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HER Number:MDV134864
Name:Garden and Landscape at Half Moon, Manaton


A mid to late 20th century garden and landscape designed by artist Jeanne du Maurier and her partner poet Noel Welch to reflect religious symbolism of her Catholic faith in a wider understanding of the history of landscape gardening from the 17th to 19th centuries and contemporary gardens.


Grid Reference:SX 747 814
Map Sheet:SX78SW
Admin AreaDartmoor National Park
Civil ParishManaton
Ecclesiastical ParishMANATON

Protected Status

Other References/Statuses

  • Dartmoor Non-designated Heritage Asset (Evidential): 07/05/2024

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • GARDEN (Mid 20th Century to Late 20th Century - 1935 AD (Between) to 1999 AD (Between))
  • LANDSCAPE PARK (Mid 20th Century to Late 20th Century - 1935 AD (Between) to 1999 AD (Between))

Full description

Dartmoor Trust, 2017-2024, Dartmoor Archive (Website). SDV360491.

Devon Gardens Trust, 2024, Devon Gardens Trust 2024, Accessed 07/05/2024 (Website). SDV365946.

The estate at Half Moon has been left to the National Trust. The garden is part of a much larger aesthetic achievement: a designed landscape extending throughout the estate, which shows a profound level of thought and aesthetic awareness, reflecting the Roman Catholic faith of former owner artist Jeanne du Maurier and the poet Noel Welch.
Details of Half Moon House gardens: https://devongardenstrust.org.uk/gardens/half-moon-house

Vint, C., 2024, Garden and Landscape at Half Moon, Manaton (Un-published). SDV365947.

A mid to late 20th century garden and landscaped designed by artist Jeanne du Maurier and her partner poet Noel Welch to reflect religious symbolism of her Catholic faith in a wider understanding of the history of landscape gardening from the 17th to 19th centuries and contemporary gardens. Including the planning and shaping of the landscape and gardens and the associated plants. Further details are set out in the Devon Garden’s Trust website.

Ordnance Survey, 2024, Mastermap 2024 (Cartographic). SDV365834.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV360491Website: Dartmoor Trust. 2017-2024. Dartmoor Archive. http://www.dartmoorarchive.org. Website.
SDV365834Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2024. Mastermap 2024. Ordnance Survey Digital Mapping. Digital. [Mapped feature: #142449 Garden area approximate - may need refining, ]
SDV365946Website: Devon Gardens Trust. 2024. Devon Gardens Trust 2024. https://www.devongardenstrust.org.uk/. Website. Accessed 07/05/2024.
SDV365947Un-published: Vint, C.. 2024. Garden and Landscape at Half Moon, Manaton. Non-Designated Heritage Assets. Digital.

Associated Monuments

MDV77791Part of: Half Moon House farm, Manaton (Monument)
MDV34410Related to: Half Moon House, Manaton (Building)
MDV8769Related to: St Winifred's Church, Manaton (Building)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events: none recorded

Date Last Edited:May 7 2024 5:00PM