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HER Number:MDV4339
Name:Ford Barn Deserted Medieval Settlement, Cornwood


Ruined Medieval site containing at least six rectangular structures generally aligned east-west. Earthworks of a settlement with the remains of a long house and 17th century house. Also called Ford Barrow.


Grid Reference:SX 609 618
Map Sheet:SX66SW
Admin AreaDartmoor National Park
Civil ParishCornwood
DistrictSouth Hams
Ecclesiastical ParishCORNWOOD

Protected Status

Other References/Statuses

  • National Monuments Record: SX66SW64
  • National Record of the Historic Environment: 442362
  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SX66SW/80
  • Old SAM County Ref: 899

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • DESERTED SETTLEMENT (Constructed, Early Medieval to XVIII - 1066 AD (Between) to 1800 AD (Between))

Full description

Gover, J. E. B. + Mawer, A. + Stenton, F. M., 1931, The Place-Names of Devon: Part One, 271 (Monograph). SDV1312.

'Ford' is mentioned in lay subsidy roll 1330. This may refer to this site of Ford Waste (SX66SW/99).

Royal Air Force, 1948, RAF/CPE/UK/2494, 3055-56 (Aerial Photograph). SDV147533.

othing visible on air photographs area tree-covered.

Royal Air Force, 1953, 58/1110, 0052 (Aerial Photograph). SDV157241.

Linehan, C. D., 1965, Deserted Sites on Dartmoor, Devon, 172 (Article in Serial). SDV217992.

Ford Barn, deserted farmstead. Land tax list, 1781.

Linehan, C. D., 1966, Deserted Sites and Rabbit-Warrens on Dartmoor, Devon, 113-115, Table 2, figs 56, 57a (Article in Serial). SDV307246.

(SX 60886183) Ford or Ford Barn is the largest of the six deserted Medieval sites in Cornwood parish. Seven buildings have been counted; the whole settlement area lies in a large enclosure, and the uneven ground with a confusion of banks and walls, indicates numerous rebuildings and a considerable period of occupation. One long-house on the southwest side, lying on a different alignment and showing only slight remains, suggests an earlier phase of occupation. The largest house appears to be of typical 17th century construction; two other buildings are of still later date, showing the use of mortar. Desertion is complete.

Haynes, R. G., 1966-1969, Ruined Sites on Dartmoor, 36 (Un-published). SDV150434.

(Site visited 30/3/1966). Two buildings are of mortared stone while to the west, there are the remains of a longhouse which has been extended. Age of oak trees suggests a long period of abandonment of the site.

Department of Environment, 1971, Medieval settlement at Ford Barn (Schedule Document). SDV155354.

Deserted medieval site consisting of seven longhouses varying in length from 11.0 – 7.0 meters and width 4.6 - 3.7 meters, within an enclosure. Three were incorporated later and are now ruined barns. Turf-covered dry stone walls.

Hall, J. + Hamlin, A., 1976, Deserted Medieval Settlements in Devon, 5 (Article in Serial). SDV38836.

Site includes at least six buildings in enclosures.

Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division, 1979, SX66SW64 (Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card). SDV155364.

(12/07/1979) The Ford Barn complex at SX 61976183 is generally as described (1966), though some features depicted on the published plan cannot now be traced. The longhouse foundations at the southern end of the site may be of Medieval date but other buildings appear to be much later.
Surveyed at 1:2500 on MSD.

Robinson, R., 1983, Untitled Source (Site Visit). SDV346249.

Field Monument Warden Visit

Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England, 1985, Aerial Photograph Project (Dartmoor) - Dartmoor Pre-NMP (Cartographic). SDV319854.

Not visible due to tree cover on National Monuments Record or Royal Air Force aerial photographs.

Griffiths, D. M., 1986, Ford Barn deserted medieval settlement (Worksheet). SDV155369.

(Site visited 23/1/1986 by D. Griffiths and R. Robinson). The site is situated on the lower slope of Penn Beacon just above Ford Brook in a sheltered area of sparse deciduous woodland. There are signs of later occupation, principally buildings D and G (see separate records), which are post medieval. Six buildings identified at the site, the southern two of which are probably medieval longhouses, partly reconstructed in places. Building E has not been included as a record as it could not be securely identified at this time. Other details: Annotated plan from Linehan included.

Ordnance Survey, 2010, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV344030.

White, P., 2013, Previously Unsurveyed Dartmoor Historic Farmsteads, Ford Barn (Un-published). SDV352501.

Ford Barn deserted longhouse.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV1312Monograph: Gover, J. E. B. + Mawer, A. + Stenton, F. M.. 1931. The Place-Names of Devon: Part One. The Place-Names of Devon: Part One. VIII. A5 Hardback. 271.
SDV147533Aerial Photograph: Royal Air Force. 1948. RAF/CPE/UK/2494. Royal Air Force Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 3055-56.
SDV150434Un-published: Haynes, R. G.. 1966-1969. Ruined Sites on Dartmoor. Ruined Sites on Dartmoor. Manuscript + Digital. 36.
SDV155354Schedule Document: Department of Environment. 1971. Medieval settlement at Ford Barn. The Schedule of Monuments.
SDV155364Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card: Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division. 1979. SX66SW64. Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card. Card Index.
SDV155369Worksheet: Griffiths, D. M.. 1986. Ford Barn deserted medieval settlement. Worksheet. Digital.
SDV157241Aerial Photograph: Royal Air Force. 1953. 58/1110. Royal Air Force Aerial Photograph. 0052.
SDV217992Article in Serial: Linehan, C. D.. 1965. Deserted Sites on Dartmoor, Devon. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 97. A5 Hardback. 172.
SDV307246Article in Serial: Linehan, C. D.. 1966. Deserted Sites and Rabbit-Warrens on Dartmoor, Devon. Medieval Archaeology. 10. Digital. 113-115, Table 2, figs 56, 57a.
SDV319854Cartographic: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1985. Aerial Photograph Project (Dartmoor) - Dartmoor Pre-NMP. Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England Aerial Photograph P. Cartographic.
SDV344030Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2010. MasterMap. Ordnance Survey. Map (Digital). [Mapped feature: #91710 ]
SDV346249Site Visit: Robinson, R.. 1983. Field Monument Warden Visit.
SDV352501Un-published: White, P.. 2013. Previously Unsurveyed Dartmoor Historic Farmsteads. Excel Spreadsheet. Ford Barn.
SDV38836Article in Serial: Hall, J. + Hamlin, A.. 1976. Deserted Medieval Settlements in Devon. Devon Historian. 13. A5 Paperback. 5.

Associated Monuments

MDV79159Parent of: Barn at Ford Barn deserted medieval settlement (Building)
MDV79158Parent of: Building at Ford Barn deserted medieval settlement (Building)
MDV79160Parent of: Building at Ford Barn deserted medieval settlement (Building)
MDV79156Parent of: Longhouse at Ford Barn, deserted medieval settlement (Building)
MDV79154Parent of: Longhouse, Ford Barn deserted medieval settlement (Building)
MDV79162Parent of: Post medieval building at Ford Barn settlement (Building)
MDV27802Related to: Field system east of Rook Tor (Monument)
MDV4338Related to: Ford Waste settlement, Cornwood (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events: none recorded

Date Last Edited:Jan 25 2022 8:16AM