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HER Number:MDV12970
Name:Hut circle within field system at Deep Swincombe West


One of three hut circles with fragmentary enclosures at the foot of the northern flank of Ter Hill. Hut measures 2.8m in diameter, with walls 1.2m wide, 0.5m high. Entrance to SE. Joined by short wall to previous hut. Previously recorded as a possible cairn by Grinsell (1978).


Grid Reference:SX 638 719
Map Sheet:SX67SW
Admin AreaDartmoor National Park
Civil ParishDartmoor Forest
DistrictWest Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishLYDFORD

Protected Status

  • SHINE: Central western section of the Bronze Age Venford Reave at Swincombe, with a number of attached hut circle settlements and enclosures, as well as an extensive Bronze Age field system, a cairn and a post-Medieval blowing house on Down Ridge

Other References/Statuses

  • National Monuments Record: SX67SW291
  • National Monuments Record: SX67SW74?
  • National Record of the Historic Environment: 1050164
  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SX67SW/92
  • SHINE Candidate: 443457?

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • (Former Type) CAIRN (Constructed, Bronze Age - 2200 BC (Between) to 701 BC (Between))
  • HUT CIRCLE (Constructed, Bronze Age - 2200 BC (Between) to 701 BC (Between))

Full description

Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV234284.

Osa=sx67sw80 and 74(identical entries - fmg 8/4/1986).

National Monuments Record, 1976, SX6371, 1 (Aerial Photograph). SDV234285.

Grinsell, L. V., 1978, Dartmoor Barrows, 153 (Article in Serial). SDV273224.

(31/07/1975) Cairn with a wide hollow at centre, or possibly a hut circle. Diameter 5.0m, height 0.5m.

Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England, 1985, Aerial Photograph Project (Dartmoor) - Dartmoor Pre-NMP (Cartographic). SDV319854.

Visible and recorded as a hut circle.

Royal Commission for the Historical Monuments of England, 1993-1998, Dartmoor Royal Forest Project, S. Probert (Report - Survey). SDV346608.

(13/06/1995) Centred SX 64097193. Three hut circles and the fragmentary remains of six or seven enclosures lie in unenclosed moorland at the foot of the N flank of Ter Hill.
SX 6393 7199 Hut measures 2.8m in diameter, with walls 1.2m wide, 0.5m high. Entrance to SE. Joined by short wall to previous hut.
This site forms part of SX 67 SW 180 as do the fragmentary field boundaries (SX 67 SW 289) immediately to the E.
The hut at SX 63937199 was previously recorded as a cairn SX 67 SW 74. Antiquity Model surveyed at 1:2500
Antiquity Model surveyed at 1:2500

Sources / Further Reading

SDV234284Migrated Record:
SDV234285Aerial Photograph: National Monuments Record. 1976. SX6371. National Monuments Record Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 1.
SDV273224Article in Serial: Grinsell, L. V.. 1978. Dartmoor Barrows. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 36. A5 Paperback. 153.
SDV319854Cartographic: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1985. Aerial Photograph Project (Dartmoor) - Dartmoor Pre-NMP. Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England Aerial Photograph P. Cartographic.
SDV346608Report - Survey: Royal Commission for the Historical Monuments of England. 1993-1998. Dartmoor Royal Forest Project. Royal Commission for the Historical Monuments of England Field/Recording In. Unknown. S. Probert.

Associated Monuments

MDV26141Part of: Field system at Deep Swincombe West, Dartmoor Forest (Monument)
MDV128806Related to: Hut circle within field system at Deep Swincombe West (Monument)
MDV128808Related to: Hut within field system at Deep Swincombe West (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV8146 - Royal Commission Survey at Down Ridge and Swincombe
  • EDV8409 - Dartmoor Royal Forest Project

Date Last Edited:Jul 18 2022 10:48AM