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HER Number:MDV77277
Name:Possible Ring Ditch or Round House at Pin Court Farm


Possible ring ditch or large round house, identified by geophysical survey to the north of Pin Court Farm.


Grid Reference:SX 971 950
Map Sheet:SX99NE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishBroadclyst
DistrictEast Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishBROADCLYST

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses: none recorded

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • RING DITCH (Unknown date)

Full description

Sheldon, L., 2010, Land Around Pinn Court Farm, Pinhoe, Devon. Archaeological Evaluation (Report - Evaluation). SDV347870.

Evaluation undertaken prior to a planning application submission for a proposed residential development of the site.

A geophysical anomaly, indicative of a ring ditch, could not be targeted by trenching as it was located beneath the canopy of tree within the existing hedged boundary.

Dean, R., 2010, Land at Pin Court Farm, Broad Clyst, Exeter, Devon: Results of an Archaeological Gradiometer Survey, 12-13 (Report - Geophysical Survey). SDV344434.

The larger of two partial sub-circular anomalies adjacent to the southern boundary of field J, identified by geophysical survey. The morphology and dimensions suggest it may represent an archaeological structure, possibly a ring ditch or large round house, and requires further investigation. Other details: Figure 4, site 1; figure 9.

Wells, T. + Newton, L., 2020, Bronze Age Monuments and Iron Age Settlement at Pinn Court Farm, Exeter, 80; Fig5 (Article in Serial). SDV364781.

Only the northern part of the ring ditch, representing approximately two-fifths of the projected diameter, was exposed. The remainder of the feature, extending beyond the southern limit of Area 1 excavation, coincided with a modern field boundary ditch, hedge and adjacent service trench. The ring ditch had a maximum observable diameter of 14m. It was 1.85m wide and up to 0.6m deep with moderately sloping, straight sides and a flat base. No intrinsically datable finds were recovered from the feature, except a single tiny sherd (2g) of probably prehistoric pot. No evidence for a remnant mound or bank was apparent witin either the fill sequence or the baulk at the edge of excavation.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV344434Report - Geophysical Survey: Dean, R.. 2010. Land at Pin Court Farm, Broad Clyst, Exeter, Devon: Results of an Archaeological Gradiometer Survey. Southwest Archaeology Report. 100210. A4 Stapled + Digital. 12-13. [Mapped feature: #104248 ]
SDV347870Report - Evaluation: Sheldon, L.. 2010. Land Around Pinn Court Farm, Pinhoe, Devon. Archaeological Evaluation. Cotswold Archaeology Report. 10185. Digital + A4.
SDV364781Article in Serial: Wells, T. + Newton, L.. 2020. Bronze Age Monuments and Iron Age Settlement at Pinn Court Farm, Exeter. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 78. Paperback Volume. 80; Fig5.

Associated Monuments: none recorded

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV4608 - Archaeological Gradiometer Survey at Pin Court Farm, Broad Clyst, Exeter

Date Last Edited:Mar 23 2022 1:57PM