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HER Number:MDV41709
Name:Foundations near Shingle Slack, Braunton Burrows


Building foundations to south-west of Shingle Slack, eroding out of the foreshore and visible on aerial photographs from 2001. Although originally thought to have been associated with the World War II US Assault Training Centre on Braunton Burrows, it is more likely to have been earlier modern or post-medieval walling or revetting along the shoreline.


Grid Reference:SS 454 326
Map Sheet:SS43SE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishBraunton
DistrictNorth Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishBRAUNTON

Protected Status

  • SHINE: Earthworks and structural remains of World War II military training features for D-Day Landings on Braunton Burrows

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SS43SE/229
  • SHINE Candidate (Yes)

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • BUILDING (World War II - 1939 AD to 1945 AD (Between))

Full description

Unknown, 1944, Roads and Training Aids: U.S. Assault Training Center (Un-published). SDV339604.

Area marked 'Esuary Yellow'.

Nature Conservancy Council, 1989, Braunton Burrows Habitat Map (Cartographic). SDV339613.

'Foundations' shown, in area to south-west of Shingle Slack, on the Braunton Burrows Habitat Map. The area to the south along the shore is named 'Old Walls'.

Bass, R. T., 1992, Spirits of the Sand, 95-96 (Monograph). SDV339609.

Next Perspectives, 2002, Pan Government Agreement Aerial Photographs, Next Perspectives PGA Tile Ref: SS4532 22-MAY-2001 (Aerial Photograph). SDV349498.

An indistinct dark mark is visible in this area.

Bass, R. T., 2005, Spirits of the Sand: Field Edition, 34 (Monograph). SDV325697.

The World War II US Assault Training Centre, Area B, occupied the south-west part of Braunton Burrows. It contains the earliest constructions for assault training and a high proportion of unmarked and unidentified remains.

Next Perspectives, 2007, Next Perspectives PGA Tile Ref:, Next Perspectives PGA Tile Ref: SS4532 04-MAY-2007 (Aerial Photograph). SDV349344.

A linear feature, possibly a structure, is visible.

Collings, A. G. + Manning, P. T. + Valentin, J., 2007, The North Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Phase 1. Archaeological Survey. Summary Report (Report - Assessment). SDV339712.

Other details: Survey number 885.

Passmore, A. + Knight, S., 2009, Farm Environment Plan (FEP), Updated Spreadsheet of Archaeological Sites (Un-published). SDV344664.

Foundations probably associated with the World War II US Assault Training Centre. Training Aid 36 recorded on U.S. Army plans just west of the slack.
Visited 2009. Nothing was visible in this area. The NGR for this site places the structure on the foreshore, some 20-30 metres from the shoreline.
The site has been lost to coastal erosion.

Hegarty, C. + Knight, S., 2011 - 2012, North Devon Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty National Mapping Programme Project (Interpretation). SDV349018.

A possible linear structure is visible on aerial photographs dated to 2007, roughly parallel to the shoreline and circa 8 metres by 1.2 metres. It is just visible, although indistinct, on earlier aerial photographs dated to 2001, and may have been eroding out of the foreshore. Its function is not known, and it is not visible on 1940s aerial photographs, suggesting that it was not a component of the Second World War U.S. Army military training site. The area immediately to the south is marked on a 1989 map as ‘Old Walls’, and the structure could be associated with possible walling or revetments approximately 130 metres to the south and east, and possibly of post-medieval or modern date.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV325697Monograph: Bass, R. T.. 2005. Spirits of the Sand: Field Edition. Spirits of the Sand. A5 Paperback. 34.
SDV339604Un-published: Unknown. 1944. Roads and Training Aids: U.S. Assault Training Center. U.S. Plans from R.T.Bass. Mixed Archive Material + Digital.
SDV339609Monograph: Bass, R. T.. 1992. Spirits of the Sand. Spirits of the Sand. Unknown. 95-96.
SDV339613Cartographic: Nature Conservancy Council. 1989. Braunton Burrows Habitat Map. Photocopy + Digital.
SDV339712Report - Assessment: Collings, A. G. + Manning, P. T. + Valentin, J.. 2007. The North Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Phase 1. Archaeological Survey. Summary Report. Exeter Archaeology Report. 06.22 (rev.1). A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV344664Un-published: Passmore, A. + Knight, S.. 2009. Farm Environment Plan (FEP), Updated Spreadsheet of Archaeological Sites. Exeter Archaeology Report. Digital.
SDV349018Interpretation: Hegarty, C. + Knight, S.. 2011 - 2012. North Devon Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty National Mapping Programme Project. AC Archaeology Report. ACD383/2/1. Digital.
Linked documents:1
SDV349344Aerial Photograph: Next Perspectives. 2007. Next Perspectives PGA Tile Ref:. Pan Government Agreement Aerial Photographs. Digital. Next Perspectives PGA Tile Ref: SS4532 04-MAY-2007.
SDV349498Aerial Photograph: Next Perspectives. 2002. Pan Government Agreement Aerial Photographs. Pan Government Agreement Aerial Photographs. Digital. Next Perspectives PGA Tile Ref: SS4532 22-MAY-2001.

Associated Monuments

MDV57283Part of: Braunton Areas A, B, C and D of US Assault Training Centre (Monument)
MDV73988Related to: Concrete Base on the Boardwalk Mounds, Braunton Burrows (Monument)
MDV41708Related to: Ruins near Shingle Slack, Braunton Burrows (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV4737 - Stewardship Scheme Archaeological Survey, Braunton Burrows
  • EDV6132 - North Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty NMP Project

Date Last Edited:Jul 7 2017 12:34PM