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HHER Number:4132
Type of record:Monument

Summary - not yet available

Grid Reference:TL 332 396
Map Sheet:TL33NW
Parish:Therfield, North Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Monument Types

  • ENCLOSURE (Historic: period uncertain - 410 AD to 1900 AD)

Associated Events

  • Topographic survey of monuments on Therfield Heath, 1993

Protected Status

  • SHINE: Therfield Heath ritual landscape
  • Area of Archaeological Significance

Full description

A series of banked and ditched enclosures, probably medieval or later pennings. Banks do not exceed 0.4m in height. Mutilated by golf course features in places <1>. As OS description <2>.

Beldam, Joseph, 1868, The Icenhilde road; Archaeological Journal 25, 21-45, - p38 (Article in serial). SHT1649.

RCHME, 1993, (Survey of Therfield Heath), RNO 508 (Report). SHT13097.

Dilley, James, 2005, An archaeological study of Therfield Heath (Royston, Herts), RNO 1783 (Unpublished document). SHT16880.

<1> OS Records (Index). SHT8223.

<2> Cave-Penny, Helena (HCC) site report, 13.2.86 (Unpublished document). SHT4214.

Sources and further reading

---Report: RCHME. 1993. (Survey of Therfield Heath). topograpical survey. RNO 508.
---Article in serial: Beldam, Joseph. 1868. The Icenhilde road; Archaeological Journal 25, 21-45. - p38.
---Unpublished document: Dilley, James. 2005. An archaeological study of Therfield Heath (Royston, Herts). RNO 1783.
<1>Index: OS Records.
<2>Unpublished document: Cave-Penny, Helena (HCC) site report. 13.2.86.