11 (Report - Survey). SDV348259.
What remains of the old house at Stafford Barton suggests that the house evolved in a piecemeal fashion, as is commonly the case with the multi-phase farmhouse of the Devon countryside. The early work is confined to the masonry shell of the main block, which could be mid or late 16th century, with some evidence of 17th century work and a major modernisation from the 18th or 19th century. However the appearance of the house is now dominated by the improvements and rebuilding works from circa 1920. This included the wholesale replacement of windows in 17th century style with moulded mullions. The report comprises a description of the fabric of the building, its layout, features, dating and development, and a photographic record. Other details: Photographs and plan.
Thorp, J. + Horton, D., 2009, Aspects of Stafford Barton, Dolton, Devon, 1-4 (Report - Survey). SDV348260.
The middle stairhall and generous landing above were created in the 1920s towards the west end of the house, when the main staircase was introduced and both levels arranged to create circulatory hubs connecting the rooms in the old house with those of the new cross-wing. The 16th and 17th century features were imported or re-sited in their present positions at this time. They comprise the 16th century oak screen forming the east wall, the 17th century plaster overmantel to the fireplace, and the oak doorway to the dining room. A two-light mullioned timber window to the entry lobby to the library chamber is in the same style as other 17th century style windows introduced in the 1920s, however it evidently replaced an earlier taller window, since the exposed southern side of the opening is lined with brick which descends below the sill, and the lower part of the opening is blocked with rubblestone. Other details: Photographs 1-5.
Jonathan Rhind Architects, 2009, Stafford Barton, Dolton (Plan - measured). SDV355528.
Jonathan Rhind Architects, 2009, Stafford Barton: Design and Access Statement (Un-published). SDV355530.
Ordnance Survey, 2010, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV344030.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV118 | List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest: Department of Environment. 1959. Torrington RD Provisional List. Historic Houses Register. Unknown. 4. |
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SDV22 | Personal Comment: Ordnance Survey. 1954. |
SDV325629 | Monograph: Cherry, B. + Pevsner, N.. 1989. The Buildings of England: Devon. The Buildings of England: Devon. Hardback Volume. 338. |
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SDV338851 | Article in Serial: Unknown. 1956. Country Life. Unknown. 469. |
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SDV338852 | Personal Comment: Timms, S. C.. 1978. |
SDV340085 | Report - Evaluation: Taylor, A.. 2007. Aller Road, Dolton: An Archaeological Evaluation. Thames Valley Archaeological Services Report. ARD 07/130. A4 stapled + Digital. 2. |
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SDV340090 | Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card: Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division. 1982. SS51SE 7. Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card. Card Index. |
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SDV344030 | Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2010. MasterMap. Ordnance Survey. Map (Digital). [Mapped feature: #79276 ] |
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SDV344172 | Pamphlet: Ellis, D. A.. 1992. Dowland Past and Present. Paperback Volume. 48. |
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SDV346372 | Un-published: Unknown. 1978 - 1984. Development Control Consultations. Devon County Council Conservation Section Collection. A4 Unbound. |
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SDV348259 | Report - Survey: Thorp, J. + Horton, D.. 2008. Stafford Barton, Dolton, Devon. Keystone Historic Buildings Consultants Report. K764. A4 Stapled + Digital. 11. |
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SDV348260 | Report - Survey: Thorp, J. + Horton, D.. 2009. Aspects of Stafford Barton, Dolton, Devon. Keystone Historic Buildings Consultants Report. K764-2. A4 Stapled + Digital. 1-4. |
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SDV355528 | Plan - measured: Jonathan Rhind Architects. 2009. Stafford Barton, Dolton. Digital. |
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SDV355530 | Un-published: Jonathan Rhind Architects. 2009. Stafford Barton: Design and Access Statement. Digital. |
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SDV4676 | Article in Serial: French, K. + French, C.. 1957. Devonshire Plasterwork. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 89. A5 Hardback. 129-136. |
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SDV598 | List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest: Department of Environment. 1988. Dolton. Historic Houses Register. A4 Spiral Bound. 35. |
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Associated Monuments
MDV18653 | Parent of: Stafford Barton Gatehouse and other Outbuildings (Building) |
MDV18653 | Related to: Stafford Barton Gatehouse and other Outbuildings (Building) |
MDV848 | Related to: 7 Cross Street, Barnstaple (Building) |
MDV75346 | Related to: Medieval Settlement at Stafford, Dolton (Monument) |
MDV80906 | Related to: Outbuilding, Stafford Barton (Monument) |
MDV11967 | Related to: Stafford Barton Chapel (Monument) |
MDV18653 | Parent of: Stafford Barton Gatehouse and other Outbuildings (Building) |
MDV18653 | Related to: Stafford Barton Gatehouse and other Outbuildings (Building) |
MDV80907 | Related to: Well in Courtyard at Stafford Barton (Monument) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events
- EDV4365 - Evaluation at Aller Road, Dolton
- EDV5644 - Historic Building Survey at Stafford Barton House
- EDV5645 - Historic Building Survey at Stafford Barton
Date Last Edited: | Jan 7 2014 12:09PM |
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