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HER Number: | MDV76106 |
Name: | Threshing barn at Pound Farm, Luppitt |
Late 17th century cob and stone barn with a jointed cruck roof. The building was altered in the 18th century when a link block adjoining the house was added.
Grid Reference: | ST 184 051 |
Map Sheet: | ST10NE |
Admin Area | Devon |
Civil Parish | Luppitt |
District | East Devon |
Ecclesiastical Parish | LUPPITT |
Protected Status
Other References/Statuses
- Old Listed Building Ref (I): 86610
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- THRESHING BARN (XVII to XVIII - 1601 AD to 1800 AD (Between))
Full description
Clements, H. A., Report on Buildings at Risk in the Devon Part of the Blackdown Hills, 18, 41, 94 (Report - non-specific). SDV344049.
Barn. Risk level 3, partly occupied, poor condition.
Keystone Historic Buildings Consultants, 1991, Barn and Link Block at Pound Farm, Luppitt (Report - Survey). SDV343936.
Five bay barn, originally open to the roof with opposing central double doors. The wall of the north-eastern three bays on the farmyard side has been demolished and the roof is now supported on 20th century cast iron H-section posts. The roof construction is of oak and largely original with four jointed cruck trusses. The barn, which is contemporary with the farmhouse and dates to circa 1660-1680, was altered in the first half of the 18th century and a stable inserted when the link block adjoining the house was built. This is a relatively small two-storey building of hand-made red brick on flint rubble footings with some Beerstone ashlar dressings. It has an old plank and ledge door and a two-light window made of two separate reused single lights with Tudor arched heads. There are six-petal charms inscribed on the door to the link block and on an ashlar block close to the left jamb of the original doorway on the south-east wall of the barn. The name T. Broom and the letters WLA were subsequently added to the latter. The function of the link block is unclear. See report for full details. Other details: Plans and Sections.
Clements, H. A., 1994, Survey of Farmsteads in the Devon Part of the Blackdown Hills, Plan and photo (Report - Survey). SDV344050.
The barn and outbuildings are considered to be at risk (B.A.R. 2.0.3).
Child, P., 1997 - 1998, Pound Farm, Luppitt (Ground Photograph). SDV343938.
Devon County Council, 1997-2002, Buildings at Risk Survey in the Devon Part of the Blackdown Hills AONB (Un-published). SDV344048.
Barn with a jointed cruck roof. It was built 1670-90 of local stone rubble with beer stone dressings and partly lined with 17th century brickwork. It originally had a threshing floor.
The barn is in poor condition. The wall on the yard side has largely gone and the wall plate is supported by steel posts.
Badcock, P. J., 1998, Pound Farm, Luppitt (Personal Comment). SDV348823.
Previously visited the site in 1996 and felt that the building had not deteriorated significantly in the intervening time.
The buildings are a barn and the connecting building between it and the farmhouse. Much of the barn has been deliberately demolished leaving the roof structure substantially intact but supported on steel columns. The rear cob and rubble wall remains as does the west end wall although an area of the latter collapsed previous to the visit. The connecting building has suffered localised collapse, notably to the corners and what remains is severely distorted.
The owner wishes to restore the buildings as much as possible as is practicable without undue expenditure. I was happy that what remains is a suitable basis for a sympathetic restoration without significiant extra loss to the fabric. The buildings appear to have been predominantly cob which has been replaced and repaired in sections with rubble, no doubt after localised collapses.
The connecting building is two storey, rubble at ground floor level with cob and rubble replacements above. The collapse of the barn's west wall resulted in the loss of the south-west corner with rodent boring and general lack of maintenance affecting the outer wall. With symapthetic repair the majority can be saved.
The eastern yard wall of the connecting building is rather incongruous in that it is constructed in dressed stone with fine quality timber windows. The ingress of rainwater has resulted in the lubrication of the core with loss of tie and the outward rotation of the external skin. However, the internal skin is massive and able to provide sufficient restraint to the outer and we discussed various methods of tying it back. The least destructive being to insert Bricktor type ties with the joints.
Philip Hughes Associates, 1999, Report on the Fabric of the Outhouse and Barn at Pound Farm, Luppitt, Devon (Report - Survey). SDV343937.
The barn is located a little below and at right angles to the farmhouse with which it is believed to be contemporary. The outhouse was constructed to link the barn and farmhouse and is thought to be early 18th century in date. The lower five feet of the barn walls are of flint rubble with Beerstone dressings externally and brick internally. Above this the walls have been raised in cob. The north and west walls of the barn were demolished some time ago and the south wall has recently partially collapsed. The barn has four jointed cruck trusses and the upright sections of three of these were cut away when the wall was demolished. The roof was thatched but is now covered with corrugated steel sheet. The outhouse is constructed of stone and brick and the roof again now covered with corrugated steel sheeting. The ground floor windows on the front (north) elevation and the door appear to be reused. The buildings are now in poor structural condition. See report for full details.
English Heritage, 2009, Historic Houses Register (List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest). SDV343599.
Barn and outhouse adjoining south-east of Pound Farmhouse. The barn was built circa 1670 - 90 and the outhouse was built shortly afterwards. The barn is cob on tall stone rubble footings lined with 17th century brick internally and with some Beerstone ashlar dressings; the outbuilding is English bond brick on local stone rubble footings with Beerstone ashlar dressings; both have corrugated iron roofs, they were formerly thatch.
Plan: Pound Farmhouse, the outhouse and barn form an L-plan with the outhouse projecting at right angles to rear of the left (south-west) end. This outhouse connects the barn and farmhouse and although it is the same width and same axis (if somewhat lower) as the farmhouse it faces north-east (the back of the farmhouse). The barn was built at the same time as the farmhouse but the small 1-room plan outhouse connecting them was added later, probably in the early 18th century. It is 2 storeys.
Exterior: the outhouse has a 1-window front. The ground floor window is an early 16th century oak 2-light window with Tudor arch headed lights and moulded surround and, although it is unglazed, it contains its original iron stanchions and saddle bars. This window is believed to have come from the nearby farmhouse Mohuns Farmhouse. The doorway alongside to left has an oak frame with a slightly cambered head and chamfered surround. At first floor level is a 19th century casement with glazing bars. In the 20th century the barn was altered by removing much of the house side (north-west) and right gable-end (north-east) walls. The long wall facing south-west originally had a large full height central doorway onto the threshing floor but this was blocked in the 19th century and replaced by a slightly smaller doorway to the right and this contains 19th century double doors. The south-west end contains an original doorway and window embrasure and the roof this end is hipped.
Interior: the outhouse has plain carpentry detail including large reused axial beams supporting the loft floor and an A-frame roof truss with lap-jointed collar. The barn was part-floored, again with reused timbers. The original 5-bay roof largely remains and it is carried on side-pegged jointed crucks with pegged dovetail-shaped lap-jointed collars. Other details: LBS No. 86610.
Ordnance Survey, 2009, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV341569.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV341569 | Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2009. MasterMap. MasterMap. Digital. [Mapped feature: #103137 ] |
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SDV343599 | List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest: English Heritage. 2009. Historic Houses Register. Historic Houses Register. Website. |
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SDV343936 | Report - Survey: Keystone Historic Buildings Consultants. 1991. Barn and Link Block at Pound Farm, Luppitt. Keystone Historic Buildings Consultants Report. K360. A4 Stapled + Digital. |
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SDV343937 | Report - Survey: Philip Hughes Associates. 1999. Report on the Fabric of the Outhouse and Barn at Pound Farm, Luppitt, Devon. Philip Hughes Associates Report. A4 Stapled + Digital. |
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SDV343938 | Ground Photograph: Child, P.. 1997 - 1998. Pound Farm, Luppitt. Photograph (Paper). |
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SDV344048 | Un-published: Devon County Council. 1997-2002. Buildings at Risk Survey in the Devon Part of the Blackdown Hills AONB. Buildings at Risk Survey in the Devon Part of the Blackdown Hills AONB. Mixed Archive Material + Digital. |
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SDV344049 | Report - non-specific: Clements, H. A.. Report on Buildings at Risk in the Devon Part of the Blackdown Hills. Devon County Council Report. A4 Comb Bound + Digital. 18, 41, 94. |
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SDV344050 | Report - Survey: Clements, H. A.. 1994. Survey of Farmsteads in the Devon Part of the Blackdown Hills. A4 Comb Bound + Digital. Plan and photo. |
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SDV348823 | Personal Comment: Badcock, P. J.. 1998. Pound Farm, Luppitt. A4 Stapled. |
Associated Monuments
MDV76105 | Part of: Pound Farm, Luppitt (Monument) |
MDV76107 | Related to: Link Block at Pound Farm, Luppitt (Building) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events
- EDV4565 - Survey of an Outhouse and Barn at Pound Farm, Luppitt
- EDV4566 - Survey of the Link Block and Barn at Pound Farm, Luppitt
- EDV4580 - Buildings at Risk Survey
- EDV4655 - Survey of Farmsteads in the Blackdown Hills
- EDV5730 - Survey, Pound Farm, Luppitt
Date Last Edited: | Jan 8 2020 5:27PM |
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