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HER Number:MDV52777
Name:Cairn to the north-east of settlement to the north-east of Crockern, Dartmoor Forest


Small subcircular cairn of 3.2 metres diameter by 0.35 metres high to the north-east of the settlement to the north-east of Crockern


Grid Reference:SX 612 759
Map Sheet:SX67NW
Admin AreaDartmoor National Park
Civil ParishDartmoor Forest
DistrictWest Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishLYDFORD

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • National Monuments Record: SX67NW152
  • National Record of the Historic Environment: 874503
  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SX67NW/268

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • CAIRN (Constructed, Bronze Age - 2200 BC (Between) to 701 BC (Between))

Full description

Royal Commission for the Historical Monuments of England, 1987-1993, Duchy Farms Project Survey Visit, P. Pattison (Report - Survey). SDV350839.

Visited on 15th May 1989. Small, subcircular cairn situated at SX 61257598 on a slight, western slope overlooking the West Dart in Crockern Newtake. This cairn is composed of medium and large size stones forming a rough circle 3.2 metres in diameter and 0.35 metres high. It has been disturbed, probably in the search for a cist, leaving a depression in the centre 1-1.8 metres wide and 0.15 metres deep. There is no trace of deliberate kerbing. Its small size might indicate clearance, especially considering the proximity of the prehistoric settlement 50 metres to the west. Apart from a dubious stoney pile 18 metres to the east no other mounds were found and it is more likely to be sepulchral.

Gerrard, S., 1993-2010, Monument Protection Programme Alternative Action Report (Report - non-specific). SDV145710.

(25/04/2002) The cairn has a 'modern' appearance and has not been considered for scheduling.

English Heritage, 2005-2008, Prehistoric Survey Information (Cartographic). SDV345521.

Cairn shown on survey.

Cartographic Engineering, 2006, Dartmoor 2006 1:1250 Aerial Photography (digital) (Aerial Photograph). SDV345590.

Visible on aerial photograph.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV145710Report - non-specific: Gerrard, S.. 1993-2010. Monument Protection Programme Alternative Action Report. English Heritage. Unknown.
SDV345521Cartographic: English Heritage. 2005-2008. Prehistoric Survey Information. English Heritage. Digital.
SDV345590Aerial Photograph: Cartographic Engineering. 2006. Dartmoor 2006 1:1250 Aerial Photography (digital). Digital.
SDV350839Report - Survey: Royal Commission for the Historical Monuments of England. 1987-1993. Duchy Farms Project Survey Visit. Royal Commission for the Historical Monuments of England Archaeological Survey. Unknown. P. Pattison. [Mapped feature: #135512 ]

Associated Monuments

MDV57569Related to: Cairn with a cist on Crockern Tor, Dartmoor Forest (Monument)
MDV5949Related to: Settlement 320 metres north east of Crockern, Dartmoor Forest (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV8642 - Crockern Newtake, Duchy Farms Survey
  • EDV8409 - Dartmoor Royal Forest Project
  • EDV8423 - Duchy Farms Project

Date Last Edited:Aug 31 2024 2:48PM