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HHER Number:43
Type of record:Monument


Mound within a small rectangular water-filled feature, possibly medieval but also possibly a prospect mound in a post-medieval formal garden

Grid Reference:TL 411 328
Map Sheet:TL43SW
Parish:Anstey, East Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Monument Types

  • MOAT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1500 AD)
  • MOTTE? (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1500 AD)
  • PROSPECT MOUND? (Post Medieval - 1501 AD to 1900 AD)

Protected Status

  • Area of Archaeological Significance 7
  • Scheduled Ancient Monument HT19: MOATED MOUND NEAR HALE FARM
  • SHINE: Two Medieval moated sites at Anstey Farm, Anstey
  • Sensitivity Map: moat and mound, hale hill
  • Scheduled Ancient Monument 19:10473

Full description

A tree-planted mound within a rectangular waterfilled moat. The moat measures 24m x 28m with arms c.3m wide. The mound has a rectangular base c.12m x 16m & rises to an oval top c.3m above the moat. There is a second L-shaped moat to the south <1, 2>.
The name Hale Hill apparently applies to the mound. Holmes thought it a small castle mound <1>; Renn considered it doubtful <3>. It is only 60m SW of the medieval moat [1946] at the late 17th century Anstey House [30423], and the 1766 map <4> has a suggestion of formal gardens. It is possible that this is a prospect mound within these gardens, and no older than the 17th or 18th century. Compare [46], a similarly enigmatic monument.

Ancient Monuments Field Report (Unpublished document). SHT8300.

RCHM (England), 1911, Inventory of the historical monuments in Hertfordshire, - p35 (Bibliographic reference). SHT9222.

<1> OS Records (Index). SHT8223.

<2> TEHAS,1945 (Article in serial). SHT684.

<3> Renn, Derek, 1971, Medieval castles in Hertfordshire, - p13 (Bibliographic reference). SHT9405.

<4> Dury & Andrews, 1766, A topographical map of Hartford-shire, from an actual survey… (Cartographic material). SHT3062.

Sources and further reading

---Unpublished document: Ancient Monuments Field Report.
---Bibliographic reference: RCHM (England). 1911. Inventory of the historical monuments in Hertfordshire. - p35.
<1>Index: OS Records.
<2>Article in serial: TEHAS,1945.
<3>Bibliographic reference: Renn, Derek. 1971. Medieval castles in Hertfordshire. - p13.
<4>Cartographic material: Dury & Andrews. 1766. A topographical map of Hartford-shire, from an actual survey….