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HER Number:MDV18603
Name:Moorstone Barton, Halberton,


Moorstone Barton dates from the 14th century and was probably built by Walter Ganson. The main range conforms to three-room, through-passage plan. Heavily smoke blackened throughout.


Grid Reference:ST 016 099
Map Sheet:ST00NW
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishHalberton
DistrictMid Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishHALBERTON

Protected Status

Other References/Statuses

  • National Monuments Record: ST00NW16
  • Old DCC SMR Ref: ST00NW/36
  • Old DCC SMR Ref: ST00NW/36/1
  • Old Listed Building Ref (I)

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • FARMHOUSE (Built, XIV to XV - 1301 AD (Between) to 1500 AD (Between)) + Sci.Date

Full description

Reichel, O. J., 1928 - 1939, The Hundred of Halberton in Early Times, 47,51-2,60-2,228 (Article in Monograph). SDV51621.

Moorstone Barton was Linor in Domesday. It was held by Morey of Caen. Before the conquest it was held by Frawin. Early descents given.

Chalk, E. S., 1932-33, Moorstone, Halberton, 315 (Article in Serial). SDV37863.

A 'Caroline' Map of Moorstone Barton is now in Taunton Museum. There are watercourses and a leat said to be 13th century in date.

Tapley-Soper, H., 1932-33, Moorstone, Halberton, 375 (Article in Serial). SDV37864.

The map has been restored and framed and transferred to Exeter City library.

Department of Environment, 1986, Halberton, 106 (List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest). SDV43576.

Moorstone Barton. Farmhouse of mid 14th century date, probably built by Walter Ganson. 15th century cross-wings with that to the north demolished. Cob on stone footings. Main range conforms to three-room, through-passage plan. Heavily smoke blackened throughout. Dr Alcock believes that the roof of the main range is mid 14th century possibly 1340s. The Ganson family were prominent local gentry with connections at court. See DoE list for full details.

Cherry, B. + Pevsner, N., 1989, The Buildings of England: Devon, 467 (Monograph). SDV325629.

Keystone Historic Buildings Consultants, 1997, An Assessment of the First Floor Infill of the 14th Century Spere Truss at Moorstone Barton (Report - Assessment). SDV325331.

14th century spere truss at low end of hall. Massive posts arch braced to tie beam creating two centred arch. Timbers smoke blackened and chamfered on hall side. Arch, and spaces each side and above arch, infilled with wattle and daub coated with limewash. All covered by 16th century plaster incorporating wall painting. Further covered by 18th century plaster.

Thorp, J. R. L., 1997, An Assessment of Three Partition Walls at Moorstone Barton, Halberton, Devon (Report - Assessment). SDV54267.

Assessment of partition wall in what was inner room of 14th century house. Probably dates from early 20th century, based on finish and form of studwork, the door, and style of hinges and catch. Also assessment of partitions separating two rooms in ground floor and first floor of southern solar crosswing. Probably late 16th, early 17th century. Close studded oak-framed, filled with rod-and-daub. Doorways at south end, oak frames with Tudor arch heads, similar to others in wing.

Horner, W., 1997, Moorstone Barton (Site Visit). SDV54249.

Interior renovation work in progress.

Badcock, P. J., 1997, Moorstone Barton (Correspondence). SDV325330.

Fine smoke-blackened king post truss roof in two stages over hall and solar wing.

Unknown, 2005, 7th Report of the Recorders of Buildings, 314-320 (Article in Serial). SDV361703.

Moorstone Barton, Halberton (ST017099), survey of upstanding farm building, the barn and granary complex.

Tyers, C + Hurford, M. + Arnold, A. + Howard, R.E. + Thorp, J., 2009, Dendrochronological Research in Devon: Phase II, 11-12, bulding description, photos (Report - Interim). SDV348234.

The house comprises a main range which includes the remains of a 14th century hall house with cross wings dating to the 15th century and later. The main range faces east overlooking a 19th century cobbled farmyard. Within the main range was a three bay hall open to the roof with an open hearth fire. Smoke from this has left thick deposits of soot on the roof timbers.
The results of a dendrochronological analysis undertaken on timbers from the roof of the cross wing house provided an estimated felling date of 1451-76, suggesting that this part of the house was constructed in the mid-late 15th century. Two samples from the main range gave an estimated felling date of 1304-29 suggesting that parts of the main wing may date to the early 14th century. The results also suggest that work was undertaken on the building during or later than the mid 16th century.

Jones-Lutescu, P, 2014, Land to the Northwest of Cullompton, Devon (Report - Assessment). SDV359834.

A historic environment assessment has been undertaken by AC archaeology during September and October 2014 as part of forthcoming planning applications for proposed mixed use development on c. 70 hectares of land to the northwest of Cullompton, Devon.

The farmhouse of Moorstone Barton dates from the 14th century, with the main range conforming to the three-room, through-passage plan. Moorstone Barton was Linor in Domesday.

Ordnance Survey, 2024, Mastermap 2024 (Cartographic). SDV365834.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV325330Correspondence: Badcock, P. J.. 1997. Moorstone Barton. Unknown.
SDV325331Report - Assessment: Keystone Historic Buildings Consultants. 1997. An Assessment of the First Floor Infill of the 14th Century Spere Truss at Moorstone Barton. Keystone Historic Buildings Consultants. Unknown.
SDV325629Monograph: Cherry, B. + Pevsner, N.. 1989. The Buildings of England: Devon. The Buildings of England: Devon. Hardback Volume. 467.
SDV348234Report - Interim: Tyers, C + Hurford, M. + Arnold, A. + Howard, R.E. + Thorp, J.. 2009. Dendrochronological Research in Devon: Phase II. English Heritage Centre for Archaeology Report. A4 Unbound + Digital. 11-12, bulding description, photos.
SDV359834Report - Assessment: Jones-Lutescu, P. 2014. Land to the Northwest of Cullompton, Devon. AC Archaeology. ACD952/1/1. Digital.
SDV361703Article in Serial: Unknown. 2005. 7th Report of the Recorders of Buildings. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 137. Unknown. 314-320.
SDV365834Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2024. Mastermap 2024. Ordnance Survey Digital Mapping. Digital. [Mapped feature: #143479 ]
SDV37863Article in Serial: Chalk, E. S.. 1932-33. Moorstone, Halberton. Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. 17. 315.
SDV37864Article in Serial: Tapley-Soper, H.. 1932-33. Moorstone, Halberton. Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. 17. 375.
SDV43576List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest: Department of Environment. 1986. Halberton. Historic Houses Register. A4 Spiral Bound. 106.
SDV51621Article in Monograph: Reichel, O. J.. 1928 - 1939. The Hundred of Halberton in Early Times. The Hundreds of Devon. A5 Hardback. 47,51-2,60-2,228.
SDV54249Site Visit: Horner, W.. 1997. Moorstone Barton. Digital.
SDV54267Report - Assessment: Thorp, J. R. L.. 1997. An Assessment of Three Partition Walls at Moorstone Barton, Halberton, Devon. Unknown.

Associated Monuments

MDV58405Related to: Chapel at Moorstone Barton, Halberton (Monument)
MDV72414Related to: Farmbuildings at Moorstone Barton, Halberton (Building)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV5623 - Dendrochronological Research in Devon, Phase II
  • EDV7113 - Historic Environment Assessment, Land to the Northwest of Cullompton, Devon (Ref: ACD952/1/1)

Date Last Edited:Nov 22 2024 5:34PM