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HER Number:MDV4077
Name:Anderton Mine, Whitchurch


Anderton Mine, originally called Wheal Ash, commenced work in the early 1840s, ceased operating in 1889. The old mine is on the east side of the A386, the later section on the west side at Anderton Farm. The earthwork pits of possible mine shafts and quarries, spoiheaps, structural remains and trackways were transcribed as part of the NMP survey of the Tamar Valley AONB. Earthworks are also visible in this location on visualisations derived from lidar data captured in 2016 and recorded during the Tamar/Lidar AI&M survey.


Grid Reference:SX 486 722
Map Sheet:SX47SE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishTavistock
Civil ParishWhitchurch
DistrictWest Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishWHITCHURCH

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SX47SE/36

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • MINE (XIX - 1801 AD to 1900 AD (Between))
  • SHAFT (XIX - 1801 AD to 1900 AD (Between))
  • SPOIL HEAP (XIX - 1801 AD to 1900 AD (Between))

Full description

Ordnance Survey, 1880-1899, First Edition Ordnance 25 inch map (Cartographic). SDV336179.

Anderton Mine (Tin) marked on 1880s-1890s 25 inch Ordnance Survey map. Shafts and a chimney are marked to the south of Anderton Farm and to the east, on the other side of the road are further mine workings and buildings with another chimney. Map object based on this Source.

Ordnance Survey, 1904 - 1906, Second Edition Ordnance Survey 25 inch Map (Cartographic). SDV325644.

"Anderton Mine (Tin, Disused)" marked.

Ordnance Survey, 1938, 105SE. Revision of 1905 with additions in 1938. Provisional Edition (Cartographic). SDV336767.

Ramsden, J. V., 1952, Notes on the Mines of Devonshire, 88, 89 (Article in Serial). SDV60737.

A9 Anderton. Plans, R 312 C and 2485 M. R. O. Ore, tin and copper. A15 Ash.

Ordnance Survey, 1971, SX47SE (Cartographic). SDV337364.

Ordnance Survey, 1971, Untitled Source (Cartographic). SDV47151.

Richardson, P. H. G., 1992, The Mines of Dartmoor and the Tamar Valley after 1913, 138 (Article in Serial). SDV323598.

Environment Agency, 2000-2019, LiDAR DTM data (1m resolution) EA: Tamar Aerial Survey project area, LIDAR Environment Agency LAST RETURN 15-FEB-2016 (Cartographic). SDV363954.

Earthworks of oval and irregularly shaped pits and banks are visible.

Cornwall Archaeological Unit, 2001-2002, Tamar Valley National Mapping Programme Transcriptions and Database Records, RAF/CPE/UK/1890/1283-4 (Interpretation). SDV346287.

Transcriptions of two earthwork pits cut into earthwork mounds adjacent to two shallow and narrow linear ditches, all set within an area of ground disturbance visible on aerial photographs RAF/CPE/UK/1890/1283-4, interpreted as mine shafts within spoil heaps linked by trackways, correspond with a database record of a post-medieval mine at Anderton. Map object based on this source.

Passmore, A., 2009, Archaeological Recording at Anderton Mine, Tavistock, Devon, 4 (Report - Watching Brief). SDV347943.

A section of the Anderton Mine to Grenofen Tunnel Cycleway passes through Anderton Tin Mine. Remains of a number of mining features dating from the middle of the 19th century (and re-used in the 1880s) were exposed during the construction of the cyleway, however no earlier features were uncovered. The structures had been extensively, although not completely, demolished after the mine ceased to operate. The recorded features include spoil heaps, part of an engine house, part of a buddle, and the retaining wall of the dressing floor that incorporated the buddles. Parts of a well, a pit and a trackway leading from the dressing floor to Anderton Lane, were uncovered in the field to the north of the mine. Other details: Figures 2-3.

Ordnance Survey, 2011, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV346129.

Map object based on this Source.

Newman, P., 2011, Mining in the Tavy Valley, West Devon. An Assessment of Archaeological Potential, 8, 12; figure 4, site 1 (Report - Assessment). SDV347105.

Anderton, together with Rixhill mine, exploited an approximate east-west tin bearing load. The mine commenced work in the early 1840s, probably on the site of earlier tin working. In 1844 the mine had two water wheels but insufficient water to drive them. A steam engine was installed in 1847 for hoisting and stamping. The sett was amalgamated with Tavistock Consols in 1850, comprising Wheal Ash and Rixhill mines. Following a period of inactivity in the 1870s Anderton was reopened in 1881 and separated from Tavistock Consols in 1882 after which it was known as Wheal Anderton. A new engine for pumping and stamping was installed. Work stopped in 1889.
Anderton mine has a split location. The old mine is in the valley of the Tiddy Brook, to the east of the modern A386. The later section is at Anderton, a farm to the west of the road. There is surface evidence at both sites.

Hegarty, C., Knight, S. and Sims, R., 2016, Backlog Recording of the Tamar Valley National Mapping Programme Survey (Personal Comment). SDV359374.

The aerial photograph reference given in the Tamar Valley NMP transcription attributes is incomplete; the date of the photograph is not included.

Hegarty, C., Knight, S. and Sims, R., 2020-2021, Tamar/Lidar; A Single Source Approach to Landscape Survey and Socially Distanced Community Archaeology Area 1 (AI&M project) (Interpretation). SDV363945.

Sub-oval and irregularly shaped pits and banks, between 6-130 metres long, are visible as earthworks on visualisations derived from lidar data captured in 2013 and 2016. The visible earthworks occupy two separate areas located either side of the A386 and have a combined area of circa 1.85 hectares.
The pits and banks correspond with earthworks and features labelled as ‘Shafts’ and ‘Anderton Mine (Tin)’ on the late-19th century First Edition Ordnance Survey map. An area of possible earthworks, circa 55 metres long, which is defined by an extent of area polygon and is visible within the western concentration of features at SX48527233 corresponds with an orchard on this map.
They are therefore interpreted as 19th century extractive pits, spoil heaps and shafts of Anderton Mine that had passed out of use by the late-19th century. By this time part of the redundant workings had possibly been given over to an orchard associated with Anderton farm.
Two of the earthworks possibly correspond with the child records of buildings (MDV79875) and a spoil heap (MDV80873). These child records have not been individually amended and the attribute data for the transcriptions of these features have been appended to this parent record.
Earthworks associated with this mine were also recorded from aerial photographs during the Tamar Valley NMP project. Some of these features have been re-transcribed during this survey from lidar data which has provided additional clarity and detail as well as improved spatial accuracy, but which was unavailable to the previous survey.
The earthworks are not clearly visible on other available aerial imagery owing to dense tree cover.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV323598Article in Serial: Richardson, P. H. G.. 1992. The Mines of Dartmoor and the Tamar Valley after 1913. British Mining. 44. A5 Paperback. 138.
SDV325644Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 1904 - 1906. Second Edition Ordnance Survey 25 inch Map. Second Edition Ordnance Survey 25 inch Map. Map (Digital).
SDV336179Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 1880-1899. First Edition Ordnance 25 inch map. First Edition Ordnance Survey 25 inch Map. Map (Digital).
SDV336767Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 1938. 105SE. Revision of 1905 with additions in 1938. Provisional Edition. Second Edition Ordnance Survey 6 inch Map. Map (Paper).
SDV337364Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 1971. SX47SE. Ordnance Survey 6 inch map. Map (Paper).
SDV346129Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2011. MasterMap. Ordnance Survey. Map (Digital).
SDV346287Interpretation: Cornwall Archaeological Unit. 2001-2002. Tamar Valley National Mapping Programme Transcriptions and Database Records. National Mapping Programme. Map (Digital). RAF/CPE/UK/1890/1283-4.
SDV347105Report - Assessment: Newman, P.. 2011. Mining in the Tavy Valley, West Devon. An Assessment of Archaeological Potential. SW Landscape Investigations Report. A4 Stapled + Digital. 8, 12; figure 4, site 1.
SDV347943Report - Watching Brief: Passmore, A.. 2009. Archaeological Recording at Anderton Mine, Tavistock, Devon. Exeter Archaeology Report. 09.107. A4 Stapled + Digital. 4.
SDV359374Personal Comment: Hegarty, C., Knight, S. and Sims, R.. 2016. Backlog Recording of the Tamar Valley National Mapping Programme Survey. Not Applicable.
SDV363945Interpretation: Hegarty, C., Knight, S. and Sims, R.. 2020-2021. Tamar/Lidar; A Single Source Approach to Landscape Survey and Socially Distanced Community Archaeology Area 1 (AI&M project). Historic England Research Report. Digital.
SDV363954Cartographic: Environment Agency. 2000-2019. LiDAR DTM data (1m resolution) EA: Tamar Aerial Survey project area. Environment Agency LiDAR data. Digital. LIDAR Environment Agency LAST RETURN 15-FEB-2016.
SDV47151Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 1971. Ordnance Survey 6 inch map. Unknown.
SDV60737Article in Serial: Ramsden, J. V.. 1952. Notes on the Mines of Devonshire. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 84. A5 Hardback. 88, 89.

Associated Monuments

MDV79874Parent of: Buddles at Anderton Mine, Whitchurch (Monument)
MDV79875Parent of: Buildings and Features at Anderton Mine, Whitchurch (Monument)
MDV79864Parent of: Chimney at Anderton Mine, Whitchurch (Monument)
MDV79871Parent of: Dressing Floor at Anderton Mine, Whitchurch (Monument)
MDV79868Parent of: Engine House at Anderton Mine, Whitchurch (Monument)
MDV79865Parent of: Shafts at Anderton Mine, Whitchurch (Monument)
MDV80873Parent of: Spoil Heap to South of Anderton Mine Buildings (Monument)
MDV79870Parent of: Stamping Mill at Anderton Mine, Whitchurch (Monument)
MDV79873Parent of: Water Wheel at Anderton Mine, Whitchurch (Monument)
MDV51366Related to: Anderton Cottage, Anderton Lane, Whitchurch (Monument)
MDV80872Related to: Archaeological Features to North of Anderton Mine (Monument)
MDV71856Related to: Former Shaft and Adit, Anderton Mine (Monument)
MDV4078Related to: Rixhill Mine, Whitchurch (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV5390 - Archaeological Recording at Anderton Mine, Tavistock
  • EDV6911 - Tamar Valley National Mapping Programme
  • EDV8345 - Tamar/Lidar; A Single Source Approach to Landscape Survey and Socially Distanced Community Archaeology Area 1 (AI&M) (Ref: ACD2380)

Date Last Edited:Apr 30 2021 11:28AM