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HER Number: | MDV24710 |
Name: | Streamworking on the Western Walla Brook |
A continuous band of Medieval or later streamworks situated on both banks of the Wellabrook stretching from its headmire to its confluence with the River Avon. An archaeological field survey in 1996 recorded that the worked area was characterised by beamworks, linear spoil heaps and silted water channels. Some of the earthwork, certainly on the lower reaches of the stream, appeared to have been reworked resulting in an amorphous jumble of waste heaps. The workings on the upper reaches are bounded by massive tinner's cliffs and seem to have largely escaped major reworking. No contemporary structures associated with these workings were recorded.
Grid Reference: | SX 666 673 |
Map Sheet: | SX66NE |
Admin Area | Dartmoor National Park |
Civil Parish | Dartmoor Forest |
Civil Parish | Dean Prior |
Civil Parish | West Buckfastleigh |
District | South Hams |
District | West Devon |
Ecclesiastical Parish | LYDFORD |
Ecclesiastical Parish | WEST BUCKFASTLEIGH |
Protected Status: none recorded
Other References/Statuses
- National Monuments Record: SX66NE83
- National Record of the Historic Environment: 1059447
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX66NE/167
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX66NE/168
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX66NE/171
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX66NE/189
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- BEAMWORK (Early Medieval to Early 20th Century - 1066 AD (Between) to 1901 AD (Between))
- STREAMWORKS (Early Medieval to Early 20th Century - 1066 AD (Between) to 1901 AD (Between))
Full description
Untitled Source (Aerial Photograph). SDV171869.
Aph=nmr sx6666/4,5,9 (20/5/1977).
Untitled Source (Aerial Photograph). SDV269800.
Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England, 1985, Aerial Photograph Project (Dartmoor) - Dartmoor Pre-NMP (Cartographic). SDV319854.
SX 6646 6636 Linear openwork visible .
Linear openwork on Huntingdon Warren, extending SX 6658 6658 to SX 6649 6661.
Openwork with trial pits and spoilheaps extends SX 6646 6698 to SX 6545 6693.
Total extent of streamwork is SX 6650 6855 to SX 6650 6618. There are extensive openworks and spoilheaps on both banks. There are two associated leats, and the streamwork runs across a field system on Huntingdon Warren.
Royal Commission for the Historical Monuments of England, 1993-1998, Dartmoor Royal Forest Project (Report - Survey). SDV346608.
(31/01/1996) SX66436851 to SX66486618. A continuous band of tin streamworking remains lie on both banks of the Wellabrook stretching from its headmire at SX 66436851 to its confluence with the River Avon at SX 66486618. The worked area is characterised by linear spoil heaps and silted water channels but the remains, certainly on the lower reaches of the stream, appear to have been reworked resulting in an amorphous jumble of waste heaps. The workings on the upper reaches are bounded by massive tinner's cliffs and seem to have largely escaped major reworking. There are no contemporary structures associated with these workings.
This feature is part of (Monument HOB UID 1063693)
A site report and 1:2500 scale are survey are deposited in the archive.
Cranstone, D. + Hedley, I., 1995, Monuments Protection Programme: The Tin Industry Step 3 Site Assessments, Devon 33 (Report - non-specific). SDV357946.
Various, 2018-2020, PALs Condition Recording forms, WLK-111 (Worksheet). SDV362781.
Visited 20/12/2019. Overall condition good. Photo taken.
Various, 2018-2020, PALs Condition Recording photographs, WLK-111 (Photograph). SDV363073.
Photo looking 070° showing grass/moss cover with gorse encroachment on NE side.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV171869 | Aerial Photograph: |
| |
SDV269800 | Aerial Photograph: |
| |
SDV319854 | Cartographic: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1985. Aerial Photograph Project (Dartmoor) - Dartmoor Pre-NMP. Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England Aerial Photograph P. Cartographic. |
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SDV346608 | Report - Survey: Royal Commission for the Historical Monuments of England. 1993-1998. Dartmoor Royal Forest Project. Royal Commission for the Historical Monuments of England Field/Recording In. Unknown. |
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SDV357946 | Report - non-specific: Cranstone, D. + Hedley, I.. 1995. Monuments Protection Programme: The Tin Industry Step 3 Site Assessments. Monument Protection Programme. Foolscap. Devon 33. |
SDV362781 | Worksheet: Various. 2018-2020. PALs Condition Recording forms. PALs Condition Assessment Project Forms. Digital. WLK-111. |
SDV363073 | Photograph: Various. 2018-2020. PALs Condition Recording photographs. PALs Condition Assessment Project Forms. Digital. WLK-111. |
Associated Monuments
MDV28958 | Part of: Streamworks along the River Avon (Monument) |
MDV24782 | Related to: Leat on Hickaton Hill (Monument) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events
- EDV8409 - Dartmoor Royal Forest Project
Date Last Edited: | Dec 21 2021 11:13AM |
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