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HER Number:MDV58393
Name:Air Shaft at Tavistock School


Concrete-capped shaft identified beneath the embankment of the playing field at Tavistock Primary School. Identified as an air shaft associated with a broadly east-west orientated lode from Crelake Mine.


Grid Reference:SX 475 737
Map Sheet:SX47SE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishTavistock
DistrictWest Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishTAVISTOCK

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SX47SE/38/1

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • VENTILATION SHAFT (XIX - 1801 AD to 1900 AD)

Full description

Unknown, Plan of Crelake Mine (Plan - measured). SDV216786.

Horner, W., 1997, Mining at Tavistock College/School (Un-published). SDV350340.

Survey work in 1992 identified a concrete-capped shaft beneath the embankment of the playing field between Tavistock College and Tavistock Primary School. Further investigation revealed it to be unsafe - not centred over the shaft and also weakened concrete - and it has since been made safe. This was probably an air shaft (see plan).

Frederick Sherrell Limited, 2007, Proposed Redevelopment at 11 Ford Street, Tavistock, Devon: Phase 1. Desk Study Report, 3, Fig. 4 (Report - Assessment). SDV350344.

Large copper mine comprising an east-west trending lode. Figure 4 shows the sites of two ventilation shafts along the line of the lode.

Gould, R., 2018, Tavistock Primary School. A Review of Recorded Mining Activity., 7; Fig 3; Appendix 4 (Report - non-specific). SDV366051.

The abandonment plan shows an air shaft within the Tavistock Primary School site. It is not shown on early Ordnance Survey maps, presumably because it was capped when the mine closed in the late 19th century.

Devon County Council, Unknown, Mining Database, MX4750 (Machine readable data file). SDV220083.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV216786Plan - measured: Unknown. Plan of Crelake Mine. A4 Single Sheet.
SDV220083Machine readable data file: Devon County Council. Unknown. Mining Database. MX4750.
SDV350340Un-published: Horner, W.. 1997. Mining at Tavistock College/School. A4 Single Sheet.
SDV350344Report - Assessment: Frederick Sherrell Limited. 2007. Proposed Redevelopment at 11 Ford Street, Tavistock, Devon: Phase 1. Desk Study Report. Frederick Sherrell Limited. 3025. Digital. 3, Fig. 4. [Mapped feature: #37180 ]
SDV366051Report - non-specific: Gould, R.. 2018. Tavistock Primary School. A Review of Recorded Mining Activity.. Frederick Sherrell. 4642. Digital. 7; Fig 3; Appendix 4.

Associated Monuments

MDV4081Part of: Crelake Mine, Tavistock (Monument)
MDV124264Related to: Mine Shaft between the Allotments and Daleswood Road, Tavistock (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events: none recorded

Date Last Edited:Aug 14 2024 8:50AM