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HER Number: | MDV6346 |
Name: | Hut circle settlement 550 metres to south-east of Swincombe |
Group of at least 17 hut circles within the remains of an enclosure. The enclosure survives as a massive rubble bank on the north and west side. The Venford Reave seems to have formed the south side.
Grid Reference: | SX 646 722 |
Map Sheet: | SX67SW |
Admin Area | Dartmoor National Park |
Civil Parish | Dartmoor Forest |
District | West Devon |
Ecclesiastical Parish | LYDFORD |
Protected Status
Other References/Statuses
- National Monuments Record: SX67SW45
- National Record of the Historic Environment: 443364
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX67SW/68
- Old SAM County Ref: 747
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- ENCLOSED HUT CIRCLE SETTLEMENT (Constructed, Bronze Age - 2200 BC (Between) to 701 BC (Between))
Full description
Ordnance Survey, 1880-1899, First Edition Ordnance 25 inch map (Cartographic). SDV336179.
Sixteen 'Hut Circles' shown within a field on 19th century map.
Ordnance Survey, 1904 - 1906, Second Edition Ordnance Survey 25 inch Map (Cartographic). SDV325644.
Seventeen 'Hut Circles' shown within a field on early 20th century map.
Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division, 1951, SX67SW45 (Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card). SDV262132.
(23/11/1951) A group of 17 hut circles, apparently without an enclosure. The huts are described A-R but individual grid references not given, nor any accompanying plan.
Hut A: Circle can be defined but most of the stones turf covered. Fragmentary on north-east corner.
Hut B: Five stones only above surface, the rest buried or turf covered.
Hut C: Circle definable with a few stones thrown towards the centre and turf covered.
Hut D: Clearly defined with a few stones in the centre.
Hut E: Circle can be defined but most stones turf covered with several on west side.
Hut F: Circle can be defined but most stones turf covered, chiefly in south corner.
Hut G: Circle can be defined but most stones turf covered.
Hut H: Circle can be defined but most stones turf covered.
Hut K: Clearly defined but with a few stones thrown towards the centre.
Hut L: Stones very scattered but circle can be defined, a few stones turf covered.
Hut M: Circle definable with stones very scattered and turf covered on north and south.
Hut N: Circle only roughly definable, majority of stones turf covered.
Hut O: A clear circle with a few stones turf covered.
Hut P: Stones very scattered and majority turf covered on north side, rest well defined.
Hut Q: circle definable with half stones turf covered.
Hut R: Stones very scattered with several thrown into the centre, most of the stones turf covered.
Royal Air Force, 1964, RAF 58/6399, 032-33 (Aerial Photograph). SDV225229.
Ministry of Public Building and Works, 1970, Hut Circle Village 600 yds SE of Swincombe (Schedule Document). SDV356121.
Hut circle village 600 yards south-east of Swincombe. Series of 16 hut circles associated with an extensive field wall system comprising presumably one economic and social unit. The settlement lies close to a spring. See separate entries for hut circles lettered a-p on plan.
National Monuments Record, 1976, NMR SX6472, SX6472/3/71 (Aerial Photograph). SDV245616.
Fleming, A., 1978, The Prehistoric Landscape of Dartmoor. Part 1: South Dartmoor, 114-117 (Article in Serial). SDV235265.
Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division, 1980, SX67SW45 (Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card). SDV218694.
(08/02/1980) On a north-facing slope, between 354m. and 369m. OD, is the remains of a sub-rectangular pound containing, twenty hut circles (see plan). The enclosure about 360m east to west by about 180m. north to south appears for the most part of have been incorporated into the present field wall. It varies in width up to a maximum of 2.5m. and in height up to 1.0m. and although partly stripped and adapted the inherent strength is much above that of the normal enclosure.
The huts are of Type 1 (SX 56 SE 19) except for the largest which is of Type 2 (SX 56 NE 17). Interiors are level and from 2.2m. to 6.9m. in diameter with most entrances to the east, a number being marked by orthostats (see ground photograph). Their rubble walling averages 1.1m. thick and 0.4m. high but is generally in poor condition.
There is no evidence of a field system within the enclosure, but it has been put down to pasture in modern times. The settlement may, however, be associated with the field system to the south (SX 67 SW 103).
Surveyed at 1:10 000 on MSD and at 1:2500.
Robinson, R., 1983, List of Field Monument Warden Visits 1983 (Un-published). SDV345762.
Department of Environment Field Monument Warden site visit 13th May 1983.
Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England, 1985, Aerial Photograph Project (Dartmoor) - Dartmoor Pre-NMP (Cartographic). SDV319854.
Settlement containing hut circles.
Robinson, R., 1986, List of Field Monument Warden Visits 1986 (Un-published). SDV345664.
Department of Environment Field Monument Warden site visit 30th July 1986.
Royal Commission for the Historical Monuments of England, 1987-1993, Duchy Farms Project Survey Visit, P. Pattison (Report - Survey). SDV350839.
(26/07/1988) A group of 17 hut circles, a U-shaped structure and remains of a surrounding enclosure, possibly attached to the N side of the Venford Reave and situated on sloping ground in rough, enclosed pasture on the N side of Down Ridge. The group is centred at SX 6567 7227 overlooking Swincombe to the NW. The W part of the site lies among medium clitter.
The remains of an enclosure exist on the N, S and W sides of the hut circles. On the N and W this is a quite massive, tumbled wall of moorstones and boulders 2.5-4.5m wide and 0.4-0.9m high with clear traces of internal, and to a lesser extent, external slab/boulder facing. Where extant this facing indicates a true wall width of c. 3m. The N wall is pierced by a probable entrance at (V); a narrow gap between large boulders.
The S wall is different. It is more fragmentary and incorporates upright post-like stones (up to 0.7m high) as part external facing. These stones now uniformly lean northwards, probably because of the removal of the core and internal face of the wall during building of the existing drystone field wall. It is possible that this S wall is a fragment of the "Venford Reave" (SX 67 SE 96) as defined by Fleming (1978) and that the enclosure is appended to its N side.
There is another tumbled wall of similar proportions to the N and W ones which leaves the enclosure at SX 6572 7234 and runs for 80m NE towards the Wheal Emma leat. Scattered stone at SX 6585 7230 may represent a small part of the enclosure's E wall. If so, the enclosure would have been approximately D-shaped with an internal area of c. 5ha. The existing field wall mirrors its shape.
Seventeen hut circles are truly circular/subcircular: one is U-shaped. One other noted by authority 3 does not exist. For clarity "it" is lettered (F). The hut circles do not exhibit any clear grouping although it is possible that some of those close together are in fact reflecting former association e.g. (R) (S) and (T). Their walls are constructed mainly of medium and large moorstones and boulders forming rubble banks, now partly turf-covered to varying degrees. Several, however, have traces of large stone edging to their internal and/or external faces i.e.. (A) (C) (J) (K) (M) (N) and (T) but this is never complete. Only (P) exhibits clear double-faced wall construction.
Internal diameters range from 2.7 to 8.6m but most are in the 3 to 6m bracket, with an average of 4.5m. None have internal features though most have scattered stone inside and there is usually evidence of terracing into the slope to provide level occupation area. Hut circles (L) (N) (R) (T) and (U) have clear entrances all in the E arcs (from NE to SE) and where entrances are possible i.e.. hut circles (A) (D) (E) (G) (H) (J) (K) (M) (P) and (Q), these too lie in the E position giving access along the contours.
Hut circle (P) is the sole example of a building with an annexe attached. Hut circles (B) and (C) alone are connected by a fragmentary length of rubble walling.
Hut Circle (A) SX 6461 7221. Internal diameter 7.3-8.6m. Rubble walling with some edging stones in the E and SW arcs. Wall width spread between 1.1 and 2.3m, widest on the N and E, except between edging stones on the SW where it is 1.3m. Wall height 0.5-0.9m externally, 0.2-0.5m internally. A break in the E arc possibly indicates an entrance. The level interior contains much scattered stone and there is a disturbance hole at the N end. Condition is good.
Hut Circle (B) SX 6458 7221. Internal diameter 3.9m E-W x 6.3m N-S i.e.. subcircular. Rubble walling, incomplete on the N, 1.3-2.2m wide and 0.45m high. No clear entrance. The interior is irregular and undulating and contains much scattered stone. Condition poor.
Hut Circle (C) SX 6458 7223. Internal diameter c. 3.9m E-W x 5.1m N-S. Damaged rubble walling except on the N and E arcs where slight scarping is accompanied by only scattered stones. Wall width is between 1.1 and 2.1m and height is up to 0.4m. There is a large stone scatter immediately to the NE of this feature. Condition very poor.
Hut Circle (D) SX 6457 7226. Internal diameter 2.8-3.5m. Walling now essentially a turf-covered bank 1.8-2.5m wide, 0.25-0.45m high internally and 0.35-0.5m high externally. Occasional large stones protrude and there is a large upright in the NE arc, leaning slightly to the E: it is a post. 1m high x 0.5m wide x 0.35m thick and marks one side of a vanished entrance. The interior is level but otherwise featureless. Condition is fair.
Hut Circle (E) SX 6457 7228. Internal diameter 3.7-4m. Rubble walling except in the N and S where only scarps remain, generally c. 1.7m wide and 0.4m high. There is a possible entrance in the E side marked by a break 1.8m wide. The interior is level and featureless. Condition is fair.
Hut Circle (G) SX 6461 7226. Internal diameter 3.1m. Walling: a loose ring of medium and large size boulders/stones, all earthfast, protruding to form a low bank 1.2-2m wide and 0.4m high. A break in the NE arc, 1.1m wide, possibly marks an entrance. The interior is levelled into the slope on the S to 0.35m. Condition is fair.
Hut Circle (H) SX 6462 7224. Internal diameter 4-4.8m. Walling of piled rubble 1.3-1.8m wide but spread on the N to 2.9m. Walling height is 0.25-0.45m internally and 0.35-0.65m externally: greatest on the N. A slight break at the ENE position may indicate an entrance. Inside is level and featureless. Condition is good.
Hut Circle (J) SX 6462 7223. Internal diameter 5.9-6.2m. Rubble walling with some external edging stones on the NW arc. Wall width is between 1.2-1.8m, height 0.35m internally and 0.45-0.55m externally. There is an upright post 0.55m high, 0.4m wide and 0.35m thick, situated in an ESE position possibly flanking a vanished entrance. The interior is level and featureless. Condition is good.
Hut Circle (K) SX 6463 7221. Internal diameter 4.8-5.2m. Rubble walling with traces of external edging stones on the SW and N arcs. Wall width is between 1.6 and 2m. Wall height is 0.25-0.6m internally and 0.25-0.75m externally, greatest in the N and W. The interior is levelled into the slope, apparently more by a substantial build-up on the downslope than by cutting in upslope. There is much scattered stone inside. A break in the NE wall 0.9m wide is possibly an entrance. Condition is good.
Hut Circle (L) SX 6464 7223. Internal diameter 2.75m. Rubble walling 1.4-2m wide and up to 0.4m high. There is a clear entrance in the E side, with a possible flanking wall leading out from its S side. The interior if flat and featureless. Condition is fair.
Hut Circle (M) SX 6467 7227. Internal diameter 5-5.8m. Rubble walling with traces of edging stones internally and externally on the N, NE and S arcs. True wall width can be determined at 1.3m but erosion has spread this to 2.7m in places. Wall height is between 0.15-0.35m internally and 0.35-0.6m externally. A large, flat boulder has been incorporated on the E side. The interior is terraced in, with a cut 0.6m into the hillside and corresponding build-up downslope. The building of the hut circle wall onto the terraced platform can be seen clearly on the N side. An entrance possibly lay immediately S of the large boulder on the E side. Condition is good.
Hut Circle (N) SX 6473 7223. Internal diameter 5.5-6.3m. Rubble walling with traces of edging stones on the NW, internally. Wall width is 1.8-2.6m. Wall height internally is generally 0.25m but on the S side terracing into the slope reaches 0.7m: externally it is between 0.25 and 0.6m, being greatest on the N. An entrance site is marked by a fallen flanking post in the E arc, 1.55m long and 0.5m square in section. It has fallen inwards. The interior is level; otherwise featureless. Condition is good.
Hut Circle (P) SX 6475 7225. Internal diameter 4.8-5.2m. Walling remains of rubble but on the S and NW arcs are clear remains of double-facing. There is an annexe of semi-circular form on the N side with maximum internal dimensions of 3.4 x 1.5m. Wall width between edge stones is 1.2-1.6m but elsewhere rubble is spread up to 2.3m. Wall height is 0.3-0.6m internally and 0.25-0.45m externally. The interior of the hut circle is level and there is a short scarp 1.3m long x 0.4m high separating it from the annexe. Some scattered stone lies inside. A slight break in the E wall possible marks an entrance site. Condition is good.
Hut Circle (Q) SX 6477 7226. Internal diameter 3.4-3.8m. Walling very spread rubble ring with very little bank material between stones. Wall width is between 1 and 1.6m; wall height up to 0.35m. A gap 1m wide in the E side is possibly an entrance site. The level interior contains scattered stone. Condition is poor.
Hut Circle (R) SX 6474 7229. Internal diameter 3.9m. Walling of rubble now almost totally turf-covered forming a low bank 1.6-2.6m wide (widest at a bulge on the NW), 0.15-0.4m high internally and 0.25-0.5m high externally. There is a clear entrance 0.9m wide in the E arc and a possible flanking stone, 0.4m high, against its S side. The interior is level, otherwise featureless. Condition is fair.
Feature (S) SX 6474 7230. A U-shaped structure, open to the E with low walling of medium and large size stones 1.3-2m wide, 0.2m high internally and 0.35m high externally. The internal area is c. 5 x 1.4-1.7m, tapering slightly towards the closed, rounded W end. The interior is flat and cut in 0.2m on the S; otherwise featureless. Condition is fair.
Hut Circle (T) SX 6474 7231. Internal diameter 3.5m N-S x 4.5m E-W. Rubble walling generally 2m wide but spread considerably on the N and S up to 3.6m. edging stones, mostly internal, line the NW arc. Wall height is between 0.25 and 0.4m internally an 0.35 and 0.8m externally. There is an entrance in the E arc, 0.9m wide, with a fallen flanking post. A short flanking wall leads SE from the S side of the entrance. The interior is level and contains a few scattered stones in the S half. A bulge in the W wall, over which some edging stones lie, may indicate a re-build. Condition is good.
Hut Circle (U) SX 6479 7231. Internal diameter 3.2-3.7m. Rubble walling 1.8-2.5m wide, 0.3m high internally and 0.25-0.45m high externally. In the ESE position is a fine entrance 0.6m wide flanked by two upright posts; the N post 1.25m x 0.8m x 0.45m, the S post 1.4m x 0.5m x 0.4m. Both lean to the interior, the S post almost fallen. The interior is level, otherwise featureless. Condition is good.
Department of Environment, 1991, Scheduled Monument Consent Letter (Correspondence). SDV261893.
Scheduled monument consent granted, subject to conditions, for erection of stock proof fence.
Butler, J., 1993, Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities: Volume Four - The South-East, 207, Map 62, Figure 62.1 (Monograph). SDV337765.
'Deep Swincombe East 1' survives as a large field enclosing 21 huts with diameters between 2.8 metres and 7.5 metres. Traces of low banks and sections of walling suggest associated enclosures.
Bluesky International Ltd/Getmapping PLC, 2015-2017, 2015-2017 Aerial Photographs (Aerial Photograph). SDV361462.
Many hut circles within rectilinear enclosure shown on aerial photograph.
Agricultural Development Advisory Service, Dec 1989, Integrated Land Management Plan. Sherberton Farm, Hexworthy, Yelverton, Devon., 27 (Report - Survey). SDV356900.
A group of 17 hut circles within the remains of an enclosure situated on a north facing slope. The huts range from 2.7 to 8.6 metres in diameter with an average of 4.5 metres. Their walls are of medium and large-sized stones forming rubble banks, 1.0 to 2.0 metres wide and 0.5 metres high. Eight have traces of deliberate facing and three have entrances flaked by orthostatic posts. The enclosure survives on the north and west as a massive rubble bank, 2.5 to 4.5 metres wide and 0.7 metres high, with occasional traces of facing. On the north there is a possible central entrance and a fragment of bank leading downslope from the enclosure, is of similar proportions to the north side. The now largely robbed Venford Reave seems to have formed the south side.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV218694 | Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card: Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division. 1980. SX67SW45. Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card. Card Index. |
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SDV225229 | Aerial Photograph: Royal Air Force. 1964. RAF 58/6399. Royal Air Force Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 032-33. |
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SDV235265 | Article in Serial: Fleming, A.. 1978. The Prehistoric Landscape of Dartmoor. Part 1: South Dartmoor. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society. 44. Unknown. 114-117. |
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SDV245616 | Aerial Photograph: National Monuments Record. 1976. NMR SX6472. National Monuments Record Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). SX6472/3/71. |
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SDV261893 | Correspondence: Department of Environment. 1991. Scheduled Monument Consent Letter. Scheduled Monument Consent Granted. Letter. |
SDV262132 | Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card: Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division. 1951. SX67SW45. Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card. Card Index. |
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SDV319854 | Cartographic: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1985. Aerial Photograph Project (Dartmoor) - Dartmoor Pre-NMP. Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England Aerial Photograph P. Cartographic. |
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SDV325644 | Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 1904 - 1906. Second Edition Ordnance Survey 25 inch Map. Second Edition Ordnance Survey 25 inch Map. Map (Digital). |
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SDV336179 | Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 1880-1899. First Edition Ordnance 25 inch map. First Edition Ordnance Survey 25 inch Map. Map (Digital). |
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SDV337765 | Monograph: Butler, J.. 1993. Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities: Volume Four - The South-East. Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities: Volume Four - The South-East. Four. Paperback Volume. 207, Map 62, Figure 62.1. |
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SDV345664 | Un-published: Robinson, R.. 1986. List of Field Monument Warden Visits 1986. Lists of Field Monument Warden Visits. Printout. |
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SDV345762 | Un-published: Robinson, R.. 1983. List of Field Monument Warden Visits 1983. Lists of Field Monument Warden Visits. Printout. |
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SDV350839 | Report - Survey: Royal Commission for the Historical Monuments of England. 1987-1993. Duchy Farms Project Survey Visit. Royal Commission for the Historical Monuments of England Archaeological Survey. Unknown. P. Pattison. [Mapped feature: #137913 ] |
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SDV356121 | Schedule Document: Ministry of Public Building and Works. 1970. Hut Circle Village 600 yds SE of Swincombe. The Schedule of Monuments. Photocopy. |
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SDV356900 | Report - Survey: Agricultural Development Advisory Service. Dec 1989. Integrated Land Management Plan. Sherberton Farm, Hexworthy, Yelverton, Devon.. Agricultural Development Advisory Service (ADAS). A3 Comb Bound. 27. |
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SDV361462 | Aerial Photograph: Bluesky International Ltd/Getmapping PLC. 2015-2017. 2015-2017 Aerial Photographs. Bluesky International Ltd/Getmapping PLC. Photograph (Digital). |
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Associated Monuments
MDV6352 | Parent of: Hut Circle in Settlement 550 metres south-east of Swincombe (Monument) |
MDV6361 | Parent of: Hut Circle in Settlement 550 metres south-east of Swincombe (Monument) |
MDV107444 | Parent of: Hut Circle in Settlement 550 metres south-east of Swincombe, Dartmoor Forest (Monument) |
MDV107506 | Parent of: Hut Circle in Settlement 550 metres south-east of Swincombe, Dartmoor Forest (Monument) |
MDV6347 | Parent of: Hut Circle in Settlement 550 metres south-east of Swincombe, Dartmoor Forest (Monument) |
MDV6348 | Parent of: Hut Circle in Settlement 550 metres south-east of Swincombe, Dartmoor Forest (Monument) |
MDV6349 | Parent of: Hut Circle in Settlement 550 metres south-east of Swincombe, Dartmoor Forest (Monument) |
MDV6350 | Parent of: Hut Circle in Settlement 550 metres south-east of Swincombe, Dartmoor Forest (Monument) |
MDV6351 | Parent of: Hut Circle in Settlement 550 metres south-east of Swincombe, Dartmoor Forest (Monument) |
MDV6353 | Parent of: Hut Circle in Settlement 550 metres south-east of Swincombe, Dartmoor Forest (Monument) |
MDV6354 | Parent of: Hut Circle in Settlement 550 metres south-east of Swincombe, Dartmoor Forest (Monument) |
MDV6355 | Parent of: Hut Circle in Settlement 550 metres south-east of Swincombe, Dartmoor Forest (Monument) |
MDV6356 | Parent of: Hut Circle in Settlement 550 metres south-east of Swincombe, Dartmoor Forest (Monument) |
MDV6357 | Parent of: Hut Circle in Settlement 550 metres south-east of Swincombe, Dartmoor Forest (Monument) |
MDV6358 | Parent of: Hut Circle in Settlement 550 metres south-east of Swincombe, Dartmoor Forest (Monument) |
MDV6359 | Parent of: Hut Circle in Settlement 550 metres south-east of Swincombe, Dartmoor Forest (Monument) |
MDV6360 | Parent of: Hut Circle in Settlement 550 metres south-east of Swincombe, Dartmoor Forest (Monument) |
MDV6362 | Parent of: Hut Circle in Settlement 550 metres south-east of Swincombe, Dartmoor Forest (Monument) |
MDV107441 | Parent of: U-Shaped Structure within Hut Circle Settlement to south-east of Swincombe, Dartmoor Forest (Monument) |
MDV26143 | Related to: Fragments of field system 800 metres north-east of Deep Swincombe (Monument) |
MDV15078 | Related to: Venford Reave, Holne and Dartmoor Forest (Monument) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events
- EDV8146 - Royal Commission Survey at Down Ridge and Swincombe
- EDV8632 - Sherberton Farm, Duchy Farms Survey
- EDV8409 - Dartmoor Royal Forest Project
- EDV8423 - Duchy Farms Project
Date Last Edited: | Jun 17 2022 9:11AM |
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