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HER Number: | MDV8680 |
Name: | Shiphay Barn, Torquay |
Roofless former grange barn. The barn which dates to the late 15th or 16th century is all that remains of the former grange which belonged to Torre Abbey. The site is now largely occupied by the 19th century Shiphay Manor.
Grid Reference: | SX 896 650 |
Map Sheet: | SX86NE |
Admin Area | Torbay |
Civil Parish | Torbay |
District | Torbay |
Ecclesiastical Parish | ST.MARYCHURCH |
Protected Status
Other References/Statuses
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX86NE/23/1
- Old Listed Building Ref (II)
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- GRANGE BARN (Built, XV to XVI - 1500 AD to 1600 AD (Between))
Full description
Devon County Council Conservation Section, Shiphay Manor Barn, Photos 181, 182, 360 & 431 (Ground Photograph). SDV362665.
Photographs of the barn.
Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division, SX86NE27 (Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card). SDV317643.
Site visit 18th November 1952. The barn is said to have been chapel in about the 12th century. The building measures 18.2m east to west and 7.0m north to south. The walls are 0.9m thick. It is built of limestone and roofed with modern slates. All the doorways and windows have ashlar work in fine red sandstone. The west wall is covered by a modern extension while the south wall has an arched doorway 1.2m wide and 2.0m high. The ashlar work bears no sign of antiquity. In this wall are three window spaces 0.5m high and 0.2m wide. The east wall has one arched doorway 1.0m wide and 1.8m high, and one rectangular window with probably modern stained glass, immediately beneath the apex of the roof. The north wall has arched doorway 1.8m high and 1.3m wide and has one window of a similar nature to that in the east wall, and two blocked in windows. There is no evidence of an ecclesiastical nature. The building, now used as storehouse, is in a good state of repair.
Everett, A.W., 1964, Ancient Barn at Shiphay, Torquay (Correspondence). SDV362668.
Everett, A.W., 1964, The Monastic Barn at Shiphay, 3116 Z/30 (Plan - measured). SDV362062.
Plans of the upper and lower floors, transverse (west) and longitudinal (north) sections and detail of west and north doorways.
Walker, H. H., 1965, Some medieval demesne boundaries in Torquay, 208 (Article in Serial). SDV317662.
The identification of the demesne land of the manor of Coletone with the site of the barn is discussed.
Everett, A.W., 1965, The Monastic Barn at Shiphay, Torquay, 157-60 (Article in Serial). SDV362654.
This barn was on the site of a grange owned by Torre Abbey now largely occupied by the 19th century Shiphay Manor. The barn is now all that remains. It is built of limestone rubble with fine-grained sandstone for the doorways etc. The roof timbers originally comprised nine pairs of collar-braced principals with three lines of purlins on either side. The principals are tenoned in to a continuous wall-plate backing onto masonry. The slate roof is in poor condition due to ivy, and once was probably thatched. The entrance to the barn is by a doorway with an elliptical head. The building originally had an upper floor and the lodgements with projecting sills for eight beams are to be seen in the side-walls. This upper floor was reached by a large doorway with an elliptical head in the centre of the west wall. It was probably reached by a wooden staircase of which no trace remains. There are three small window openings on the upper floor for ventilation. There are also three small window openings on the ground floor widely splayed internally. The elliptical heads of the doorways suggest a date of about 1500 for the erection of the barn. It may have been used as a granary or for the storage of wool.
Department of Environment, 1975, Borough of Torbay, 184 (List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest). SDV362418.
Medieval sandstone rubble barn. 15th century or possibly earlier? 7 bay roof in poor condition. Collar trusses with purlins. Splayed foot to trusses. Pointed chamfered doorway.
Hoskins, W.G., 1977, Medieval Barn at Shiphay, Torquay (Correspondence). SDV362061.
By 1977 the slated roof had been largely destroyed, and much of the late medieval roof structure has been lost. One of the principal doorways has had to be blocked up with breeze blocks owing to the vandalism. This has been acute, with stonework even torn out with the aid of crowbars. A temporary roof was recommended pending consideration of its future.
1978, Untitled Source (Article in Serial). SDV317644.
Article stating that the barn may be demolished.
Timms, S., 1980, Shiphay Manor & Shiphay Manor barn (Site Visit). SDV362658.
Site visit 25th April 1980. The barn is in the ownership of the County Council who have obtained consent to remove and store the roof timbers. The roof has now been removed and the barn is in disrepair and disuse. No record of the roof timbers were made before their removal.
Oliver, G., 2003, Chairman’s Annual Report 2003 (Article in Serial). SDV364246.
The barn is currently in poor condition, the roof timbers lying on the floor.
Ordnance Survey, 2021, MasterMap 2021 (Cartographic). SDV364015.
Building depicted.
Historic England, 2021, National Heritage List for England, 1206841 (National Heritage List for England). SDV364016.
Barn south-west of Shiphay Manor. [Roofless] Barn and adjoining outbuilding. Late C15/C16; outbuilding probably C19. Local grey limestone rubble, barn with local red sandstone dressings; outbuildings with corrugated-iron roof. The remains of the original [barn] roof have been stored in the adjoining outbuilding. See listing description for full details.
Date first listed: 14th February 1972
Sources / Further Reading
SDV317643 | Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card: Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division. SX86NE27. OSAD Card. Card Index. |
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SDV317644 | Article in Serial: 1978. Western Morning News. Unknown. |
SDV317662 | Article in Serial: Walker, H. H.. 1965. Some medieval demesne boundaries in Torquay. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. XCVII. A5 Paperback. 208. |
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SDV362061 | Correspondence: Hoskins, W.G.. 1977. Medieval Barn at Shiphay, Torquay. Letter to Devon County Council. Letter. |
SDV362062 | Plan - measured: Everett, A.W.. 1964. The Monastic Barn at Shiphay. Plan. 3116 Z/30. |
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SDV362418 | List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest: Department of Environment. 1975. Borough of Torbay. Historic Houses Register. 184. |
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SDV362654 | Article in Serial: Everett, A.W.. 1965. The Monastic Barn at Shiphay, Torquay. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 97. Hardback Volume + Digital. 157-60. |
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SDV362658 | Site Visit: Timms, S.. 1980. Shiphay Manor & Shiphay Manor barn. Unknown. |
SDV362665 | Ground Photograph: Devon County Council Conservation Section. Shiphay Manor Barn. Devon County Council Conservation Section Photo Archive. Photos 181, 182, 360 & 431. |
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SDV362668 | Correspondence: Everett, A.W.. 1964. Ancient Barn at Shiphay, Torquay. Letters to the Torquay Natural History Society. Letter. |
SDV364015 | Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2021. MasterMap 2021. Ordnance Survey Digital Mapping. Digital. [Mapped feature: #129627 ] |
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SDV364016 | National Heritage List for England: Historic England. 2021. National Heritage List for England. Digital. 1206841. |
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SDV364246 | Article in Serial: Oliver, G.. 2003. Chairman’s Annual Report 2003. Devon Historic Buildings Trust . Annual Report 2002/2003. A4 Stapled + Digital. |
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Associated Monuments
MDV123643 | Related to: Shiphay Manor House, Shiphay, Torquay (Building) |
MDV9672 | Related to: Torre Abbey, Torbay (Monument) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events: none recorded
Date Last Edited: | Apr 8 2021 5:27PM |
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