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Name:Richmond Town Wall
NY SMR Number:MNY23555
Type of record:Monument
Last edited:Jan 27 2016 12:06PM

Protected Status

  • Conservation Area: Richmond Conservation Area
  • Scheduled Monument 34834: The Bargate medieval Gateway
  • Scheduled Monument 13277: Richmond Castle; eleventh to fourteenth century enclosure castle
Grid Reference:NZ 170 009
Parish:Richmond [1092]; Richmondshire

Monument Type(s):

  • TOWN WALL (Medieval to 19th Century - 1066 AD? to 1900 AD?)

Other References/Statuses

    Full description

    Conjectured line of wall (1)
    Remains interpreted as being part of this have been found (2)(3)

    <1> North Yorkshire County Council, 2000, Personal Communication (Verbal Communication). SNY6951.

    <2> East Riding Archaeological Research Committee, 1989, 2 - 4 Finkle Street Richmond Archaeological Watching Brief Excavations Areas A, B and C (Report). SNY7084.

    <3> Brigantia Archaeological Practice, 20/08/2002, Archaeological Monitoring & Recording at Bank Yard, Richmond, N.Yorks (Report). SNY6935.

    Sources and further reading

    <1>SNY6951 - Verbal Communication: North Yorkshire County Council. 2000. Personal Communication. Falkingham, G.
    <2>SNY7084 - Report: East Riding Archaeological Research Committee. 1989. 2 - 4 Finkle Street Richmond Archaeological Watching Brief Excavations Areas A, B and C. Finney, A. Printout.
    <3>SNY6935 - Report: Brigantia Archaeological Practice. 20/08/2002. Archaeological Monitoring & Recording at Bank Yard, Richmond, N.Yorks. Turnbull, P. 2002/09/20.

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