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HER Number: | MDV12727 |
Name: | Streamworks on the Narrator Brook, Sheepstor |
Approximately 3.2 hectares of streamworking remains on the Narrator Brook was recorded in 1999 as part of the Eylesbarrow survey. These remains consist of parallel spoilheaps seperated by now dry water channels all enclosed by a steep tinners cliff up to 5m high. The stream apparently follows a tin lode exploited in later times by Eylesbarrow Mine. Several of these later workings, shafts and adits, lie within the area of former streamworks.
Grid Reference: | SX 589 685 |
Map Sheet: | SX56NE |
Admin Area | Dartmoor National Park |
Civil Parish | Sheepstor |
Civil Parish | Walkhampton |
District | West Devon |
Ecclesiastical Parish | SHEEPSTOR |
Ecclesiastical Parish | WALKHAMPTON |
Protected Status
Other References/Statuses
- National Monuments Record: SX56NE176
- National Monuments Record: SX56NE363
- National Monuments Record: SX56SE393
- National Record of the Historic Environment: 1313092
- National Record of the Historic Environment: 1448375
- National Record of the Historic Environment: 1468919
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX56NE/212
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- STREAMWORKS (Post Medieval to Early 20th Century - 1540 AD to 1901 AD (Between))
Full description
National Monument Record, 19/05/1977, SX5868, SX5868/1/193 (Aerial Photograph). SDV230999.
Royal Air Force, 1946, RAF/CPE/UK/1890 (Aerial Photograph). SDV169268.
The Royal Commission on the Historic Monuments of England Aerial Photograph Unit, 1985, The Royal Commission on the Historic Monuments of England Aerial Photograph Project (Interpretation). SDV340940.
Streamworks visible along the brook to the east and immediately south-east of combestone Tor. North-eastern limit at SX59266927, southern limit at SX58806822, eastern limit at SX59256818.
Greeves, T. A. P., 1990, An Assessment of Dartmoor Tinworking, 20 (Report - Assessment). SDV343684.
Medieval enclosure boundaries (possibly corn ditches) appear to run over some of the tinners' heaps, implying considerable antiquity to the latter. The streamworks are also supplied by two reservoirs.
Cranstone, D. + Hedley, I., 1995, Monuments Protection Programme: The Tin Industry Step 3 Site Assessments, Devon 6a (Report - non-specific). SDV357946.
Medieval and later tin workings situated to the northwest of Eylesbarrow Tin Mine. The area includes streamworks which were documented during the 16th and 17th centuries and tin workings associated with Eylesbarrow Tin Mine which was operational between 1814 and 1852. These include an adit with its portal, a very rare survival in the context of the tin industry.
Fletcher, M. + Newman, P. + Probert, S., 1999, Drizzlecombe, Eylesbarrow, Ditsworthy and Hartor areas in the Plym Valley, West Devon (Report - Survey). SDV346268.
(02/08/1999) Centred SX 59026823. Approximately 3.2 hectares of streamworking remains on the Narrator Brook lie within the Eylesbarrow survey area - remainder unsurveyed. These remains consist of parallel spoilheaps seperated by now dry water channels all enclosed by a steep tinners cliff up to 5m high. The stream apparently follows a tin lode exploited in later times by Eylesbarrow Mine. Several of these later workings, shafts and adits, lie within the area of former streamworks.
Whitbourn, A., 2001, An Archaeological Investigation into features comprising, and associated with, Ditsworthy Warren, 82, Appendix 4 (Report - Assessment). SDV360381.
Combeshead Tor open tinning site.
Wessex Archaeology, 2002, Cramber Tor Training Area Rapid Condition Survey, WA040 (Report - Survey). SDV354588.
Cramber Tor Survey 2002, Site WA040.
Newman, P., 2007, Cramber Tor Training Area Monument Baseline Condition Survey, No. 1448375 (Report - Survey). SDV348210.
Site visit 1st August 2006. Tin streamworks on Narrator Brook. Under threat from footpath erosion. A large and deep tin streamwork which runs along the course of the Narrator Brook, extending from the lower western slopes of Eylesbarrow down to meet the streamworks of the Deancombe Brook (SX 56 NE 276) The steep scarps which delineate the edges of the working are up 8m deep in places and the interior of the working contains a series of linear spoil heaps and water channels. A water supply to the head of the working survives in the form of a dry and silted leat which diverted rainwater from the hill to the east. Two earthwork reservoirs are located to the east of the tinwork at SX 5895 6867. The largest is 20m across with an earthwork bank of approximately 0.6m high. These impressive linear streamworks cut a deep channel along the course of the stream down the steep- south facing hillslope before they become shallow, wide workings as the stream runs along the broad valley. Fair condition but declining.
(This area now included in SX 56 NE 363).
Probert, S., 2008, Follow-Up Works to Cramber Tor Archaeological Baseline Condition Survey, Dartmoor Training Area, 8-9, Fig. 10, No. 1448375 (Report - Survey). SDV351304.
Extensive feature flanking the Narrator Brook and covering several hectares. Has relatively few crossing points. The main crossing is at SX59176921 which carries the bulk of both human and livestock traffic across this part of the moor. The workings have been denuded of vegetation at this point and eroded in some places. At the time of the field investigation hoof prints greatly outnumbered footprints. The affected area comprises a thin strip of land, its location determined by local topography. As there appears to be little chance of the damage spreading to adjacent areas it is suggested that the decline of this strip is tolerated. The creation of alternative routes is impractical in this area.
Greeves, T., 2012, Cramber Tor Training Area. Monument Condition Survey, No. 1448375 (Report - Survey). SDV350251.
Site visit 19th January 2012. Condition and stability good.
Ordnance Survey, 2013, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV350786.
Old Tin Workings marked.
Greeves, T., July 1979, Devon Studies Week. Notes for Afternoon Excursion, Thursday, July 12th 1979 (Un-published). SDV230997.
6. South Deepwork tin streamworks. The streamworks are mentioned in 1642. North Deepworks is referred to in documents of 1560, 1573 and 1642.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV169268 | Aerial Photograph: Royal Air Force. 1946. RAF/CPE/UK/1890. Royal Air Force Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). |
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SDV230997 | Un-published: Greeves, T.. July 1979. Devon Studies Week. Notes for Afternoon Excursion, Thursday, July 12th 1979. Digital. |
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SDV230999 | Aerial Photograph: National Monument Record. 19/05/1977. SX5868. National Monument Record Aerial Photograph. Unknown. SX5868/1/193. |
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SDV340940 | Interpretation: The Royal Commission on the Historic Monuments of England Aerial Photograph Unit. 1985. The Royal Commission on the Historic Monuments of England Aerial Photograph Project. The Royal Commission on the Historic Monuments of England Aerial Photograph Project. Map (Paper). |
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SDV343684 | Report - Assessment: Greeves, T. A. P.. 1990. An Assessment of Dartmoor Tinworking. Digital. 20. |
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SDV346268 | Report - Survey: Fletcher, M. + Newman, P. + Probert, S.. 1999. Drizzlecombe, Eylesbarrow, Ditsworthy and Hartor areas in the Plym Valley, West Devon. Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England Report. A4 Comb Bound. |
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SDV348210 | Report - Survey: Newman, P.. 2007. Cramber Tor Training Area Monument Baseline Condition Survey. English Heritage. A4 Bound. No. 1448375. |
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SDV350251 | Report - Survey: Greeves, T.. 2012. Cramber Tor Training Area. Monument Condition Survey. Tom Greeves Report. A4 Stapled. No. 1448375. |
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SDV350786 | Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2013. MasterMap. Ordnance Survey Digital Mapping. Digital. [Mapped feature: #111874 ] |
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SDV351304 | Report - Survey: Probert, S.. 2008. Follow-Up Works to Cramber Tor Archaeological Baseline Condition Survey, Dartmoor Training Area. A4 Comb Bound. 8-9, Fig. 10, No. 1448375. |
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SDV354588 | Report - Survey: Wessex Archaeology. 2002. Cramber Tor Training Area Rapid Condition Survey. Wessex Archaeology Report. Unknown. WA040. |
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SDV357946 | Report - non-specific: Cranstone, D. + Hedley, I.. 1995. Monuments Protection Programme: The Tin Industry Step 3 Site Assessments. Monument Protection Programme. Foolscap. Devon 6a. |
SDV360381 | Report - Assessment: Whitbourn, A.. 2001. An Archaeological Investigation into features comprising, and associated with, Ditsworthy Warren. A4 Comb Bound. 82, Appendix 4. |
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Associated Monuments
MDV131083 | Related to: Dry leat channel, Whittenknowles Rocks (Monument) |
MDV130832 | Related to: Enclosure banks at the head of Deancombe Brook (Monument) |
MDV42434 | Related to: Leat in Outholme Wood, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV42432 | Related to: Leat north of Combshead Tor, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV42435 | Related to: Leat supplying Outhouse Beam openwork, Sheepstor (Monument) |
MDV130831 | Related to: Tinners' cache in area of streamworks, Narrator Brook (Monument) |
MDV42439 | Related to: TINNERS RESERVOIR in the Parish of Sheepstor (Monument) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events
- EDV6153 - Monument Baseline Condition Survey in the Cramber Tor Training Area
- EDV6034 - Monument Condition Survey in Cramber Tor Training Area
- EDV6152 - Follow-up Works to Threatened Sites in the Cramber Tor Training Area
- EDV6239 - Eylesbarrow (Ailsborough) Tin Mine
- EDV7382 - Condition Survey of the Cramber Tor Training Area
- EDV8155 - Plym Valley Survey: EH Project (Feb 2001 - Dec 2002)
- EDV8351 - Walkhampton Premier Archaeological Landscape; Field Investigation Project
Date Last Edited: | Aug 3 2021 11:29AM |
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