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Name: Pits near the Plummery Wall, Reading Abbey, Berkshire
HER Number: 01022.08.200
Record Type: Monument

Grid Reference: SU 717 736
Administrative Area/Parish:Reading, Reading, Berkshire
Map:Show location on Streetmap


Pits revealed near the Plummery Wall were probably used for gravel and chalk required in the construction of the wall and the North Gate.

Monument Type(s):

  • PIT (Medieval - 1101 AD to 1101 AD)


During archaeological works at least three pit features were noted in plan and two more were evident in the section. These features took the form of roughly circular pits, up to 3m across and 1m deep with irregular rounded profiles. In at least two, the remains of congealed mortar adhered to the sides and formed the majority of the fill. It is suggested that the pits are quarries or borrows for gravel and chalk required in the construction of the wall and the North Gate, and that the mortar is the residue from in situ mixing <1>.

<1> Trust For Wessex Archaeology, 1989?, Archaeological observations along the line of the Plummery Wall, Reading Abbey, 1987-1989 (Unpublished document). SRM13130.


<1>Trust For Wessex Archaeology. 1989?. Archaeological observations along the line of the Plummery Wall, Reading Abbey, 1987-1989. [Unpublished document / SRM13130]

Associated Events:

ERM493Forbury Roundabout, Reading (Ref: W181)

Associated Monuments

MRD1383Precinct Wall - Reading Abbey, Reading, Berkshire (Monument)

Associated Finds:

  • None