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HER Number:MDV121627
Name:Pits and Postholes, Land at Riverside (East of Steamer Quay Road) Totnes


Archaeological investigations recorded pits, postholes and a quarry pit on land at Riverside, east of Steamer Quay Road, Totnes.


Grid Reference:SX 810 597
Map Sheet:SX85NW
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishBerry Pomeroy
Civil ParishTotnes
DistrictSouth Hams
Ecclesiastical ParishBERRY POMEROY

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses: none recorded

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • PIT (Unknown date)
  • POST HOLE (Unknown date)
  • POST HOLE (Post Medieval to Modern - 1540 AD to 2013 AD (Between))
  • QUARRY (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1750 AD (Between))

Full description

Smith, W. + Rainbird, P., 2015, Land at Riverside (East of Steamer Quay Road) Totnes: Excavation (Report - Excavation). SDV360875.

An archaeological excavation on land at Riverside (East of Steamer Quay Road), Totnes, Devon, was undertaken by AC archaeology during September 2014 and June- July 2015. Three areas were excavated centred on a series archaeological features identified during previous trial trenching.

Three pits were recorded in Area A. One piece of prehistoric worked flint was recovered from one of the pits.

Four pits were recorded in Area B. Burnt clay was in the upper two fills of one of the pits. No finds were recovered.

A small quarry pit excavated in Area B is likely to be of post-medieval date and may relate to small scale clay or shale gravel extraction.

Four postholes and one pit were recorded in Area C. No finds were recovered.

Unexcavated layer 2049 was irregular in plan and measured approximately 2 metres across. It consisted of brown sandy silty loam containing fragments of coke and coal. Postholes F2045 and F2047 and probable unexcavated postholes 2075 and 2076 were cut into the top of this feature. No finds were recovered.

Many features attributed to natural processes were recorded across the site. Several of these contained material of prehistoric date. The presence of a barbed and tanged arrowhead, other worked flints and evidence of in situ burning in two of the tree throw pits provides an indication of limited prehistoric activity. Middle Bronze Age pottery (three conjoining pieces) was recovered from overlying deposits. However, no archaeological features were dated to the prehistoric period and this fits with the current understanding of the evidence for only scattered
prehistoric activity in the River Dart valley to the south and east of Totnes.

See report for full description of features.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV360875Report - Excavation: Smith, W. + Rainbird, P.. 2015. Land at Riverside (East of Steamer Quay Road) Totnes: Excavation. AC Archaeology. ACD975/2/1. Digital. [Mapped feature: #110986 ]

Associated Monuments: none recorded

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV7514 - Excavation: Land at Riverside (East of Steamer Quay Road) Totnes (Ref: ACD975/2/1)

Date Last Edited:Mar 28 2018 12:05PM