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HER Number: | MDV22103 |
Name: | Outbuilding belonging to Great Weeke farm, Chagford |
Old 16th and 17th century farmhouse, now converted to agricultural use, south of Great Weeke farmhouse. Probably abandoned in 19th century, it is part of a group of farm buildings that are owned by Great Weeke farm.
Grid Reference: | SX 714 875 |
Map Sheet: | SX78NW |
Admin Area | Dartmoor National Park |
Civil Parish | Chagford |
District | West Devon |
Ecclesiastical Parish | CHAGFORD |
Protected Status
Other References/Statuses
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX78NW/3
- Old Listed Building Ref (II)
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- FARMHOUSE (Built, XV to XVII - 1500 AD to 1699 AD (Between))
- FARM BUILDING (Altered, XVIII to XIX - 1800 AD to 1899 AD (Between))
Full description
South West Heritage Trust, 1838-1848, Digitised Tithe Maps and Transcribed Apportionments (Cartographic). SDV359954.
Large, irregularly-shaped building shown on the Tithe Map, 2140 on the apportionment 'Barn and Yard', part of Great Week.
Ordnance Survey, 1880-1899, First Edition Ordnance 25 inch map (Cartographic). SDV336179.
Later 19th century historic map shows the surrounding farm buildings have been extended/developed, around a yard to the south; a range bordering the yard on the western side.
Department of Environment, 1960, Okehampton RD, 8 (List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest). SDV275388.
Outbuilding belonging to Great Week farm (on west side of road to Yellam). Formerly farmhouse. Rubble with hipped metal roof. Round headed front doorway with massive door. Rear doorway has four centred arch. Two ground floor rooms have open fireplaces (one all granite, the other with timber lintel). Newel stairs. 17th century.
Department of Environment, 1987, Chagford, 91 (List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest). SDV350463.
Old farmhouse approximately 30 metres south of Great Weeke farmhouse. Now converted to agricultural use. It is 16th and 17th century, probably abandoned in 19th century. Granite stone rubble with large dressed quoins, some cob on wall tops and some 20th century mending in concrete blocks; disused granite ashlar stacks; corrugated iron roof (formerly thatch).
Originally a three-room-and-through-passage plan house facing south with a lower stone newel stair alongside. Formerly two storeys throughout but now only the passage is floored. The front of the hall and inner room and the lower end parlour has been knocked out in order to use the rooms for farming purposes. On both sides of the passage are rubble walls up to first floor level with framed partitions above.
Parlour fireplace is 17th century, contains an oven of the 19th century. Massive fireplace to hall, probably 16th century. Roof structural features. See designation record for further list details.
Google, 2018, Google Streetview (Website). SDV360654.
Image dated September 2011. Building looks to be in a pretty delapidated state; the large opening on the south side is degrading badly.
Ordnance Survey, 2018, MasterMap 2018 (Cartographic). SDV360652.
Building is shown on the modern mapping.
Thorp, J., 2019, Barn 17 Barn 60m south of Great Weeke Farmhouse, Chagford (Report - Assessment). SDV363748.
Assessment of the composition and significance of former farmhouse / barn as part of a project to restore traditional farm buildings, repair work part grant-funded by Historic England.
Significant as a historic Dartmoor farmhouse in vernacular style, with a long and complex structural history. Some fine features retained, despite conversion to agricultural use; rear doorframe and hall fireplace. This building is unusual, having kept its hall open to the roof until the mid-17th century. Also evidence of a rare framed low partition and coursed granite wall on other side of cross passage.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV275388 | List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest: Department of Environment. 1960. Okehampton RD. Historic Houses Register. Unknown. 8. |
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SDV336179 | Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 1880-1899. First Edition Ordnance 25 inch map. First Edition Ordnance Survey 25 inch Map. Map (Digital). |
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SDV350463 | List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest: Department of Environment. 1987. Chagford. Historic Houses Register. A4 Bound. 91. |
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SDV359954 | Cartographic: South West Heritage Trust. 1838-1848. Digitised Tithe Maps and Transcribed Apportionments. Tithe Map and Apportionment. Digital. |
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SDV360652 | Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2018. MasterMap 2018. Ordnance Survey Digital Mapping. Digital. [Mapped feature: #83300 ] |
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SDV360654 | Website: Google. 2018. Google Streetview. Website. |
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Associated Monuments
MDV77139 | Part of: Great Weeke farmstead, Chagford (Monument) |
MDV123450 | Related to: Cottage at Great Weeke, Chagford (Building) |
MDV123452 | Related to: Farm buildings at Great Weeke (Building) |
MDV15399 | Related to: Great Week, Chagford (Monument) |
MDV22107 | Related to: Unidentified building at Great Week, Chagford (Building) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events
- EDV8300 - Great Weeke Barn assessment, Chagford (Ref: K913/17)
Date Last Edited: | Jul 20 2020 9:57AM |
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