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Name:Norman Manor House, Boothby Pagnell
HER Number:MLI30072
Type of record:Monument


Boothby Pagnell Manor House, originally built in the 12th century.

Grid Reference:SK 970 306
Map Sheet:SK93SE

Full description

The most important small Norman manor house in England, built about 1200. There is a 15th century window in the east front and the west wing roof and gables are probably 18th century and later. There is a moat. {1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}{7}

In 1992 an investigation was carried out to expose and record the stone floor, and any associated archaeological features in the undercroft of the manor house. Limestone, tile, cobble and mortar surfaces were revealed beneath modern deposits. The floor surfaces could not be dated, although several phases of construction and repair were evident. {8}{9}

The building has been re-interpreted as a chamber block built in stone that has survived the other wood and mud-and-stud constructions that originally were built around it. The long-standing assumption that it had been a first floor hall is erroneous. {10}

<1> Ordnance Survey, Ordnance Survey Card Index, SK 93 SE: 8 (Index). SLI2344.

<2> WOOD M, 1935, ARCHAEOLOGICAL JOURNAL, VOL92 P198 (Article in Serial). SLI341.

<3> J. Charles Cox, 1924, Little Guide: Lincolnshire (Second Edition), - (Bibliographic Reference). SLI896.

<4> Nikolaus Pevsner and John Harris, with Nicholas Antram, 1989, Buildings of England: Lincolnshire (Second Edition), pp.152-3 (Bibliographic Reference). SLI1062.


<6> Lincolnshire County Council, Sites and Monuments Record Card Index, SK 93 SE: H (Index). SLI2881.

<7> HBMC, AM 7, SAM 13 (Scheduling Record). SLI4191.

<8> Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire, 1992, Boothby Pagnell Manor House, Boothby Pagnell, - (Report). SLI1809.

<9> Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire, 1992, Boothby Pagnell Manor House, Boothby Pagnell, - (Archive). SLI10065.

<10> Coss, Peter, 2010, The Foundations of Gentry Life: The Multons of Frampton amd their World 1270-1370, p.21 and note 38 (Bibliographic Reference). SLI15443.

Monument Types

  • MANOR HOUSE (Medieval to Modern - 1200 AD to 2050 AD)
  • MOAT (Medieval to Modern - 1200 AD to 2050 AD)

Associated Events

  • Archaeological recording of Boothby Pagnell Manor House, Boothby Pagnell

Protected Status

  • Scheduled Monument
  • Listed Building

Sources and further reading

<1>Index: Ordnance Survey. Ordnance Survey Card Index. SK 93 SE: 8.
<2>Article in Serial: WOOD M. 1935. ARCHAEOLOGICAL JOURNAL. VOL92 P198.
<3>Bibliographic Reference: J. Charles Cox. 1924. Little Guide: Lincolnshire (Second Edition). -.
<4>Bibliographic Reference: Nikolaus Pevsner and John Harris, with Nicholas Antram. 1989. Buildings of England: Lincolnshire (Second Edition). pp.152-3.
<6>Index: Lincolnshire County Council. Sites and Monuments Record Card Index. SK 93 SE: H.
<7>Scheduling Record: HBMC. AM 7. SAM 13.
<8>Report: Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire. 1992. Boothby Pagnell Manor House, Boothby Pagnell. -.
<9>Archive: Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire. 1992. Boothby Pagnell Manor House, Boothby Pagnell. -.
<10>Bibliographic Reference: Coss, Peter. 2010. The Foundations of Gentry Life: The Multons of Frampton amd their World 1270-1370. p.21 and note 38.

Related records

MLI95212Related to: Boothby Pagnell Hall (Building)