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HER Number:MDV7710
Name:Extractive pit on Hense Moor, Luppit parish


A small pit, probably a former extractive pit of post-medieval to 19th century date, was visible on aerial photographs of the 1940s onwards as an earthwork on Hense Moor, Luppit parish. The pit was probably previously recorded as a possible ring cairn.


Grid Reference:ST 178 084
Map Sheet:ST10NE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishLuppitt
DistrictEast Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishLUPPITT

Protected Status

  • SHINE: Prehistoric hut circle or barrow north east of Turf House

Other References/Statuses

  • National Record of the Historic Environment: 188678
  • Old DCC SMR Ref: ST10NE/10

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • (Former Type) BARROW (Bronze Age - 2200 BC to 701 BC (Between))
  • EXTRACTIVE PIT (Post Medieval to XIX - 1540 AD to 1880 AD (Between))

Full description

NMR, ST10NE 10 (National Monuments Record Database). SDV130453.

RAF, 1947, CPE/UK/1974/2303-4 (Aerial Photograph). SDV130446.

Visible on RAF 1947 aerial photograph. Map object previously based on this source.

Royal Air Force, 1947, RAF/CPE/UK/1974, RAF/CPE/UK/1974 RS 2303-2304 11-APR-1947 (Aerial Photograph). SDV356127.

An earthwork pit with a circular aspect was visible.

Unknown, 1978, Untitled Source (Worksheet). SDV130444.

Possible ring cairn or hut circle on Hense Moor. Low circular ring of stones. Diameter c7m. There appear to be traces of other rings, banks etc in the area. It would be worth visiting in March as it is uncultivated bracken-covered ground. Site shown by Mr Arthur Salter of Cole Hill, Luppitt. Map object based on this Source.

Ordnance Survey, 1982, OS/82219 V, OS/82219 V 1626-1627 03-SEP-1982 (Aerial Photograph). SDV357675.

An earthwork pit was visible.

Simpson, S. J. + Noble, S., 1992, Blackdown Hills Survey Archive (Report - Survey). SDV338065.

The undergrowth in this area is high, however, there are more field boundaries than appear on the map and certainly stoney lumps and possibly wall remnants in a small enclosure at ST17850845. This area would profit from an intensive survey in late winter/early spring. See sketch in archive. Other details: Visited.

Salvatore, J. P., 1998, Ring Cairn on Hense Moor (Luppitt) (Un-published). SDV130447.

Site visit 24th November 1998. Cairn not located. Area now a mixture of rough ground and pasture with some evidence of stone quarrying. Site not recommended for scheduling.

Exeter Archaeology, 2003, East Devon Heathlands Archaeological Survey, 12, Part 1; 96, Part 2: Gazetteer, Site No. 352 (Report - Survey). SDV101648.

SMR records site of possible ring cairn or hut circle described as low circular ring of stones circa 7 metres diameter. Other features noted in the area include stony lumps, evidence of quarrying, and possible wall remnants in a small enclosure at ST 1785 0845. During field survey grid reference given for ring cairn (i.e. ST 1785 0840) lay under dense bracken and could not be investigated. Slightly further north, stony mounds, hollows and other anomalies were evident under the rough pasture in field at grid reference 17861 08439. The two most notable features lie to either side of, and seem to be partially cut by, a northwest/southeast trackway that runs through the field. To northeast of the trackway is an uneven low mound circa 8 metres northwest/southeast by circa 12 metres northeast/southwest. Cherty stones visible on surface, especially at southwest edge where eroded by trackway. Immediately opposite, on southwest side of trackway is a bank forming a ‘D’-shape, with the straight side aligned northeast/southwest. This feature is circa 12 metres northeast/southwest by 6 metres northwest/ southeast overall, with banks by 1 metre wide by 0.2 metres–0.3 metres high. Additional features include two small mounds lying 10 metres to northwest of ‘D’- shaped feature, and there are a number of other small stony mounds and hollows, some of which are probably the result of quarrying.

Exeter Archaeology, 2003, East Devon Heathlands Archaeological Survey, Site No. 352 (Archive - Survey). SDV358490.

Exeter Archaeology, 2003, East Devon Heathlands Archaeological Survey, Site No. 352 (Report - Survey). SDV359019.

Next Perspectives, 2010, Aerial Photography for Great Britain, Next Perspectives APGB Imagery ST1708 4-MAY-2010 (Aerial Photograph). SDV359490.

An oblong earthwork pit was visible. Map object based on this source.

Hegarty, C. + Knight, S. + Sims, R., 2016-2018, The Blackdown Hills AONB and East Devon River Catchments National Mapping Programme Project (Interpretation). SDV359463.

A shallow oblong pit approximately 7 by 12 metres in size was visible on aerial photographs of the 1940s onwards as an earthwork on Hense Moor, Luppit parish. The main body of the pit is roughly circular in shape and approximately 7 metres in diameter, centred on circa ST17850839. This is most apparent on aerial photographs of 1947. As the pit extends to the north it becomes slightly shallower in depth This aspect of the pit can be clearly seen on digital images derived from aerial photographs of 2010. The pit appears to cut the line of a narrow field boundary of probable post-medieval date. The earthwork is interpreted as a small extractive pit of post-medieval to 19th century date. It is not depicted on the OS First Edition 25 incha map and therefore probably passed out of use prior to the mid19th century. It is probable that the circular aspect of the pit was previously mistaken for the site of a ring cairn of later prehistoric date.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV101648Report - Survey: Exeter Archaeology. 2003. East Devon Heathlands Archaeological Survey. Exeter Archaeology Report. 03.26. A4 Unbound + Digital. 12, Part 1; 96, Part 2: Gazetteer, Site No. 352.
SDV130444Worksheet: Unknown. 1978.
SDV130446Aerial Photograph: RAF. 1947. CPE/UK/1974/2303-4. Aerial Photograph.
SDV130447Un-published: Salvatore, J. P.. 1998. Ring Cairn on Hense Moor (Luppitt). Monuments Protection Programme. Report on Site for which Scheduling is Not . A4 Single Sheet.
SDV130453National Monuments Record Database: NMR. ST10NE 10. ST10NE.
SDV338065Report - Survey: Simpson, S. J. + Noble, S.. 1992. Blackdown Hills Survey Archive. Exeter Museums Archaeological Field Unit Report. Unknown.
SDV356127Aerial Photograph: Royal Air Force. 1947. RAF/CPE/UK/1974. Royal Air Force Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). RAF/CPE/UK/1974 RS 2303-2304 11-APR-1947.
SDV357675Aerial Photograph: Ordnance Survey. 1982. OS/82219 V. Ordnance Survey. Photograph (Paper). OS/82219 V 1626-1627 03-SEP-1982.
SDV358490Archive - Survey: Exeter Archaeology. 2003. East Devon Heathlands Archaeological Survey. East Devon Heathlands Archaeological Survey. Mixed Archive Material. Site No. 352.
SDV359019Report - Survey: Exeter Archaeology. 2003. East Devon Heathlands Archaeological Survey. Exeter Archaeology Report. 03.26. Site No. 352.
SDV359463Interpretation: Hegarty, C. + Knight, S. + Sims, R.. 2016-2018. The Blackdown Hills AONB and East Devon River Catchments National Mapping Programme Project. Historic England Research Report. Digital.
Linked documents:2
SDV359490Aerial Photograph: Next Perspectives. 2010. Aerial Photography for Great Britain. Aerial Photography for Great Britain Aerial Photographs. Digital. Next Perspectives APGB Imagery ST1708 4-MAY-2010.

Associated Monuments: none recorded

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV3082 - Unnamed Event
  • EDV3083 - Blackdown Hills Survey Archive
  • EDV3084 - CPE/UK/1974/2303-4
  • EDV3085 - Field evaluation
  • EDV3086 - East Devon heathlands archaeological survey
  • EDV7508 - The Blackdown Hills AONB and East Devon River Catchments National Mapping Programme (NMP) project (Ref: ACD1228)

Date Last Edited:Mar 20 2018 1:10PM