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HER Number: | MDV77359 |
Name: | Barn, Ford Farm, Membury |
A small, circa 18th century barn of local rubble stone with cart doors on either side. Pantile roof.
Grid Reference: | ST 272 053 |
Map Sheet: | ST20NE |
Admin Area | Devon |
Civil Parish | Membury |
District | East Devon |
Ecclesiastical Parish | MEMBURY |
Protected Status
Other References/Statuses
- Old Listed Building Ref (II): 88049
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- BARN (Built, XVIII - 1701 AD to 1800 AD (Between))
Full description
Clements, H. A., Report on Buildings at Risk in the Devon Part of the Blackdown Hills, 22, 73, 94 (Report - non-specific). SDV344049.
Risk level 3. Poor condition (B.A.R. 2.1.3). Other details: Photo.
Devon County Council, 1997-2002, Buildings at Risk Survey in the Devon Part of the Blackdown Hills AONB (Un-published). SDV344048.
Small 18th century barn of local rubble stone with a pantile roof, cart doors on either side.
Site visits 1997 and 1998. Has planning permission for conversion but owners to be advised that grant may be available for repair rather than conversion. Other details: Photos.
Devon and Somerset County Councils, 2000-2002, Historic Farmsteads Database, BH144.2 (Machine readable data file). SDV349681.
Barn. Threshing barn. The threshing barn is built down a terraced slope, with access to the front threshing door from the upper terrace. The ground falls away to the rear and steps down to the lower terrace to the west. The rear of the barn is built on a plinth. In the mid-19th century, a stone rubble granary was built against the lower (west) end of the barn. Rubble stone, brick / concrete block repairs; sandstone walls. Sandstone dressings and quoins. Some brick repairs around front doorway. The west gable end is rebuilt in concrete block. Pantile roof. Double tile. A-frame. 5-bays. Gable-ended roof. A-frames on longitudinal pads, with plain, mortise and tenon apexes, held with single pegs. Plain lap-jointed collars held with pegs with shaped heads. 2 sets of trenched purlins. The collars have notches for the lower purlins. Ridgeboard. Loading hatch; opposing doors to threshing floor. Full-height double doorways with plain frames combining one full height door and one two-flap door, all plank and ledge, held on strap hinges with circular finials. There is a loading hatch in the east gable end, and a blocked hatch in the west end. Cobble floor; threshing floor. Remains of a cobble floor. Threshing floor is comprised of reused timber baulks for planks. Along the rear wall, west of the doorway, there is a raised platform, about 200mm above the floor with sturdy planks on top. Function unknown. Currently disused.
Thorp, J., 2003, Ford Farm, BH144013 (Ground Photograph). SDV351991.
Thorp, J., 2003, Ford Farm, BH144014, BH144021-BH144022 (Un-published). SDV351992.
English Heritage, 2010, Historic Houses Register (List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest). SDV154869.
Barn approximately 20 yards north-east of Ford Farmhouse. Circa 18th century. Small barn. Stone rubble. Tiled roof with gabled ends. Cart entrances at centre on each side. Lower level two storey part at west end. Included for group value. Date listed 19th October 1984.
Ordnance Survey, 2013, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV350786.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV154869 | List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest: English Heritage. 2010. Historic Houses Register. Historic Houses Register. Website. |
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SDV344048 | Un-published: Devon County Council. 1997-2002. Buildings at Risk Survey in the Devon Part of the Blackdown Hills AONB. Buildings at Risk Survey in the Devon Part of the Blackdown Hills AONB. Mixed Archive Material + Digital. |
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SDV344049 | Report - non-specific: Clements, H. A.. Report on Buildings at Risk in the Devon Part of the Blackdown Hills. Devon County Council Report. A4 Comb Bound + Digital. 22, 73, 94. |
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SDV349681 | Machine readable data file: Devon and Somerset County Councils. 2000-2002. Historic Farmsteads Database. BH144.2. |
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SDV350786 | Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2013. MasterMap. Ordnance Survey Digital Mapping. Digital. [Mapped feature: #104323 ] |
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SDV351991 | Ground Photograph: Thorp, J.. 2003. Ford Farm. Blackdown Hills Historic Farmstead Survey. Digital. BH144013. |
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SDV351992 | Un-published: Thorp, J.. 2003. Ford Farm. Blackdown Hills Historic Farmstead Survey. Digital. BH144014, BH144021-BH144022. |
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Associated Monuments
MDV104775 | Part of: Ford Farm (Monument) |
MDV104778 | Related to: Cart Shed, Ford Farm (Building) |
MDV104780 | Related to: Cattleshed, Ford Farm (Building) |
MDV22282 | Related to: Farmhouse, Ford Farm (Building) |
MDV104776 | Related to: Granary, Ford Farm (Building) |
MDV104779 | Related to: Pigsty, Ford Farm (Building) |
MDV27138 | Related to: Stables, Ford Farm (Building) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events
- EDV4580 - Buildings at Risk Survey
- EDV4654 - Buildings at Risk Re-Survey
Date Last Edited: | May 14 2015 9:23AM |
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