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HER Number:MDV5677
Name:Ruined farmstead south of Glasscombe Corner, Ugborough


Deserted medieval settlement adjacent to West Glaze Brook, south of Glasscombe Corner, comprising two ruined buildings in a small walled enclosure. This site is on the local list of Nationally Important Dartmoor sites.


Grid Reference:SX 665 606
Map Sheet:SX66SE
Admin AreaDartmoor National Park
Civil ParishUgborough
DistrictSouth Hams
Ecclesiastical ParishUGBOROUGH

Protected Status

  • SHINE: Earthwork and walling remains of the Bronze Age Three Barrows Reave, as well as a deserted medieval farmstead and post-medieval Streamworks on Ugborough Moor

Other References/Statuses

  • Dartmoor Non-designated Heritage Asset (Evidential): NI Sites
  • National Monuments Record: SX66SE75
  • National Record of the Historic Environment: 441992
  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SX66SE/17

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • ENCLOSURE (Early Medieval to Post Medieval - 1066 AD (Between) to 1750 AD (Between))
  • FARMSTEAD (Early Medieval to Post Medieval - 1066 AD (Between) to 1750 AD (Between))
  • SETTLEMENT (Early Medieval to Post Medieval - 1066 AD (Between) to 1750 AD (Between))

Full description

Ordnance Survey, 1880-1899, First Edition Ordnance 25 inch map (Cartographic). SDV336179.

Small five sided enclosure shown on 19th century map.

Ordnance Survey, 1904 - 1906, Second Edition Ordnance Survey 25 inch Map (Cartographic). SDV325644.

Small five sided enclosure shown on early 20th century map.

Royal Air Force, 1948, RAF/CPE/UK/2494, 4076-7 (Aerial Photograph). SDV147533.

Nothing visible on air photographs.

Royal Air Force, 1953, RAF/58/1110, 0050 (Aerial Photograph). SDV161743.

Linehan, C. D., 1966, Deserted Sites and Rabbit-Warrens on Dartmoor, Devon, 124, Table 2. (Article in Serial). SDV307246.

SX 665607. A deserted site, including two buildings and enclosures near West Glaze River (Brook).

Haynes, R. G., 1966-1969, Ruined Sites on Dartmoor, 148 (Un-published). SDV150434.

(Site visited 7/6/1967) Small house with a single outbuilding in enclosures on the West Glaze Brook. The site has unusual entrance gateway flanked by pyramid- topped pillars of mortared stone. A very imposing entrance to a humble farm. Other details: Plan included.

National Monuments Record, 1977, NMR SX6661/1, 344-5 (Aerial Photograph). SDV142085.

Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division, 1977, SX66SE75 (Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card). SDV142087.

(26/07/1977) Inside a small walled enclosure on the east bank of the West Glaze Brook are two ruined buildings, one in the south west corner and one in the north corner. They are of about equal dimensions - 8.0m. x 4.5m. The walls have a height of 1.5m. at their maximum and are of 0.8m. thick. The walls of the south west building are constructed of stone slabs faced on the interior. The walls of the northern building are constructed of rougher material and are more ruinous.
The purpose and date of the buildings can not be readily established by visual inspection but they could be of post Medieval date.
Surveyed at 1:10 000 on P.F.D.

Hurrell, H. G., 1977, West Glaze Brook medieval settlement (Worksheet). SDV142081.

Deserted medieval settlement. West Glaze Brook, Glasscombe. Between Glazemeet and Glasscombe corner, near the left bank of the West Glaze, and just inside the enclosed land. A small plot of land enclosed by stone walls in which there are the remains of two small buildings. The remains of one building are against the newtake wall at the north-west corner. Walls can be traced on three sides showing a building of approximately 7.3 by 5.5 meters. The walls stand approximately 1.5 meters high and are 0.6 meters wide where best-preserved. There are some well laid corner stones at the north-west corner. At the east end of the plot there is a low bank of stones suggesting the remains of another building, but no shape can be seen. The rest of the site is uneven and all grass covered. This small plot of land is said to be mentioned in the deeds appertaining to land now in Owley Farm tenancy. It is believed to have had some connection with Torre Abbey at Torquay.
Mr Deryck J. Seymour of Torquay who has prepared for publication a history of Torre Abbey states that all the land beyond Glazemeet bounded by the East and West Glaze streams and the stone walls there as far as Glasscombe Corner was at one time land belonging to Torre Abbey. Mr Seymour has documents which relate to this possession. The enclosed land on the West Glaze side, near Glasscombe Corner, has been very extensively worked for tin, deep pits and mounds, all grass covered, now occupy all the ground in the areas. The land was known by the name of Nywapitte’. Other details: Author / date unconfirmed.

Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England, 1985, Aerial Photograph Project (Dartmoor) - Dartmoor Pre-NMP (Cartographic). SDV319854.

Small area of enclosed land incorporated into a field system visible on National Monuments Record 1977 aerial photograph.

Gerrard, S., 2004, List of Sites Remaining to be Considered for Designation on Dartmoor (Un-published). SDV345444.

This site was considered for designation as a Scheduled Ancient Monument during the Monument Protection Programme. The programme ended before the entire list of sites was successfully scheduled so this is included on a local list of Nationally Important Sites.

Ordnance Survey, 2010, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV344030.

White, P., 2013, Previously Unsurveyed Dartmoor Historic Farmsteads, Glasscombe (Un-published). SDV352501.

Glasscombe ruined farmstead at 'West Glaze'.

Various, 2018-2020, PALs Condition Recording forms, UGB18 (Worksheet). SDV362781.

Visited 12/04/2019. Condition assessed as good. This site is on private land and visited with the owner's consent. There is bracken at the north east end and there are trees growing in the walls. The fields between the east and west Glaze Brook are currently known as "Glasscombes" suggesting the farm was probably called Glasscombe(s) farm. There is substantial associated drystone walling possibly contemporary with the farmstead. There are impressive gateposts - this is a main farm entrance not a field gate SX66520 60688 is the main entrance (and gate posts) SX66518 60693 probably the farmhouse SX66546 60708 probably the barn SX66540 60693 south east field gate. Photos taken

Various, 2018-2020, PALs Condition Recording photographs, UGB18 (Photograph). SDV363073.

isited 12/04/2019. Photos X 6 taken. 1) looking north at the main entrance and gateposts 2) looking west at the probable farmhouse 3) looking north north west at the probable barn 4) looking north west at the south eastern side field gatepost 5) looking east north east from the north east of the site perimeter. Showing the substantial dry stone wall 6) looking south west showing an overview of the site from the east side by the barn

Sources / Further Reading

SDV142081Worksheet: Hurrell, H. G.. 1977. West Glaze Brook medieval settlement. Ugborough Parish Checklist. Digital.
SDV142085Aerial Photograph: National Monuments Record. 1977. NMR SX6661/1. National Monuments Record Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 344-5.
SDV142087Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card: Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division. 1977. SX66SE75. Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card. Card Index.
SDV147533Aerial Photograph: Royal Air Force. 1948. RAF/CPE/UK/2494. Royal Air Force Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 4076-7.
SDV150434Un-published: Haynes, R. G.. 1966-1969. Ruined Sites on Dartmoor. Ruined Sites on Dartmoor. Manuscript + Digital. 148.
SDV161743Aerial Photograph: Royal Air Force. 1953. RAF/58/1110. Royal Air Force Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 0050.
SDV307246Article in Serial: Linehan, C. D.. 1966. Deserted Sites and Rabbit-Warrens on Dartmoor, Devon. Medieval Archaeology. 10. Digital. 124, Table 2..
SDV319854Cartographic: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1985. Aerial Photograph Project (Dartmoor) - Dartmoor Pre-NMP. Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England Aerial Photograph P. Cartographic.
SDV325644Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 1904 - 1906. Second Edition Ordnance Survey 25 inch Map. Second Edition Ordnance Survey 25 inch Map. Map (Digital).
SDV336179Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 1880-1899. First Edition Ordnance 25 inch map. First Edition Ordnance Survey 25 inch Map. Map (Digital).
SDV344030Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2010. MasterMap. Ordnance Survey. Map (Digital). [Mapped feature: #95633 ]
SDV345444Un-published: Gerrard, S.. 2004. List of Sites Remaining to be Considered for Designation on Dartmoor. Digital.
SDV352501Un-published: White, P.. 2013. Previously Unsurveyed Dartmoor Historic Farmsteads. Excel Spreadsheet. Glasscombe.
SDV362781Worksheet: Various. 2018-2020. PALs Condition Recording forms. PALs Condition Assessment Project Forms. Digital. UGB18.
SDV363073Photograph: Various. 2018-2020. PALs Condition Recording photographs. PALs Condition Assessment Project Forms. Digital. UGB18.

Associated Monuments: none recorded

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events: none recorded

Date Last Edited:Jan 18 2022 2:17PM