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HER Number:MDV2840
Name:Route Marker in the Parish of Ivybridge, Ugborough


At the road junction Bittaford-Ivybridge and the lane to Filham and Ugborough. This roadside stone at cross in hand at Ivybridge is close to the hedge and was badly damaged during road widening of the a.38. The stone stands 762mm high, but the top has been mutilated. The width varies because of damage, 178mm to 307mm adjacent sides. The letters p(plymouth) and b(brent) are cut out in relief on the west and north sides respectively. The letters are 178mm long; 89mm wide, the relief being 307mm wide. On the east side next to the hedge there is a mutilated m in relief.(m for modebury). The south side in the direction of ermington is too badly mutilated to show a letter. At ground level on the west side beneath the p there is a bench mark. The horizontal line 127mm long, the arrow beneath 100mm long. An act of parliament 1696 which gave the justices authority to erect at crossroads stones or posts bearing large letters indicating the name of the next town. He thinks it likely(groves,dartmoor:a new study) that many were put up within a few decades of the act. Groves' references to other stones suggests that these direction stones may have had the letters cut in relief in the face of the stones. If this is so, the cross-in-hand may well be one of them.


Grid Reference:SX 647 561
Map Sheet:SX65NW
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishIvybridge
Civil ParishUgborough
DistrictSouth Hams
Ecclesiastical ParishUGBOROUGH

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SX65NW/10

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • DIRECTION STONE (Early Medieval to XVIII - 1066 AD to 1800 AD)

Full description

PLYMOUTH, Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV148649.

At the road junction bittaford-ivybridge and the lane to filham and ugborough. This roadside stone at cross in hand at ivybridge is close to the hedge and was badly damaged during road widening of the a.38. The stone stands 762mm high, but the top has been mutilated. The width varies because of damage, 178mm to 307mm adjacent sides. The letters p(plymouth) and b(brent) are cut out in relief on the west and north sides respectively. The letters are 178mm long; 89mm wide, the relief being 307mm wide. On the east side next to the hedge there is a mutilated m in relief.(m for modebury). The south side in the direction of ermington is too badly mutilated to show a letter. At ground level on the west side beneath the p there is a bench mark. The horizontal line 127mm long, the arrow beneath 100mm long. An act of parliament 1696 which gave the justices authority to erect at crossroads stones or posts bearing large letters indicating the name of the next town. He thinks it likely(groves,dartmoor:a new study) that many were put up within a few decades of the act. Groves' references to other stones suggests that these direction stones may have had the letters cut in relief in the face of the stones. If this is so, the cross-in-hand may well be one of them.

Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV148650.

Gill, c. /dartmoor, a new study/(1970)193.

Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV148651.

Masson phillips, e. /tda/75(1943)145 pl.24. Fig 20/notes on some old roadside stones in sw devon.

Wilson, B, 18/11/2015, Ivybridge Markers (Report - Survey). SDV359286.

Turnpike Trust Guide Stone at Cross in Hand SX64755619, next to finger post. Not visible on this site visit.

Jenkinson, T., 2005 - 2011, B3416/B3212/B3344/Old A38 Exeter to Plymouth (Report - Survey). SDV322256.

Site visit 29th October 2010. Guide Stone at Cross in Hand, at junction with Godwell Lane on the south side leaning agains the base of finger post. The stone, dated to the mid-late 18th century is lying prone in the grass and has broken across the base. Inscribed 'B' (Brent and 'P' (Plymouth).

Sources / Further Reading

SDV148649Migrated Record: PLYMOUTH.
SDV148650Migrated Record:
SDV148651Migrated Record:
SDV322256Report - Survey: Jenkinson, T.. 2005 - 2011. B3416/B3212/B3344/Old A38 Exeter to Plymouth. Devon Milestone Survey. A4 Stapled.
SDV359286Report - Survey: Wilson, B. 18/11/2015. Ivybridge Markers. Ivybridge Heritage and Archive Group. Digital.

Associated Monuments: none recorded

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV2155 - Exeter to Plymouth Milestone Survey

Date Last Edited:Nov 26 2024 11:58AM