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HER Number:MDV13697
Name:Trackway around the periphery of the moor, South Brent


An early route around the periphery of the open moor passed by the way of Dockwell, Yalland, Shipley, Diamond Lane, fords on the East and West Glazes, to Spurrell's Cross and Harford. This is suggested by Crossing to be the route from Buckfast to Plympton. It is well evidenced in South Brent parish by the space left between the old moor boundary and the newtakes at the head of Diamond Lane, and by the built ford on the East Glaze just outside the enclosed lands. Worth suggests that it was still in use recently enough to be the route taken by the trainbands on their passage from Exeter to Plymouth.


Grid Reference:SX 67 62
Map Sheet:SX66SE
Admin AreaDartmoor National Park
Civil ParishSouth Brent
DistrictSouth Hams
Ecclesiastical ParishSOUTH BRENT

Protected Status

  • SHINE: Earthwork remains of the early 20th century China Clay works at Redlake Mine and the associated railway, as well as prehistoric remains on Ugborough Moor
  • SHINE: Earthwork and walling remains of the Bronze Age Three Barrows Reave, as well as a deserted medieval farmstead and post-medieval Streamworks on Ugborough Moor

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SX76SW/87
  • SHINE Candidate (Yes)

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • TRACKWAY (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)

Full description

Crossing, W., 1912 (1965), Crossing's Guide to Dartmoor (Monograph). SDV320981.

Worth, R. H., 1967, Worth's Dartmoor (Monograph). SDV337618.

Robinson, R., 1977-1979, South Brent Parish Checklist Worksheets, 649 (Worksheet). SDV340722.

Early route round periphery of moor. Extant. Built fords on East Glaze. Runs from SX703638 to SX668601. An early route around the periphery of the open moor passed by the way of Dockwell, Yalland, Shipley, Diamond Lane, fords on the East and West Glaze Brooks, to Spurrell's Cross and Harford. This is suggested by Crossing to be the route from Buckfast to Plympton. It is well evidenced in South Brent parish by the space left between the old moor boundary and the newtakes at the head of Diamond Lane, and by the built ford on the East Glaze Brook just outside the enclosed lands. Worth suggests that it was still in use recently enough to be the route taken by the trainbands on their passage from Exeter to Plymouth.

Riley, H., 2021, Archaeological Survey: Ugborough Premier Archaeological Landscape, Harford and Ugborough, 16, 7.3.1 (Report - Survey). SDV364697.

Remains of tracks, paths and hollow ways across Ugborough and Harford Moors.

Riley, H., 2021, UG21 heritage asset database and gazetteer of sites (Report - Survey). SDV364699.

Visited on 10th February 2021, part of track surveyed and photographed. Track from Harford to Shipley. Part of this track lies in project area, running from upper Butter Brook to Spurrell's Cross. Mapped on Ordnance Survey drawing of Ashburton in 1802.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV320981Monograph: Crossing, W.. 1912 (1965). Crossing's Guide to Dartmoor. Crossing's Guide to Dartmoor. Hardback Volume.
SDV337618Monograph: Worth, R. H.. 1967. Worth's Dartmoor. Worth's Dartmoor. A5 Hardback.
SDV340722Worksheet: Robinson, R.. 1977-1979. South Brent Parish Checklist Worksheets. South Brent Parish Checklist. Worksheet. 649. [Mapped feature: #80999 ]

Associated Monuments

MDV132370Related to: Area of tinworking streamworks and trial pits east of Glasscombe Corner, Ugborough (Monument)
MDV7739Related to: Cairn west of Ball Gate, Corringdon Ball, South Brent (Monument)
MDV5750Related to: Chambered cairn at Corringdon Ball, South Brent (Monument)
MDV5757Related to: Millstone south-west of Dockwell Farm (Monument)
MDV2922Related to: Spurrell's Cross, Ugborough Moor (Monument)
MDV132358Related to: Standing stone north of Glasscombe Ball, Ugborough (Monument)
MDV25696Related to: Track south-east of Glasscombe Cornerstone row, Ugborough (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV8770 - Archaeological Survey: Ugborough Premier Archaeological Lanscape, Harford and Ugborough

Date Last Edited:Jul 11 2022 1:58PM