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HER Number:MDV5256
Name:Route marker at Cross Furzes


Route marker at junction. Small, roughly four-sided stone. Upon three sides it bears initial letters in relief: T (on northern face) for Tavistock, across the moor, B (on the southern face) for Brent, A (on eastern face) for Ashburton.


Grid Reference:SX 699 667
Map Sheet:SX66NE
Admin AreaDartmoor National Park
Civil ParishWest Buckfastleigh
DistrictSouth Hams
Ecclesiastical ParishWEST BUCKFASTLEIGH

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SX66NE/68

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • DIRECTION STONE (Post Medieval - 1540 AD (Between) to 1750 AD (Between))

Full description

Masson Phillips, E. N., 1943, Notes on Some Old Roadside Stones in South West Devon, 148-9 pl.24 fig.22 (Article in Serial). SDV148816.

SX 698 667 Cross Furzes. Lie on fringe of the moor to the north of South Brent, relics of pre-turnpike era, when moorland tracks were used in preference to lowland roads. About 5 kilometres north of South Brent and 4.5 kilometres west of Buckfast Abbey. At the point where the Abbot's Way enters the moor.
Located at the northern end of a green triangle, where the road from Hayford meets the road from Buckfastleigh to Holne. Small, roughly four-sided stone. Upon three sides it bears initial letters in relief: T (on northern face) for Tavistock, across the moor, B (on the southern face) for Brent, A (on eastern face) for Ashburton. Unusual form of letter A (a).
An ancient track from Cross Furzes passes over the Dean Brook by a ford and a clapper bridge (bearing two dates, 1705 and 1737), climbs up to Lambsdown and passing the ruins of Lambsdown Farm, crosses Skerraton Down to Gidley Bridge and thence via Lutton to South Brent.

Minchinton, W., 1973, Industrial Archaeology in Devon, 5 (Monograph). SDV362710.

Machin, N., 2021, Image of waymarker at Cross Furzes (Photograph). SDV147716.

Stone photographed.

Machin, N., 2021, Update on stone location (Correspondence). SDV147715.

(20/04/2021) Stone visited and correct location noted as SX 69903 66794. Photographed.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV147715Correspondence: Machin, N.. 2021. Update on stone location. Email. Not Applicable. [Mapped feature: #32903 ]
SDV147716Photograph: Machin, N.. 2021. Image of waymarker at Cross Furzes. Digital.
SDV148816Article in Serial: Masson Phillips, E. N.. 1943. Notes on Some Old Roadside Stones in South West Devon. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 75. A5 Hardback. 148-9 pl.24 fig.22.
SDV362710Monograph: Minchinton, W.. 1973. Industrial Archaeology in Devon. . 5.

Associated Monuments: none recorded

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events: none recorded

Date Last Edited:Nov 26 2024 2:20PM