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HER Number:MDV43938
Name:Enclosure and Associated Features south-west of Abbotsham Court


Cropmarks of a ditched sub-circular enclosure recorded from the air in 1990 on a north-facing slope to the west of Shebbertown Court Farm.


Grid Reference:SS 412 273
Map Sheet:SS42NW
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishAbbotsham
Ecclesiastical ParishABBOTSHAM

Protected Status

  • SHINE: Prehistoric enclosure and associated features south-west of Abbotsham Court

Other References/Statuses

  • National Monuments Record: 1031794
  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SS42NW/180

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • SUB CIRCULAR ENCLOSURE (Early Bronze Age to Roman - 2200 BC to 409 AD (Between))

Full description

Devon County Council, Devon Air Photograph Transcriptions (Cartographic). SDV344181.

APH, Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV14869.

Parts of irregular enclosure, c 60m by 50m recorded in 1990 aerial reconnaissance (aph).

Untitled Source (Aerial Photograph). SDV14871.

Aph=dap/tj 8.

Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV14872.

Des=dprfp 1992(and photos ae 15).

Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV14873.


Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV14874.

Des=miler, a. /(22/11/1995)/rchme ap primary recording project.

Untitled Source (Aerial Photograph). SDV14875.


Untitled Source (Aerial Photograph). SDV14876.

Aph=dap/tj 8,9(23/7/1990).

DPRFP, Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV262469.

Vis=13/5/1992 (horner) site situated toward the base of a moderately sloping coombe-head. Nothing visible on ground. N-s linear feature running to and through w end of enclosure is a recently installed field drain (dprfp).

Griffith, F. M., 1990, DAP/TJ (Aerial Photograph). SDV343108.

Cropmark of a sub-circular enclosure is clearly visible.

Collings, A. G. + Manning, P. T. + Valentin, J., 2007, The North Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Phase 1. Archaeological Survey. Summary Report, No. 521 (Report - Assessment). SDV339712.

Hegarty, C. + Knight, S., 2011 - 2012, North Devon Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty National Mapping Programme Project (Interpretation). SDV349018.

The cropmarks of a ditched sub-circular enclosure is visible on a Devon Air Photograph of 1990, bisected by a modern field boundary, on a north-facing slope to the west of Shebbertown Court Farm. The enclosure measures up to circa 56 metres in diameter. The cropmark is more clearly defined to the south of the field boundary, indicating the enclosure ditch might measure up to circa 3 metres across. Internal subdivisions can be seen, crossing the enclosure from north to south, approximately 20 metres from the western edge. The date of the enclosure is unkown, but hillslope enclosures in north Devon are known to have been occupied from the Bronze Age into the Roman period.

RPS Planning & Development, 2013, Atlantic Array Offshore Wind Farm. Enviornmental Statement Volume 4. Annex 8.2: Desk Based Assessment, 12, 22: Site 20 (Report - Assessment). SDV357386.

Not visited during the site walkover in February 2011 as no works are planned in this area and no access to the land has been sought.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV14869Migrated Record: APH.
SDV14871Aerial Photograph:
SDV14872Migrated Record:
SDV14873Migrated Record:
SDV14874Migrated Record:
SDV14875Aerial Photograph:
SDV14876Aerial Photograph:
SDV262469Migrated Record: DPRFP.
SDV339712Report - Assessment: Collings, A. G. + Manning, P. T. + Valentin, J.. 2007. The North Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Phase 1. Archaeological Survey. Summary Report. Exeter Archaeology Report. 06.22 (rev.1). A4 Stapled + Digital. No. 521.
SDV343108Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1990. DAP/TJ. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper).
SDV344181Cartographic: Devon County Council. Devon Air Photograph Transcriptions. Devon Air Photograph Transcriptions. Map (Digital). [Mapped feature: #92025 ]
SDV349018Interpretation: Hegarty, C. + Knight, S.. 2011 - 2012. North Devon Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty National Mapping Programme Project. AC Archaeology Report. ACD383/2/1. Digital.
Linked documents:1
SDV357386Report - Assessment: RPS Planning & Development. 2013. Atlantic Array Offshore Wind Farm. Enviornmental Statement Volume 4. Annex 8.2: Desk Based Assessment. RWE Npower Renewables. Digital. 12, 22: Site 20.

Associated Monuments: none recorded

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV6132 - North Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty NMP Project

Date Last Edited:Nov 11 2015 9:16AM