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HER Number:MDV54065
Name:Enclosure in Knightshayes Park


Small irregular single ditched enclosure, with possible additions to east and south, visible as a cropmark on aerial photographs. Possibly of prehistoric date.


Grid Reference:SS 957 154
Map Sheet:SS91NE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishTiverton
DistrictMid Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishTIVERTON

Protected Status

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SS91NE/79

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • ENCLOSURE (Unknown date)

Full description

National Monuments Record, SS91NE12 (National Monuments Record Database). SDV341957.

National Monuments Record, SS9515, 1-2 (Aerial Photograph). SDV341959.

National Trust, 1984, Knightshayes Court, Devon, 6 (Report - Survey). SDV341846.

Some suggestions of lynchets were noted in the fields to the north-west of the stable block; these were not pronounced and several clumps of mature trees obscured their visibility.

Griffith, F. M., 1989, DAP/PI, 4, 8 (Aerial Photograph). SDV341956.

Robinson, R., 1995, Enclosure North-West of Knightshayes (Personal Comment). SDV341955.

Visited on 08/02/1995. Small irregular single ditched enclosure with possible additions to east and south. Overall measurements of group circa 60 metres by 50 metres. Site lies on an even moderate south slope. The upper side may be marked by a faint scarp and the east side by a faint hollow, but the presence of parkland trees makes this difficult to asses .

Miller, A., 1996, Untitled Source (Interpretation). SDV35321.

Land Use Consultants, 1998, Knightshayes Park Survey Plan (Report - Survey). SDV341869.

Exeter Archaeology, 1999, Knightshayes Court Tiverton Devon: Watching Brief During Construction of New Withy Bed Sewage Treatment System (Report - Watching Brief). SDV341960.

The site of particular interest to the development area is an enclosure of probable prehisoric date, identified from an aerial photograph, and associated with possible low undulations. The feature is located to the north of the development area (within same field) and is number 6 on plan. Other details: Plan.

English Heritage, 2000, Knightshayes Court (Register of Parks and Gardens in England). SDV341847.

The Parks Agency, 2007, The Setting of Knightshayes Park and Garden: A Historic Landscape Assessment (Report - Assessment). SDV341853.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV341846Report - Survey: National Trust. 1984. Knightshayes Court, Devon. National Trust Archaeological Survey Report. A4 Stapled + Digital. 6.
SDV341847Register of Parks and Gardens in England: English Heritage. 2000. Knightshayes Court. Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England. A4 Stapled.
SDV341853Report - Assessment: The Parks Agency. 2007. The Setting of Knightshayes Park and Garden: A Historic Landscape Assessment. Parks Agency Report. A4 Spiral Bound.
SDV341869Report - Survey: Land Use Consultants. 1998. Knightshayes Park Survey Plan. National Trust Report. A4 Unbound + Digital.
SDV341955Personal Comment: Robinson, R.. 1995. Enclosure North-West of Knightshayes. A4 Single Sheet.
SDV341956Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1989. DAP/PI. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 4, 8.
SDV341957National Monuments Record Database: National Monuments Record. SS91NE12. National Monuments Record Index. Unknown.
SDV341959Aerial Photograph: National Monuments Record. SS9515. National Monuments Record Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 1-2.
SDV341960Report - Watching Brief: Exeter Archaeology. 1999. Knightshayes Court Tiverton Devon: Watching Brief During Construction of New Withy Bed Sewage Treatment System. Exeter Archaeology Report. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV35321Interpretation: Miller, A.. 1996. RCHME Aerial Photograph Primary Recording Project. Digital.

Associated Monuments

MDV61375Part of: Knightshayes Park (Park/Garden)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV4435 - A Historic Landscape Assessment of the Setting of Knightshayes Park and Garden

Date Last Edited:Jan 13 2011 2:23PM