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Name:Post medieval (?) Road at Filey
NY SMR Number:MNY12662
Type of record:Monument
Last edited:Feb 1 2021 10:44AM
Grid Reference:TA 113 807
Parish:Filey [4003]; Scarborough

Monument Type(s):

  • ROAD (Roman to 19th Century - 43 AD? to 1900 AD?)

Other References/Statuses

Full description

The following description is taken from the Yorkshire Archaeological Journal (1), a similar account is given on the Ordnance Survey Record Card (2) which appears to paraphrase the YAJ.

'Underneath the road which crosses the railway just out-side Filey Station, about 40 yards east of the railway lines' .

'In February, 1937, workmen of the Filey Gas and Water Company, excavating to repair a main, found the hard surface of an old road about four feet below the level of the present road. The road was paved with stone; but only a very small portion was uncovered, and it is difficult to be certain that it was Roman. The present road at this point is quite modern, having been raised some feet on both sides of the level crossing at the time when the railway came to Filey. No doubt it is on the exact line of an older road from Filey to Muston, and it seems possible that the hard surface found was this road; but it is equally possible that it was Roman'.

<1> Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 1938, Roman Yorkshire, 1937, p 100 (Article). SNY9730.

<2> Ordnance Survey, Various, Ordnance Survey Record Card, TA18SW5 (Card Index). SNY1.

<3> Humber Field Archaeology, 06/2008, Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey. Yorkshire and Lincolnshire: Whitby to Reighton., FY36 (Report). SNY12366.

<4> Humber Field Archaeology, 09/2014, Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment, Phase 3. Yorkshire and Lincolnshire - Project Overview and Thematic Discussion of Selected Aspects (Report). SNY20834.

Sources and further reading

<1>SNY9730 - Article: Yorkshire Archaeological Journal. 1938. Roman Yorkshire, 1937. Kitson Clark, M. p 100.
<2>SNY1 - Card Index: Ordnance Survey. Various. Ordnance Survey Record Card. Various authors. TA18SW5.
<3>SNY12366 - Report: Humber Field Archaeology. 06/2008. Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey. Yorkshire and Lincolnshire: Whitby to Reighton.. Buglass, J & Brigham, T. 2008/06/10. FY36.
<4>SNY20834 - Report: Humber Field Archaeology. 09/2014. Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment, Phase 3. Yorkshire and Lincolnshire - Project Overview and Thematic Discussion of Selected Aspects. Brigham, T. 2015/02/03.

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