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Name: Grave at Greyfriars, Friar Street, Reading, Berkshire
HER Number: MRM16548
Record Type: Monument

Grid Reference: SU 712 735
Administrative Area/Parish:Reading, Reading, Berkshire
Map:Show location on Streetmap


The remains of a suspected articulated skeleton were discovered at Greyfriars Day Nursery during an archaeological evaluation.

Monument Type(s):


During an archaeological evaluation a mid brown silty clay deposit containing disarticulated human bones was revealed in a test pit at Greyfriars. A probable in-situ skeleton was discovered towards the lower half of this deposit. Also recovered were an oyster shell and a thick iron nail. A femur and pelvis were noted protruding from the southern baulk section, other human bone thought to be a humerus was also noted. No further excavation of the skeleton was carried out and the remains were covered and left in-situ. Although the bones had been truncated by modern services some of the bones seemed to survive in–situ. The burial might be assumed to be associated with the cemetery of the old Franciscan Friary located from c1282-85 at this site. However, no direct dating evidence was obtained from the burial and it could therefore have been later in date, perhaps associated with the prison operated at the site from the 16th to 19th centuries. It would appear that the skeleton was located on the edge of the cemetery as only a few pieces of disarticulated bone were found within the test pits located within the area closest to the existing eastern boundary wall of the site.

In another test pit located closely to the south a feature was observed which had concave sides and an unknown base, and was filled by a mid greyish brown silty clay deposit with CBM and animal bone inclusions. It was considered that this could have been the edge of a grave cut, but the limited size of excavations makes this only an interpretation. This may have been part of the same grave cut, which contained the suspected articulated skeleton <1>.

Previously two extended skeletons were found during the digging of foundations for the new Greyfriars Vicarage to the west (HER record 02113.12.100) <2>.

<1> John Moore Heritage Services, 2011, Archaeological Test Pits and Watching Brief at The Greyfriars Day Nursery, 64 Friar Street, Reading (Unpublished document). SRM14253.

<2> Berkshire Archaeological Society, 1963-4, Berkshire Archaeological Journal, Page 106 (Journal). SRD6877.


<1>John Moore Heritage Services. 2011. Archaeological Test Pits and Watching Brief at The Greyfriars Day Nursery, 64 Friar Street, Reading. [Unpublished document / SRM14253]
<2>Berkshire Archaeological Society. 1963-4. Berkshire Archaeological Journal. 61. Page 106. [Journal / SRD6877]

Associated Events:

ERM1267The Greyfriars Day Nursery, 64 Friar Street, Reading (Ref: RGFS10)

Associated Monuments

MRD3938Greyfriars - Reading, Berkshire (Monument)
MRD4467Graves at Greyfriars Vicarage, Reading, Berkshire (Monument)

Associated Finds:

  • FRM13037 - HUMAN REMAINS (Unknown date)