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HER Number:MDV77306
Name:Possible Field or Enclosure Boundaries at Pincourt Farm


A group of possible field or enclosure boundaries identified by geophysical survey to the north of Pincourt Farm.


Grid Reference:SX 968 948
Map Sheet:SX99SE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishBroadclyst
DistrictEast Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishPINHOE

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses: none recorded

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • BOUNDARY (Unknown date)

Full description

Sheldon, L., 2010, Land Around Pinn Court Farm, Pinhoe, Devon. Archaeological Evaluation (Report - Evaluation). SDV347870.

Evaluation undertaken prior to a planning application submission for a proposed residential development of the site.

A trench (33) was placed across one of these linear anomalies depicted by the geophysical survey, aligned north-east south-west. A narrow, shallow ditch was located towards the southern end of the trench. It had a steep northern side, a gently sloping southern side and a concave base. It contained a single fill from which an abraded sherd of Late Iron Age pottery was recovered. Environmental sample recovered from the fill of this feature identified quantities of fired clay, coal, burnt flint, charcoal, magnetic material and carbonised seeds. Its location coincided with a linear anomaly

A further trench (34) was placed across another part of these linear anomalies aligned north-south. In the eastern quarter of this trench was a parallel north-south orientated ditch. The fill of this ditch contained no dating material. Another ditch was also identified to the east of this (see MDV77281).

Both ditches correlate with a field boundary depicted on the Pinhoe tithe map of 1841.

Dean, R., 2010, Land at Pin Court Farm, Broad Clyst, Exeter, Devon: Results of an Archaeological Gradiometer Survey, 12-13 (Report - Geophysical Survey). SDV344434.

One of a number of complex linear anomaly patterns, identified by geophysical survey to the north of Pin Court Farm, which are likely to represent more than one phase of cut features and earthen banks with possible archaeological significance. Field and enclosure boundaries are archaeological features typically defined by such anomaly patterns. Other details: Figure 4, site 21.

Wells, T. + Newton, L., 2020, Bronze Age Monuments and Iron Age Settlement at Pinn Court Farm, Exeter, 87, 89; Fis 2, 6 (Article in Serial). SDV364781.

The penannular gullies in Area 5 (MDV77292 and MDV77297) appeared to be enclosed to the north and east by a pair of undated linear ditches, 5114 and 5052. The west-south-west to east-north-east aligned gully (5114) to the north of the penannular features was discontinuous, being formed of four individual sections. This extended for at least 40m and continued beyond the eastern limit of excavation. It was up to 0.45m wide and 0.26m deep. Its south-south-east to north-north-west counterpart (5052) lay parallel to the eastern edge of Area 5, continuing beyond the limit of excavation in both directions. This gully was up to 0.6m wide, and of a similar depth to ditch 5114. No datable finds were recovered from either gully. It was uncertain whether they were contemporary, and associated with the penannular gullies. An alternative interpretation is that they may belong to the same phase of (possibly Middle Bronze Age) land division as the field system SDV77284.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV344434Report - Geophysical Survey: Dean, R.. 2010. Land at Pin Court Farm, Broad Clyst, Exeter, Devon: Results of an Archaeological Gradiometer Survey. Southwest Archaeology Report. 100210. A4 Stapled + Digital. 12-13. [Mapped feature: #104274 ]
SDV347870Report - Evaluation: Sheldon, L.. 2010. Land Around Pinn Court Farm, Pinhoe, Devon. Archaeological Evaluation. Cotswold Archaeology Report. 10185. Digital + A4.
SDV364781Article in Serial: Wells, T. + Newton, L.. 2020. Bronze Age Monuments and Iron Age Settlement at Pinn Court Farm, Exeter. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 78. Paperback Volume. 87, 89; Fis 2, 6.

Associated Monuments: none recorded

Associated Finds

  • FDV5503 - SHERD (Late Iron Age - 100 BC to 42 AD)
  • FDV5502 - TOBACCO PIPE (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1750 AD)

Associated Events

  • EDV4608 - Archaeological Gradiometer Survey at Pin Court Farm, Broad Clyst, Exeter
  • EDV5328 - Evaluation of Land Around Pinn Court Farm, Pinhoe (Ref: 10185)

Date Last Edited:Apr 25 2023 1:28PM