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HER Number:3041
Type of record:Monument
Name:Fynset Cross (also Finestone Cross)


Finestone or Fynset Cross stood in a hedge at Singlesole. It has a square base with an octagonal shaft surmounted by a capital, the rest is missing. It marked the spot where the Abbot of Peterborough used to hold a hundred court. It has been moved circa 100m to the east.

Monument Type(s):

  • CROSS (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • MOOT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • CROSS (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)

Protected Status

  • Listed Building (II) R06/583: Remains of Cross about 350 yds east of Singlesole Farm

Associated Finds - None

Associated Events - None

Full description

NRHE UID 351940
Listed Building List Entry Legacy Uid 50372
Summary description: Finestone or Fynset Cross stood in a hedge at Singlesole. It has a square base with an octagonal shaft surmounted by a capital, the rest is missing. It marked the spot where the Abbot of Peterborough used to hold a hundred court. It has been moved circa 100m to the east. Full description: (TF 25560699) Cross (NR) (Remains of) (1) Finestone or Fynset Cross stands in a hedge at Singlesole. It has a square base with an octagonal shaft surmounted by a capital, the rest is missing. (2) Finset Cross marks the spot where the Abbot of Peterborough used to hold a hundred court. (3) The hedge has now been destroyed and the cross moved to TF 2563 0699. See photograph. (4)

(Other) Sources
4.Field Investigators Comment: F1 JB 27-OCT-70
DOE List, Peterborough, pp216, 29, 24/2/82

People and Organisations
Compiler: JAMES BAIRD, 1970-10-27, Ordnance Survey Archaeology Officer, 14-SEP-1964 to 31-OCT-1966
Compiler: WILLIAM EDWIN JOHN MUSSETT, 1970-03-02, OS AO 04-MAR-1968 to 08-OCT-1981 (720)
Compiler: WILLIAM EDWIN JOHN MUSSETT, 1970-03-02. OS AO 04-MAR-1968 to 08-OCT-1981 (720)
Insert 2004
Update 2005

Sources and further reading

Map:Show location on Streetmap
---Journal: Davies, D.S.. 1914 - 1915. Lincolnshire Notes and Queries. 13.
---Cartographic material: 1953. Ordnance Survey.
---Index: DOE AM 107 (referring to RN 03040, St Vincent's Cross).
<1>Cartographic material: Urwick Smith. 1953. OS Corr 6in. 1903.
<3>Journal: WT Mellows. 1923-4. Peterborough Natural History Scientific and Archaeological Society Annual Report.

Related records - none