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HER Number:MDV56488
Name:Equipment stores at Dunkeswell Airfield


Two World War II stores buildings. Now in use as workshop and timberyard. In good condition.


Grid Reference:ST 139 078
Map Sheet:ST10NW
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishDunkeswell
DistrictEast Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishDUNKESWELL

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: ST10NW/41/28

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • STOREHOUSE (Constructed, World War II - 1939 AD (Between) to 1945 AD (Between))

Full description

Royal Air Force, 1946 - 1949, Royal Air Force Aerial Photographs (Aerial Photograph). SDV342938.

Map object based on this Source.

Francis, P., 1995, Blackdown Hills Airfield Survey. Dunkeswell and Upottery, Nos 24-25, Fig. 24 (Report - Survey). SDV312951.

Buildings 84 and 85. Equipment Stores (USN Supply). Cold-rolled fabricated steeel arched-shaped tibs made in three parts creating a span of 40 feet, and spaced at four foot centres to form a building 100 feet long. Clad with corrugated iron sheeting with the top third laid on fabricated steel purlins and the remaining sheeting fixed directly to the ribs. These were probably aircraft equipment stores for the storage of (among others) dinghies and other safety equipment.
One building is now a garage workshop. The other is part of a timber yard. Both are in good condition.

Ordnance Survey, 2024, Mastermap 2024 (Cartographic). SDV365834.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV312951Report - Survey: Francis, P.. 1995. Blackdown Hills Airfield Survey. Dunkeswell and Upottery. Blackdown Hills AONB. A4 Comb Bound + Digital. Nos 24-25, Fig. 24.
SDV342938Aerial Photograph: Royal Air Force. 1946 - 1949. Royal Air Force Aerial Photographs. Royal Air Force Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Digital).
SDV365834Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2024. Mastermap 2024. Ordnance Survey Digital Mapping. Digital. [Mapped feature: #142690 ]

Associated Monuments

MDV45090Part of: Dunkeswell Airfield (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV4948 - Blackdown Hills Airfield Survey

Date Last Edited:Jul 25 2024 4:24PM