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HER Number:MDV17626
Name:Probable Ring Ditch North of The Barton, North Tawton


Large single ring ditch, or possibly small enclosure, to north of Roman marching camp. Probably Bronze Age, but may be of Roman date associated with military complex.


Grid Reference:SS 661 008
Map Sheet:SS60SE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishNorth Tawton
DistrictWest Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishNORTH TAWTON

Protected Status

Other References/Statuses

  • National Monuments Record: 1032497
  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SS60SE/51
  • Old SAM Ref: 10384.01
  • SHINE Candidate (Yes)

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • RING DITCH (Early Bronze Age to Roman - 2200 BC to 409 AD (Between))

Full description

National Monuments Record, SS6600, 54-55 (Aerial Photograph). SDV237340.

Cambridge University, 1975, CUC/BUO, 8 (Aerial Photograph). SDV237834.

Small enclosure or large single ring ditch visible on Cambridge University Collection air photograph immediately north of Roman camp and close to several other ring ditches.

Griffith, F. M., 1987, DAP/IY 7, 8, DAP/IY 7, 8 (Aerial Photograph). SDV237841.

Miller, A., 1995, Untitled Source (Interpretation). SDV237339.

Gent, T. H., 1996, Archaeological Assessment of a Proposed Golf Course at the Hams, North Tawton, 10 (Report - Assessment). SDV319191.

Scheduled as Ancient Monument 1989, in view of proximity to North Tawton military complex. Probably Bronze Age. A possible Roman date has been suggested.

Exeter Archaeology, 1999, Archaeological Assessment of a Proposed Development Site at Barton Hill, North Tawton, 2 (Report - Assessment). SDV274744.

Department of Environment, 2003, Roman Forts, Marching Camps and Associated Monuments (Schedule Document). SDV343864.

The monument includes a complex of large Roman military enclosures together with a series of smaller enclosures and ring-ditches in fields around The Barton on the east bank of the River Taw. Three of the ring ditches lie to the north of The Barton, the fourth lies further south, at the north-western angle of the northernmost fort. Unusually, three of the four have double concentric ditches, the fourth has a single ditch. They are identified as prehistoric funerary features, although, in view of their proximity to the military complex and their unusual double layout, they may be Roman military works. Additional cropmarks between the northernmost fort and The Barton are identified as prehistoric enclosures and land boundaries.

Passmore, A. J., 2004, Archaeological Recording at Site of New Warehouse for Vital Dog Supplies, The Barton, North Tawton, 1 (Report - Watching Brief). SDV319972.

Small enclosure or large single ring ditch to the north of the Roman marching camp.

Young, A., 2005, Transcriptions from Winkleigh Biomass Plant National Mapping Programme (NMP) project (Cartographic). SDV321540.

Transcriptions of a curvilinear bank correspond to grid reference for PRN167047.

Young, A. & Turner, S., 2005-2006, North Devon/Winkleigh Biomass Plant National Mapping Programme (NMP) project database records (Interpretation). SDV358473.

Two partial curvilinear enclosures of uncertain origin are visible on aerial photos (p1). Each has a diameter of roughly 28m. One consists of a single bank, the other an external bank and internal ditch. The two features been digitally plotted as part of the National Mapping Programme.
Photograph reference:
1. CUC CUCAP BUO 8 18-JUL-1975

National Monuments Record, 2009, 1032497 (National Monuments Record Database). SDV343873.

Other details: SS60SE40.

English Heritage, 2009, Heritage at Risk Register 2009: South West, 119 (Report - non-specific). SDV342694.

Generally satisfactory but with significant localised problems. Principal vulnerability arable ploughing.

English Heritage, 2010, Heritage at Risk Register 2010: South West, 112 (Report - non-specific). SDV344777.

Ordnance Survey, 2010, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV344030.

Ring ditch depicted.

Hegarty, C., Knight, S. and Sims, R., 2017-2018, Backlog recording of the Winkleigh National Mapping Programme Survey (Personal Comment). SDV360588.

The record by Young & Turner describes two cropmark enclosures in this location. Given they represent entirely separate features spaced circa 50m apart, they have been recorded as separate monuments. See also MDV121245.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV237339Interpretation: Miller, A.. 1995. RCHME Aerial Photograph Primary Recording Project. Digital.
SDV237340Aerial Photograph: National Monuments Record. SS6600. NMR Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 54-55.
SDV237834Aerial Photograph: Cambridge University. 1975. CUC/BUO. Cambridge University Collection of Aerial Photographs. Photograph (Paper). 8.
SDV237841Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1987. DAP/IY 7, 8. Devon Aerial Photograph. DAP/IY 7, 8.
SDV274744Report - Assessment: Exeter Archaeology. 1999. Archaeological Assessment of a Proposed Development Site at Barton Hill, North Tawton. Exeter Archaeology Report. 99.88. A4 Stapled + Digital. 2.
SDV319191Report - Assessment: Gent, T. H.. 1996. Archaeological Assessment of a Proposed Golf Course at the Hams, North Tawton. Exeter Archaeology Report. 96.09. A4 Stapled + Digital. 10.
SDV319972Report - Watching Brief: Passmore, A. J.. 2004. Archaeological Recording at Site of New Warehouse for Vital Dog Supplies, The Barton, North Tawton. Exeter Archaeology Report. 04.11. A4 Stapled + Digital. 1.
SDV321540Cartographic: Young, A.. 2005. Transcriptions from Winkleigh Biomass Plant National Mapping Programme (NMP) project. Digital. [Mapped feature: #110501 ]
SDV342694Report - non-specific: English Heritage. 2009. Heritage at Risk Register 2009: South West. English Heritage Report. A4 Bound +Digital. 119.
SDV343864Schedule Document: Department of Environment. 2003. Roman Forts, Marching Camps and Associated Monuments. The Schedule of Monuments. A4 Stapled.
SDV343873National Monuments Record Database: National Monuments Record. 2009. 1032497. National Monuments Record Index. Website.
SDV344030Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2010. MasterMap. Ordnance Survey. Map (Digital).
SDV344777Report - non-specific: English Heritage. 2010. Heritage at Risk Register 2010: South West. English Heritage Report. Digital. 112.
SDV358473Interpretation: Young, A. & Turner, S.. 2005-2006. North Devon/Winkleigh Biomass Plant National Mapping Programme (NMP) project database records. Cornwall Council Report. Digital.
SDV360588Personal Comment: Hegarty, C., Knight, S. and Sims, R.. 2017-2018. Backlog recording of the Winkleigh National Mapping Programme Survey. Not Applicable.

Associated Monuments

MDV121244Related to: Enclosure, north of Newland Mill House, North Tawton (Monument)
MDV121245Related to: Enclosure, north of The Barton, North Tawton (Monument)
MDV17218Related to: Ring ditch in the Parish of North Tawton (Monument)
MDV14518Related to: Ring Ditch North-East of The Barton, North Tawton (Monument)
MDV29192Related to: Ring Ditch to south of The Barton, North Tawton (Monument)
MDV14517Related to: Ring Ditches North of The Barton, North Tawton (Monument)
MDV4525Related to: Roman Marching Camp north of The Barton, North Tawton I (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV379 - Archaeological recording at site of new warehouse for Vital Dog Supplies, The Barton, North Tawton
  • EDV7455 - Winkleigh Biomass Plant National Mapping Programme

Date Last Edited:Jun 25 2021 4:40PM