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HER Number: | MDV27364 |
Name: | Unlikely features, Blackaven Brook |
Earthworks alleged at this location by the 1985 aerial photograph project are probably the result of 20th century army activity and were identified as non- archaeological during 1993 survey by the Royal Commission.
Grid Reference: | SX 597 906 |
Map Sheet: | SX59SE |
Admin Area | Dartmoor National Park |
Civil Parish | Dartmoor Forest |
District | West Devon |
Ecclesiastical Parish | LYDFORD |
Protected Status: none recorded
Other References/Statuses
- National Monuments Record: SX59SE36
- National Record of the Historic Environment: 895437
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX59SE/103
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX59SE/106
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX59SE/107
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- (Former Type) ENCLOSURE (Bronze Age - 2200 BC (Between) to 701 BC (Between))
- (Former Type) BUILDING? (Early Medieval to XXI - 1066 AD (Between) to 2009 AD (Between))
- DRAIN (Constructed, XIX to Late 20th Century - 1900 AD (Between) to 1990 AD (Between))
- MILITARY TRAINING SITE (Constructed, XIX to Late 20th Century - 1900 AD (Between) to 1990 AD (Between))
Full description
National Monument Record, 1969, SX5989, 2/207-208 (Aerial Photograph). SDV247598.
Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England, 1985, Aerial Photograph Project (Dartmoor) - Dartmoor Pre-NMP (Cartographic). SDV319854.
Possible features recorded from aerial photographs. SX 5970 9062 Rectangular building on the west bank of the Blackaven Brook. Incomplete on western edge where possibly crossed by path. Date and purpose unknown. Remains of further small building or extension of previous one to immediate north.
SX 5975 9065 Probable agglomerated enclosure, two elements, on west slope of Blackaven Brook.
SX 5966 9055 Enclosure on west slope of Blackaven Brook. Western edge possibly cut by path. Possible hut circle, or second element or agglomeration.
Royal Commission for the Historical Monuments of England, 1993-1998, Dartmoor Royal Forest Project (Report - Survey). SDV346608.
(23/07/1993) SX 59709070, locality only. There is no ground evidence to confirm the legitimacy of the features described by the SMR records (SX 59 SE 106 and 107). The moderate east facing slope between the military road and the Blackaven Brook displays some shallow scoops and irregular hollows but no stoney banks or hut circles are apparent. It would seem likely that the minor earthworks in this area are the results of army activity. The 'rectangular structure' noted on SMR record SX 59 SE 103 seems to be the misidentification of a roadside drainage channel and old vehicle tracks.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV247598 | Aerial Photograph: National Monument Record. 1969. SX5989. National Monument Record Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 2/207-208. |
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SDV319854 | Cartographic: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1985. Aerial Photograph Project (Dartmoor) - Dartmoor Pre-NMP. Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England Aerial Photograph P. Cartographic. [Mapped feature: #134604 ] |
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SDV346608 | Report - Survey: Royal Commission for the Historical Monuments of England. 1993-1998. Dartmoor Royal Forest Project. Royal Commission for the Historical Monuments of England Field/Recording In. Unknown. |
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Associated Monuments: none recorded
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events
- EDV7620 - Okehampton Artillary Range
- EDV8409 - Dartmoor Royal Forest Project
- EDV8679 - Okehampton Range: Management Survey
- EDV8291 - Okehampton Range: Monument Baseline Condition Survey
- EDV8695 - Survey of Okehampton North Dartmoor Military Range
Date Last Edited: | Nov 30 2021 9:43AM |
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